BBC Scotland and newspapers hide official evidence that thousands more taxpayers have moved to Scotland from the rest of the UK.

By Professor John Robertson

In the National today:

SCOTLAND’S annual net migration from the rest of the UK has continued to grow, with more people coming in to the country than leaving, figures show.
The latest figures from National Records Scotland (NRS) show that since 2010, Scotland’s annual net migration from the rest of the UK increased from 2909 to 8914.
In 2021, inflow from the rest of the UK was 14,400 higher (+34%) than the previous year, while 8900 more people moved to Scotland from the rest of the UK than left.

Tonight, STV covered the story at some length, opening with: Thousands more taxpayers have moved to Scotland from the rest of the UK.

BBC Reporting Scotland did not cover the story.

STV‘s website:

Not exactly headlining but BBC Scotland:

The newspapers – not a trace.

A major official release suppressed for clearly political purposes.

7 thoughts on “BBC Scotland and newspapers hide official evidence that thousands more taxpayers have moved to Scotland from the rest of the UK.

  1. Of course BBC Scotland is not going to cover it. Since the Scottish rates of income tax have diverged from those in the rest of the UK, the BBC Scotland fallacious narrative, which comes, of course, from the Tories, is that Scotland is ‘the highest taxed part of the UK’. And, further, BBC Scotland asserts that because of this, people, especially the higher paid, will leave for England. This is intended as further proof that an independent Scotland is unviable.

    So, to report a growing net annual influx of people from the rest of the UK into Scotland, would counter the BBC Scotland narrative. Ergo, it does not get reported.

    Alasdair Macdonald

    Liked by 6 people

  2. It’s not hard to imagine a regular editorial meeting in Pacific Quay every weekday at c. 1600 hours with a single agenda item: to review the latest Scottish Government press releases (they appear each day at around this time). Might it go something like this?

    “We’re here to rank the latest SNP press releases for likely attractiveness to voters. For those attending this meeting for the first time, the most attractive are the ones we ignore – obviously.”

    “Next, let’s rank the latest releases for their potential for .. well I suppose for shorthand we can call it gaslighting. The best of these are the ones worthy of further consideration as the basis of a news story.”

    “On any of these latter ones, can we source a negative quote from a Tory, Labour or Lib Dem politician and/ or a negative quote from one of those trade unions posing as expert professional bodies? Try to get something from someone prepared to use OTT language – personally, I quite like seeing ‘shameful’ in a quote.”

    “And don’t forget to check if we already have or can expect to be given a press release on the same subject from one of the above. No point in expending resource on analysing the Government’s statement and writing up a piece from scratch if we can copy and paste from someone else’s negatives. And don’t forget to use a photo of the minister which is as unflattering as possible. The picture editor’s assistant knows where the best worst pics are filed.”

    “Ok thanks everyone. We get through this meeting so quickly nowadays: it’s become so routine! I think we know what to run with. Last thing, make sure someone liaises with the producer of ‘Call What’s Her Name’ to max out the added value we’re bringing.”

    “See you all tomorrow afternoon – same time, same place, same agenda.”

    Liked by 3 people

  3. but who are these people coming to Scotland from the rest of the UK and why are they coming here , how many are working now they are here many taxpayers do not work.Are these thousands coming to Scotland , Scottish people returning home ? if not why did they come here , what is their nationality ? was it to take up a job offer or to look for work or go to university or to retire ? These are the important questions we need answered so we can fugure out if they are likely to vote for or against Scottish independence.


  4. They get some freebies and clean drinking water etc into the bargain as well…which is why most houses and flats selling in Edinburgh (like hotcakes I notice) will be being bought up by folks with spare cash from south of the border. Hope they vote SNP to keep their new found freebies etc, nothing against I was English once, but I do fear Scotland is seen as getaway from England, (post Brexit not so easy to up sticks to Spain or S. of France or wherever) but will they see Scotland as an independent country 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My thinking too. I’m seeing a lot of southerners reaping the rewards of the wee village I live in – ‘affordable housing market – c. £250K upwards’, nothing in comparison to the spare wads they’ll have from selling in the south and trying to impose their southern ways on Scots because they think it’s ‘progress’ (that word…). They get free prescriptions, quality water, access to dentists, opticians, baby boxes, fresh air and countryside, reasonable eduction and so on. The latter is most disheartening at the village primary when local parents are cast aside for the ‘newbies’. I have to say, many of the locals are most disgruntled, and not just with the school.



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