Disgusting, empathy-free point-scoring on drug deaths

In Home Office Questions today, SNP MP Allan Dorans, asked the Minister, Kit Malthouse, about the largest review ever undertaken, of 349 research studies, from across the globe, carried out by the Centre for Criminology at the University in South Wales in 2017, which found that ‘safe’ or ‘supervised’ injection rooms significantly reduced drug deaths, and urged him to allow pilot studies in Scotland.

The Minister chose, instead, to ignore the evidence of what clearly works, indulged in a sneering and insensitive jibe about drug deaths being more than three times higher in Scotland than in other parts of the UK, rejected the request, and suggested that Dorans and his colleagues support instead a range of measures which have not been proven to work, anywhere.

You have to wonder if they cherish Scotland’s drug deaths, deprived as they are of any other opportunities to claim anything at all is better in England under their management.


The Welsh research review found drug-related harms, dramatically cut mortality and offered a range of benefits for the wider population, in terms of reduced crime, nuisance in public spaces, violence and trafficking. Will the minister pay heed to this overwhelming evidence and at the very least support a pilot facility in Scotland?

10 thoughts on “Disgusting, empathy-free point-scoring on drug deaths

  1. Disgusting is correct. And yes I believe britnats like Malthouse see it as imperative that they do down Scotland and its people at every opportunity.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sturgeon cleared of breaching the Ministerial code.
    No doubt the Brit Nats will be furious, and the BBC etc will try to keep this going as a “scandal”.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. ‘.. the BBC etc will try to keep this going as a “scandal”.’

      Well the BBC News website is certainly trying to maintain a negative framing!

      We find this gem written by Nick Eardley, Political correspondent: “Sources close to Ms Sturgeon THINK this is a complete vindication for her.” (my emphasis)

      Is this duplicitous, agenda driven or just very sloppy? Mr Eardley should read the conclusions of the report again. There is no need for anyone to THINK this is a complete vindication, the report’s conclusions are crystal clear!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. “The Minister chose, instead, to ignore the evidence of what clearly works” – What’s abnormal ?
    “..indulged in a sneering and insensitive jibe about drug deaths being more than three times higher in Scotland than in other parts of the UK” – Again, what’s abnormal ?

    You have to remember that Malt Kithouse that well known spelling error with all his colleagues are in control of published figures, as the Covid pandemic has elegantly exampled.
    Does England have a massive drugs problem ? Undoubtedly. Will the figures show that ? Over somebody else’s dead body.

    Illicit drugs and money are inseparable, Tories and money are inseparable, seems fairly obvious why “at the very least support a pilot facility in Scotland” is not going no happen, and Michael (Marching-Powder) Gove will ensure Tory Policy will endure…..
    After all, who needs experts…

    Liked by 3 people

  4. You’re on a hiding to nothing if you expect empathy from a Tory, and anything other than a ‘corrective’ approach to law and order. Their judgement tends to be further clouded by a sense of moral self-righteousness, that’s grounded in an over-inflated sense of self-esteem, and a propensity towards cultural chauvinism. I blame their parents, who were probably Tories themselves, frankly.


    Click to access GCDP_2014_taking-control_EN.pdf


  5. It is the classic knee on the neck tactic to keep us prone. Keep us from taking positive action in this dreadful situation. It suits the Tory regime to have this srick with which to beat us.
    Another reason, for the good of our people, to be free from this strangle hold of a union.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Makes you wonder who allows drugs into Scotland, border control and marine policing are controlled by the English government. Scotland’s territorial waters are a free for all they are hardly policed.
    The SNP should shout from the rooftops about the disgusting refusal to allow (!) the Scottish government set up safe rooms, but with media being 100% anti SNP, the English government control the narrative as well as whether people live or due in Scotland.


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