Encouraging research reveals Scotland not ‘worst in world’ for teen drinking and smoking but England might be

By Professor John Robertson

In the Guardian today, there’s some pretty bad news in the above graph regarding England’s 15 year-old girls, with a sharp increase from 2018 in the percentage having smoked. There’s some but far less so for Scotland, as our 15 year-old boys and girls, reveal a slight fall to stay significantly below the average in this WHO survey of 280 000 children in 48 countries .

For alcohol consumption by 13 year-old boys, the picture in Scotland is very positive with a significant fall from 2018 in the percentage having drunk alcohol. For girls there is a disturbing increase but the level remains below the survey average and significantly below the level in England.

How will our taxpayer-funded public service broadcaster with a royal charter obliging it to inform us, BBC Scotland, cover this news? A bit like the Daily Mail or the Sun, as you’ll see below.

BBC England – England tops chart:

Covered but in a restrained manner?

BBC Scotland – Scotland worst in the world:

Once more, the self-loathing, rotten cherry-picking of data to make Scots seem like they couldn’t run the show by themselves. Here’s what they say about alcohol use:

In terms of drinking alcohol, the Scottish figures are marginally lower than the rest of the UK countries surveyed. A total of 73% of 15-year-old girls and 64% of 15-year-old boys in the country said they had tried alcohol, while 32% and 26% of girls and boys respectively said they had been drunk at least twice.

Compare that statement with the graph above and wonder where they found those figures to generate that cringe.




6 thoughts on “Encouraging research reveals Scotland not ‘worst in world’ for teen drinking and smoking but England might be

  1. Well when you see and hear all actions during and after football matches
    It would not be a surprise to see violence spilling over on to general public


  2. yes we have seen this style of reporting so many times when reporting bad news about england it is presented as UK news but if ts bad news about Scotland ts presented as Scotland news.The same style of misrepresentation is used when reporting good news , any good news about england is reported as good news about england and glorified , whereas any good news about Scotland is either ignored and not reported at all or ts presented as UK or british good news.The corruption of the media in Scotland Wales Northern Ireland England is rife and in your face.


  3. The availability of the cannabis use statistic for Scotland may be very ‘fortuitous’ for the headline writer of the BBC News website’s article on Scotland. The same website’s piece on its main UK page which focuses on England tells us: ‘NO DATA ON CANNABIS WAS PROVIDED FOR ENGLAND.’ (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68884005)

    The article on England now only has prominence on the BBC News website’s ‘health’ page. At the bottom of the article, the BBC provides links to ‘related topics’ which include ‘alcohol’ and ‘cannabis’.

    The BBC News website’s article on the same WHO data remains prominent on the main Scotland page (at 1300 hours). And in the links to ‘related topics’ at the end of the BBC Scotland article – notably – there is NO LINK to ‘alcohol’, even though this is the headline topic for BBC’s equivalent piece on England. Why no link to ‘alcohol’ at the end of the BBC Scotland piece – unintentional omission or deliberate?

    In her ‘analysis’ in the BBC Scotland article, Lisa Summers penned this paragraph:

    ‘England did not submit data on cannabis use. The study shows that overall, cannabis use has dropped or stabilised in recent years.’

    Perhaps I’m becoming overly sensitised, but is that not an odd juxtaposition? Are we to take it that the second sentence is relevant to England? Her immediately preceding paragraphs refer to data on cannabis use in other countries that DID provide data: surely that would be the logical place to make reference to ‘overall’ trends, not immediately after a reference to a country which DIDN’T provide data! Deliberate attempt at obfuscation or just clumsy?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Spot on Stewart b

    This morning on Gms… Gary Robertson opened with “Teenage boys in Scotland No1 in cannabis smoking report” before..belatedly..mentioning The English report.

    So blatant.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Scotland is the worst country in the world for just about everything run by a government that clearly doesn’t care for its population- that’s why so many people have left to go to England where everything is hunky dory – at least that’s what the media wants us to believe – fortunately the majority see right through them


  6. O/T

    BBC website 27 March Headline:

    “Ex-councillor jailed for having indecent images of children”….guess the party ?….well you have a choice of 3 mainstream pro UK parties….but so you know he was a Labour party councillor.

    Today on the BBC website “Former SNP council leader in court on sex offences charges”…well you don’t need to guess which party this time…..as they, the BBC, are only too willing to tell you via their headline….aka #SNPBAD headline.

    As this happens time and time again via the BBC here then I am confident in stating that this is very much a deliberate act by the BBC…..who earn their name as the Biased Broadcasting Corporation as far as Scotland is concerned…..

    So basically readers need to read the full story on the BBC website to establish which party the person was a politician for…..when tis anyone from a pro UK party….but if anyone from the SNP then they, the readers will know, via the headline, before they even start to read the story on the BBC website..

    So why do this for only one party and not for all parties ?…..

    Why indeed….tis blatantly obvious….they, the BBC, will never change will they.


    Liked by 1 person

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