The ’80 hours in an Ayrshire A&E’ story by Douglas Ross is exposed as fake news

Yesterday, Douglas Ross confronted the FM with his story of a patient waiting more than 80 hours in an Ayrshire A&E.

The FM agreed to investigate but today, before she needed to do so, someone who suspects the patient was his mum, blew the story out of the water:

23 thoughts on “The ’80 hours in an Ayrshire A&E’ story by Douglas Ross is exposed as fake news

  1. The Spud Murphy Strategy.
    Ruin your party and run off to England.
    DRossie is well on his way to doing this.

    Will the BBC run with this story?
    Tell the truth and shame the devil?
    No, no and no again.
    The BBC is fraudulent, British State propaganda outlet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They don’t have much longer to rain they keep thinking there going to win the next General election it’s going to be up to the people to get rid of them the damage the tory government has done will take years to fix but any party except them


  2. I always suspect these ‘cases’ that the blue tories and the red tories quote in the Scottish parliament. Unless you know the background the raw story is meaningless – as it seems this time.
    I can report, and can support what I say, that my husband became ill late at night, was assessed by 111 and had a visit from an out of hours doctor within a couple of hours. He was referred by his GP to the acute receiving unit and immediately taken into hospital. Cutting a short story shorter, he was tested extensively, referred to a consultant and was in hospital having a cancerous kidney removed within weeks.
    At all times he was given care that you could not buy because the people giving the care were dedicated and very good at their jobs.
    So Mr Ross try telling the truth and stop insulting our Scottish National Health Service and the people who work in it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Is Dross trying to sell private insurance. Where do they expect to get their staff from?. The N.H.S. under E.R.G. would be safe and get more money, voting for Brexit. English. Robbery Group!! Specialising in offshore manipulation. False P.P.E. and now help from Quasi !!


      1. Did all the billions from track and trace dodgy PPE from their friends ever get accounted for, how many tories have been charged with criminal charges relating to this.


  3. I note now disappeared off the HMS James Cook Scotland main page, and they’re frantically attempting to generate stories to bump it further beyond 5th place on the Scotland/Politics page despite articles growing cobwebs there previously…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The next time a SNP spokesperson is being “interviewed” on the BBC (whatever the subject matter), they should bring this up first. The SNP are far too soft with the blatantly corrupt media in Scotland.
    They should be doing this at least weekly and ALWAYS when they are live on air.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. In May 2020 I had a heart attack. The pain passed and I did nothing about it. I know, I was an idiot!
    5 days later I phoned 111 with severe and repeated unstable angina attacks. After describing my symptoms I was immediately transferred to a nurse who took a full history and sent paramedics, who arrived 20 minutes later (I wasn’t in any pain at that point). Not an excessive wait!
    An hour later, I was in an isolation ward being assessed and started on treatment. Diagnosed as apparently Covid free, I was transferred to the cardiac unit next day and then subsequently to the Golden Jubilee, where I was stented and released next day.
    Six days from admission to release. The staff were heavily worked but at no time did I feel let down, left waiting or neglected. In fact I was glad to be in the Scottish NHS and not the English.
    I just wish that people like Ross would stop using any opportunity to attack the SNP by weaponising the SNHS. It is insulting and demeaning to all the staff that work in it (including my wife who has worked full-time in the hospital throughout).
    Can the Presiding Officer censure Ross for misleading (I am being charitable) the Scottish Parliament and make him retract and apologise?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Is this a surprise No it seems That Tories have a record For lying It’s now time for the Presiding Officer in Holyrood to take action Against anyone found to be lying Expulsion for let’s say a month Would be a good start


    1. For the sake of accuracy the guy has since then said it couldn’t have been his mother as she was seen at Ayr Hospital, not Crosshouse. You can read it on his twitter account.


  7. At the start of lock down 2020, at 9.00am I called my GP, the receptionist noted my symptoms, (pain in chest and nausea) she asked me to hold the line, after discussing with the doctor, to my shock, she advised that an ambulance would be with me in 15 mins, they arrived and within 1hr 45 mins I had 2 stents and was admitted for 2 days test and recovery!
    These people are amazing and DRoss should be brought to task over his shameful comments that were blatantly untrue.
    Our Scottish NHS is by far the best between the 4 nations, and I know through experience.


  8. My 96 year old mum had a fall in May 2020. The ambulance was with her in 15 minutes. She had broken her hip. The care she received was wonderful in really difficult times because we couldn’t visit. Another fall in March 2021 resulted in another hospital stay. She was looked after so well throughout both stays. I can’t thank all staff concerned in her care.


  9. D ross is nothing but a lying Bully. He was a bully in school and has not changed one bit. He will lie to you whilst trying to sell his own mother for another £ in his English coffers. He is not a Scotsman. He is as Scottish as Blackpool rock


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