Ayrshire and Arran’s far superior cancer waiting time hits 81% within target

From Public Health Scotland today: In NHS Ayrshire & Arran, 81% of referrals began cancer treatment within the 62-day target. The Scottish average was 70.4% The average in Conservative-run NHS England was only 64.6% and in Labour-run Wales, a shocking 53.4%. Sources: https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/publications/cancer-waiting-times/cancer-waiting-times-1-january-to-31-march-2024/ https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/cancer-waiting-times/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clkez97p2jdo Continue reading Ayrshire and Arran’s far superior cancer waiting time hits 81% within target

Thousands in England & Wales waiting longer for cancer therapy than in Scotland

From Public Health Scotland today: 70.4% of patients started treatment within the 62-day standard. The equivalent figure for NHS England is 64.6% meaning that 5.6% of the 287 991, or 16 100, had to wait longer than the target waiting time than they would have had to in an SNP-run NHS. NHS Wales have made it damned difficult to extract the equivalent figures but a BBC Wales report puts it at only 53.4% for February 2024. Sources: https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/publications/cancer-waiting-times/cancer-waiting-times-1-january-to-31-march-2024/ https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/cancer-waiting-times/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clkez97p2jdo Continue reading Thousands in England & Wales waiting longer for cancer therapy than in Scotland

As the Herald compares us stupidly with independent never-conquered Sweden, the facts on Scotland’s cancer treatment times far and away the best in the UK

For full text with sources – https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/?s=cancer For full text with sources – https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/?s=cancer By Professor John Robertson Continue reading As the Herald compares us stupidly with independent never-conquered Sweden, the facts on Scotland’s cancer treatment times far and away the best in the UK

Cancer therapy waiting lists far shorter in Scotland – more than twice as long in Labour-run Wales

By Professor John Robertson From BBC Health in November 2022, a comparison of the performance in the 62-day waiting time target for cancer therapy, for the 4 nations. First NHS Scotland after 17 years of SNP-rule: The worst is 27% waiting longer than the target. The average is 21%. Then, NHS Wales after 27 years of Labour-rule. Every single area is worse than the worst in Scotland. The average is 43% more than twice as many. Northern Ireland? Appalling, and the average at 58% is nearly three times as many. England? If we can trust the folk managing the trusts … Continue reading Cancer therapy waiting lists far shorter in Scotland – more than twice as long in Labour-run Wales

Man dies of cancer after delays four times longer than target and police investigate the hospital but the Health Secretary gets no mention

In April 2021, we could write: 8 deaths in NHS England, police investigate, but no mention of Matt Hancock after BBC Lancashire wrote: A police investigation into the neglect of patients at a hospital is now examining eight deaths, the BBC has discovered. A coroner has been asked to review the deaths at Blackpool Victoria Infirmary, which all happened in late 2018. A separate and unrelated murder investigation into the death of another patient is ongoing. before failing to even mention the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, while in 2019, SNP Health Secretary was fully exposed (above) for allegedly concealing an infection death though … Continue reading Man dies of cancer after delays four times longer than target and police investigate the hospital but the Health Secretary gets no mention

Deadly cancer treatment delays significantly less common in NHS Scotland

By Professor John Robertson Thanks to Dottie for alerting me to this: In the Guardian, today: The first report, by Cancer Research UK, found that 382,000 cancer patients in England were not treated on time since 2015. The charity investigated how many patients had begun treatment 62 days or longer after being urgently referred for suspected cancer. The national NHS target – under which at least 85% of people should start treatment within 62 days – was last met in December 2015. For some reason, the actual figure for those starting treatment on time is not quoted. For the period 1 October … Continue reading Deadly cancer treatment delays significantly less common in NHS Scotland

As BBC Reporting Scotland campaign on cancer care, the facts about the best and best staffed service in the UK

Read the facts, fully sourced, at: https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/?s=cancer+waiting+times Read the facts, fully sourced, at: https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/page/2/?s=radiog Read the facts, fully sourced, at: https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/page/2/?s=radiol Continue reading As BBC Reporting Scotland campaign on cancer care, the facts about the best and best staffed service in the UK

NHS England’s shocking cancer care as SIX trusts ‘drop into most challenged group’ and thousands of cancer patients wait more than 65 weeks

By Professor John Robertson From HSJ, the Health Service Journal, today: Six more trusts have dropped into the “tier 1” group for the most challenged providers for their elective or cancer performance. James Paget University Hospitals is now in tier 1 for both cancer and electives having previously been in tier 2 for both categories. Milton Keynes University Hospital, Lewisham and Greenwich and Portsmouth Hospitals University have been escalated to tier 1 for elective performance (See table 1: Trusts in tiers for 2024-25 quarter one). Liverpool Women’s Hospital and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole have been placed in tier 1 for cancer. … Continue reading NHS England’s shocking cancer care as SIX trusts ‘drop into most challenged group’ and thousands of cancer patients wait more than 65 weeks

‘Stranded and dying’: Canadian cancer patient’s family calls for improvements to ferry service

From CTV News, Vancouver, yesterday: Gracie MacDonald snapped a photo of her brother on a sailing boat a Good Samaritan was using to take them from Denman Island to the closest hospital on Vancouver Island never suspecting it would be the last image of his life. He died hours later at North Island Hospital Comox Valley. Andy MacDonald was terminally ill with cancer but hadn’t expected to succumb within months of his surprise diagnosis, and none of the family had anticipated it would be a scramble to get him to the hospital after the cable ferry broke down yet again … Continue reading ‘Stranded and dying’: Canadian cancer patient’s family calls for improvements to ferry service

Cancer rate growth among under-50s in Scotland increasing by less than 1%

From the Guardian’s Chicago health editor (?) today: The number of people under 50 being diagnosed with cancer in the UK [sic] has risen 24% in two decades, a sharper increase than any other age group, according to figures experts say are likely linked to soaring obesity levels, cheap junk food and inactivity. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/02/cancer-rates-under-50s-rise-24-percent-obesity-junk-food-inactivity From Public Health Scotland in March 2023 (latest data), in the 5 year period 2017/2021, there were 15 527 cases among those 0-49 years and in the period 2016/2020, there were 15 403. https://publichealthscotland.scot/publications/cancer-incidence-in-scotland/cancer-incidence-in-scotland-to-december-2021/ That’s a statistically insignificant increase of 124 or 0.8%, less than 1%. … Continue reading Cancer rate growth among under-50s in Scotland increasing by less than 1%