Not Better Together? Hundreds of County Lines Gang stories in a month but not one about the 55 groups operating in Scotland?

I have a Google Alert for ‘County Lines’ and every day I receive around 5 to 10 links to reports in newspapers across the UK, other than in Scotland.

Yet Police Scotland estimate around 55 County Lines drug gang groups are operating in Scotland’s towns and cities, from Dingwall to Dumfries.

When I search for ‘County Lines Scotland’, I get the above as the first three hits – a report by an SNP MP in a top international policing journal but ignored in Scotland and two posts in Talking-up Scotland.

There’s clearly something uncomfortable in this narrative for our MSM – Not Better Together?

5 thoughts on “Not Better Together? Hundreds of County Lines Gang stories in a month but not one about the 55 groups operating in Scotland?

  1. We really have to wonder at the silence over this when the opposition and the MSM are so quick on the draw when reporting drug deaths and Scotland having the highest numbers in the UK.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Deaths associated with the consumption of drugs is what the Scottish media and unionist parties and their ‘tame’ ‘anti drugs campaigners’ want. So, perhaps any story which might weaken the anti Scottish angle is ignored. If there were a public outcry this might lead to action which might lessen the number of fatalities this would blunt an ‘attack’ line and bring some credit to Police Scotland and the Scottish Government.

    Drug dealing is unfettered capitalism, ergo is a good thing. The Scottish media and unionist parties are in favour of capitalism. So, bad publicity is eschewed.

    Alasdair Macdonald

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  3. I found this from socialworkscotland…..Police Scotland 2019……….I couldn’t copy the link in but if you type in “social work Scotland county line gangs” the top search should be “Cuckooing and County Lines-Police Scotland” from 2019!!!

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