90% of Scottish businesses either plan to hire more or maintain staff levels

It’s been some time since I reported good news for the economy but, in the wake of the LSE report suggesting optimism for the Scottish economy after independence:

Here is the LSE report they don’t want you to read

This more immediate evidence from KPMG is encouraging. In Insider today:

As the anniversary of the first Covid-19 lockdown has passed and the rollout of the vaccine programme provides a brighter outlook, it is clear that Scottish businesses have also entered a new phase. Evidence from the Insider/KPMG Business Ambitions 2021 Survey suggests companies have indeed turned a corner in terms of sentiment. The survey evidence showed more than three quarters of respondents either plan to develop new products or expand into new markets in the next 12 months. This suggests that business decision-makers have moved out of ‘resilience’ or ‘just keeping going’ mode and are now focused on the ‘new reality’ and flourishing in the world as it is now. A further finding from the survey is that more than 90% of those that responded either plan to hire more staff in the next year, or at least maintain the same number of employees.


5 thoughts on “90% of Scottish businesses either plan to hire more or maintain staff levels

  1. Scotland has beautiful countryside changeable weather ( which people would miss )
    We have a progressive caring Scottish government
    A lot of universities
    A lot of schools
    A great Scottish health service
    All of these things help business succeed , businesses probably wont admit this but its a fact

    Housing is the one thing that urgently needs attention too many flats too many tenements too many young people especially young families with children living in rented flats with extortionate rents that often exceed what they would pay as a mortgage on a new house , their pay rates dont allow them to save a deposit of ten or twenty thousand that lenders require.
    Scottish government are helping with interest free loans but what we really need and will have when Scottish independence arrives is a national housing programme that builds houses not flats, houses one two three bedroomed with front and rear gardens this is the one thing that will lift our people out of the dowdy britnat way of living.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. “too many tenements” – maybe, but based on a wider European perspective of the equivalent of our tenements, perhaps not!

      See for example: https://homesandinteriorsscotland.com/2018/it-could-be-the-future-of-scottish-house-building-an-eco-friendly-tenement/

      “… it was only when he read Lesley Riddoch’s 2013 book, Blossom: What Scotland Needs to Flourish, that it struck him that the traditional Scottish tenement could be the model for communal builds here, particularly if these new homes were energy-efficient and eco-friendly.”


    2. Terrence
      To sum up in simple lay man terms there are only 4 main fundamental building blocks in order to achieve a high sense of well being along with sustainable sociological economic success and they are
      1. A education system fit for purpose
      I remind all that the word Educate is derived from Ancient Greek which means “To Free the Mind”
      2.A universal.free health service from Cradle to Grave
      3.A roof over everyones head environmentally friendly built to last and a high specification and to rent or purchase at a fair and reasonable price( Nationalise the vast volume of private land holdings )
      4.A healthy diet for all commenced at school then for the whole journey through education
      Do all this and ye shall enter the Promised Land
      I challenge any to say that I wrong
      And never mind not possible
      All that is needed is a WILL.to.do so
      And thats what i say to Westminster
      Try and bloody well stop us


  2. I’m glad that those businesses that were surveyed are optimistic, though it should be remembered that Brexit denies Scots have economic, social, and cultural rights, that they must relinquish in order to satisfy the political demands of right-wing English nationalism. Still, despite it already having paid for Thatcherism, we’ve still got plenty of oil, so Westminster can simply keep exploiting it to their hart’s content.



  3. Before business relocate they consider the relevant areas for their staff and progression. SNHS, Education and locality to countryside access have high importance. All relevant to Scotland. A happy, contented workforce is a priority. To reduce staff turnover and maintain service. It is good for business. Scotland has all those facilities. For firms to relocate and the traditional to expand.

    Food and drink, whisky, technology, oil and gas, renewables, Music, games and clothing tweed industry. Tourism, sport and golf. Fishing and farming. Finance. Scotland has a diverse industrial base. Self sufficient in food, fuel energy and water. Surplus 25% in fuel and energy but Scotland pays more. It is colder. Despite being nearer the source. Scotland should pay 10% less for parity.

    Brexit will have a negative affect. It has already. The Scottish Gov will have to mitigate Westminster appalling policies. Until Scotland can regain EU connections and membership. Scotland voted to remain in the EU and that must be respected.

    Vote SNP/Alba. Vote for Independence. Vote for EU connection and membership.

    Vote out the Tory/unionists trying to destroy the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish economy.


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