Does new Labour MP know about Scottish Labour’s support for human rights


Tory MP Natalie Elphicke has crossed over, as in defected, to the Labour party……

If you do not know who she is then she was the former wife of Tory MP Charlie Elphicke, who was jailed for sexual assault in 2020, so she then stood in the same seat as her husband once had when he stood down as the MP for that area after he was charged with three counts of sexual assault against two women …..and she was then elected in 2019 as the new Tory MP for Dover… rosette obviously won that election….

She spoke out in support of her then husband’s appeal against the conviction and sentencing, where she said she knew he had “behaved badly” (hardly an appropriate description for behaviour via sexual assaults on two women)…..she thought the sentence was “excessive” and criticised the court as being “on a bit of a mission”….obviously she assumed the rules for Tories and rules for others, had this time, not been complied with via the Court system.

In July 2021, she was one of five MPs found to have breached their code of conduct by the Commons select Committee on standards for “attempting to influence senior judges in November 2020 in her husband’s sentencing appeal after his conviction for sexual assault”……The committee recommended that Elphicke and two other MPs receive a one-day suspension from parliament. She apologised for her actions….and only got a slap on the wrist kind of punishment….for a serious action taken by her !

However there is more to her….indeed one could describe her as being ‘from the same mould’ as both former Tory MP, 30p Lee , who was another defector , but not to the Labour party…as he has been there already pre Tory party, but to The Reform UK party and also she is similar to the hideous current Tory MP Jonathan Gullis….via some of the same kind of rhetoric and lack of compassion and empathy for others less fortunate in the world that has been spewed out by all three of them….

Natalie’s speciality is ‘doing a Farage’ in bemoaning ‘Migrants in boats’ where she has been known to indulge in participating in a ‘Migrant watch’ at Dover….She supported the government’s controversial Rwanda plan to permanently deport asylum seekers to the central African country……she was also heckled by P & O staff, as being one of the Tory MP’s who voted for the employment law that allowed the fire & rehire of staff, during a protest at Dover when Ferry staff were issued immediate redundancy notices by P & O…….Open Democracy also noted that she was a member of the Tory party’s infamous ERG which welcomes more right wing members of the Tory party within it’s membership than those other Tories assumed to be more liberal minded……she also campaigned for Liz Truss in her leadership campaign to be Tory leader…. so her judgement, as well as her morality, is not an asset for New New Labour party then….. yet somehow seems so appropriate….LOL

Indeed one could argue that she, Natalie Elphicke, was more right wing than the current Tory PM Rishi Sunak……yet she has been welcomed into the Labour party….the Q voters should be asking is why ?

The fact is this defection is not ,by any means, a positive for the Labour party…..this is a Tory MP who many fair minded voters considered to be an extreme member of the Tory party ,based on her outspoken and far from generous to others views, who has now calculated, via opinion polls, that her seat may be on a shoogly peg, thus as she has also realised that the Labour party under Keir Starmer is someone who is openly welcoming and embracing Tory ideology within his party then she knew there would be a place for her and those like her….to survive politically (perhaps) come the next GE…..under a Red(ish) rosette tinged with blue…..(she has also been reported previously as being less than complimentary to Keir Starmer as Labour leader and also has slated Labour as a political party….so her resolve, via her opinion, is also it seems very flexible dependent I think more upon how she assumes it will benefit her politically going forward via the next UK GE).

If Labour are welcoming people like Natalie Elphicke , as an MP into their party, then that is a sure sign that they , as a political party, are now discarding any false notion that they are a party for the working man or as their branch office pretend, as in them being in any way ‘socialist’, in their policies and future direction as political party and as (perhaps) the next UK government…..or are they, Labour, so desperate for power that any rogue is given the red(ish) carpet treatment….to win over who in their UK ?…..more Tories as in other Tory MP’s and also very much more Tory voters…….while leaving all other voters behind and thus not represented by them as a political party……and too as perhaps the next UK Govt.

The BBC here are making much of the SNP being in supposed turmoil and disunity within their ranks…..while forgetting that Scotland is also (over) governed by a party (Tories) who are the UK government….and currently they, Tories, as a party are really the one’s in turmoil and disunity….that is now a total of three Tory MP’s defected to the Labour party…Christian Wakeford, Dan Poulter and now Elphicke…..will there be more that defect pre the next GE ?…and will the BBC here choose to promote them, the Tories, as a party, who also govern us in Scotland, who are the party who are in real turmoil within their ranks and too in a downward spiral in opinion polls….as many in the party are in opposition to who is their current leader… in Sunak.

Plus will that same BBC here now speculate and opine on how a party such as the Labour party could be ever considered by the likes of Natalie Elphicke as a suitable party for her to defect to …..considering her history, rhetoric and right wing allegiance as a member of the ERG …..but also why would the Labour party allow someone with her (bad) record to join them……surely some division will be generated in allowing her, Elphicke, to defect to Labour , via any Left wing minded MP’s in their party….Q’s Q’s….all of that though will , I suspect , not be given the same scrutiny or debate they deserve via the media in Scotland as the SNP are frequently subjected to by that same BBC here ….indeed especially via the BBC here……will the branch office manager be asked his opinion on this…..and how will the Labour party’s PR newspaper The Daily Record handle this…or do they have a #SNPBAD headline on hold to promote on their front page tomorrow to deflect and divert attention away from this…..very very BAD news for Labour !

Let’s be honest both Labour and the Tories ain’t as saintly as the media in Scotland often try to portray them (protect them) as being, either via their HQ’s or their branch offices…and also look how both of their branch offices behave towards the SNP as if they, Labour & Tories, themselves were members of parties who had no problems, division, turmoil and were politically squeaky clean……truth is you do not need to lift the carpet on either of them to see the dirt that clings to both of them as political parties !……but they and their media try to do a good job in attempting to sweep much of that dirt….under the carpet…..alas we on here, and others too, brush up on our facts and truth as far they, as political parties, are both concerned…..Amen to that…..LOL

Vote SNP in the next GE….unless you want to be governed by a Tory party… in the actual one or the new pound shop one aka New New Labour party… a UK government.

13 thoughts on “Does new Labour MP know about Scottish Labour’s support for human rights

  1. When I saw the news of this, this morning, my thought was that the Tories have an election winning strategy – they defect en masse to Labour (it is not proposing to do much different , anyway), become the majority of the PLP and then vote that it change the name to the Conservative Labour Party and they all stand on that platform in the General Election.

    Alasdair Macdonald

    Liked by 3 people

  2. It is very easy for Tories to cross over to Labour these days, THEY ARE THE SAME BLOODY PARTY, they stopped being the party for the working people decades ago, they are only interested in power, they only care about power and are willing to forego any scruples or morals that they had left……….they are a right wing party which makes it easy for Tories defecting to them, and for them to accept Tories in to their party….one in the same, as Tony Benn (I am not a fan) said


    I will be voting SNP, we must escape this madness once and for all, vote for Scottish Independence, a fairer society an equal society!!!


    Liked by 3 people

  3. ‘It is very easy for Tories to cross over to Labour these days, THEY ARE THE SAME BLOODY PARTY, ..’

    How far will Labour-supporting newspapers in Scotland like the Daily Record be prepared to go on behalf of the ‘precious Union’ to protect/shield the party that many left leaning, progressive folk in England are now calling LIMO – ‘Labour in Name Only’?

    This from today (8 May) : ‘Labour’s draft New Deal for Workers now “unrecognisable”


    ‘Responding to the recent New Deal documents sent to the trade unions by the Labour Party, the leader of Unite Sharon Graham said:

    “It looks like all the warnings Unite made earlier about the dangers of Labour rowing back on its pledges for the New Deal for Workers have been proved right. This new Labour document on the New Deal, issued to the unions on Monday, is a row back on a row back. It is totally unrecognisable from the original proposals produced with the unions. Unrecognisable. Workers will see through this and mark this retreat after retreat as a betrayal.

    This new document is turning what was a real new deal for workers into a charter for bad bosses. Labour don’t want a law against fire and rehire and they are effectively ripping up the promise of legislation on a new deal for workers in its first 100 days. Instead, we have codes of conduct and pledges of consultation with big business. Likewise, the proposal to legislate against zero hours contracts is watered down to almost nothing.

    In truth this new document is not worthy of discussion. All unions must now demand that Labour changes course and puts the original New Deal for Workers back on the table.”

    THIS EXCORIATION needs to be shouted from every vantage point and put in front of every Labour MP, MSP and upcoming election candidates. Maybe then prospective Labour voters in Scotland may be more open to acknowledge ALL THE OTHER U-TURNs made by Starmer’s Labour Party since he was elected leader. LIMO in deed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Remember Neil Kinnock’s Labour party with ‘Things can only get better’ well I suspect , that for Starmer & the current Labour party, chances are ‘Things are going to get a whole lot worse’…..all self inflicted of course…..mind you, to be aware of that, you really need to watch the UK news…..not the so called Scottish ‘nothing to see here with Labour’ news that many are subjected to watching and listening to every day and night…..though in all honesty I switched off their Scottish (INO) news channels a long, long, long time ago…….and also switched off their debate and political discussion programmes as well……

      I too believe that New New Labour are only Labour INO….Starmer has made sure that no red flag will ever be associated or displayed with his new version of his Labour party while he is in charge…..he has replaced the red flag flying with another flag , a Red ,White & Blue one, as he tries to compete with the Tories in a BritNat contest….to try and prove who is the most British nationalist party… in a display of fake supposed patriotism (also fake as tis nowt but pure British Nationalism)…..

      It seems that today his, Starmer’s, new Tory conquest has not gone to plan……but perhaps more eyes will now be open wider within Scotland on both him and his party ….indeed if there was any justice at all his party should ,and I hope will, tank in Scotland in the up and coming GE… hopefully now more people will realise that the “Change” Labour have been promoting in respect to them as a party, is them morphing into a new Tory Party …in all but party name….so no “change” then for the public really…..if they, New New Labour, are elected as the next UK Govt.

      Lets be honest the last thing anybody needs via the next UK government is a Tory tribute party replacing the actual real Tory party… fact Scotland needs no UK government at all but it does badly need it’s independence….we just need the penny to drop for more within Scotland before we finally achieve it !


      Liked by 2 people

  4. Came across this the other day……..sums it up perfectly!!! JB

    On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 7:11 PM Talking-up Scotland / Scottish media fact checking is like shooting fish


    1. Sorry I attached an image but didn’t seem to send it was this …….

      What if your neighbour told you you had to have your salary paid into his bank account instead of your own.

      What if he then gave you some of it back, but told you how you had to spend some it.

      What if, with the rest of your money, he bought cigarettes (even though you don’t smoke), a flash watch (you’ll have to ask him the time), & a sports car.

      What if then he didn’t have enough money left, so had to borrow to cover the extra, then told you that you had to help pay off the interest on the loan.

      And what if he then insisted that, because he’d made such a mess of managing your money, he’d have to carry on doing it.

      Would you put up with that?

      Then why should Scotland?


      Liked by 2 people

  5. This was not just a Tory defection to Labour….this was a Natalie Elphicke Tory defection to Labour…….

    They Labour party , but mostly Starmer, have shot himself in the foot here……

    Plus Sarwar & co are currently canvassing in Scotland for his party for the next GE… would be odd , considering this defection is all over most of the UK media, if the media here in Scotland did not raise this questionable defection at HQ with the branch office manager……..

    When I say “raise it with him” then I mean that they , the media, should be asking him some serious questions about this decision from HQ to welcome someone like NE into their ranks…..for the media to gloss over this in Scotland that then would reinforce what many of us have been saying….. as in they are protecting Labour from scrutiny and criticism, which given what seems like their stalking of anything and everything connected to the SNP, is then a clear indicator that they, the media, are indeed themselves uniting with Labour in canvassing for Labour candidates to win seats in Scottish constituencies in the forthcoming GE….. which then makes them, the media, as a force, obvious opponents to the SNP.

    Today’s Scottish (INO) papers…..the only front pages coverage on Starmer/Elphicke story as in this huge political story is via The Times who have a small headline on it….. as does the I newspaper also have a small headline on it and The Daily Torygraph also has a wee wee story in a section at the bottom of the page on this story but NONE of the other newspaper editions in Scotland have noted this story on their front pages as a major headline…..however plenty of room for John Swinney and his new cabinet , as a main headline on their front pages, that many of the newspapers are dissing as a new cabinet selection…..oh and a couple give a front page mention of Salmond slating the SNP as Scottish government in what he called “pathetic” re delays on A9 dualling ‘vow’ (I’m old enough to remember when they same newspapers were giving Salmond a front page headline where he was the one being accused pre, during and post his trial)……so there you go…confirmation that the current biggest UK political story being covered in all UK versions of TV news channels and many English editions of the newspapers is tactically being ignored by much of media in Scotland or relegated to a minor mention on their front pages…..even the edition of the Torygraph in Scotland refuses to acknowledge it’s significance as a huge UK political story in choosing not to give it a main headline on their front page….so what news are we in Scotland NOT getting where we are….or rather not being told is hugely relevant and significant as political news where we are… a UK GE year where one of our choices to vote for in Scotland is both the Labour party and the SNP……..

    I rest my bloody case….another one that proves how biased, partisan and useless the media in Scotland are…..against the SNP…..while protecting the opposition by obscuring any negativity associated with them……

    Read all about…..well not if you live in Scotland and want to read all about #BAD news connected to opposition parties to the SNP….but you can read all about it as in feast on a succession of #SNPBAD stories in their papers !

    Wake up Scotland….you are being played….by some of the biggest players around !



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