Scotland’s electricity transfers to England are worth $365 billion per year

Scotland is currently transferring 1.69TWh of electricity per month to England, more than 20TWh in 2023 and on some days (above graph) pushing 30TWh.

You could fully power 70 000 homes for 1TWh. There are fewer than that in the whole UK. With the rest, you could power all the hospitals, schools, colleges and universities and still have some left.

1TWh would sell globally for about $120 000 per hour, so on that basis Scotland’s 20TWh could generate $2.8m every hour or $1bn every day or $365 billion per year. So much for that £1bn SNP black hole in the budget?

61 thoughts on “Scotland’s electricity transfers to England are worth $365 billion per year

  1. This must be why prices in the northern parts of Scotland are far higher than anywhere else in the U.K. Much of the electricity is produced in the north of Scotland and has to be transferred to the south of England and then, notionally, some is ‘sent back’ to the north of Scotland. Ergo, prices have to be higher. Makes sense, doesn’t it???????

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Not true, the standing charge for each day is higher and is paid per day e.g. x365 whereas unit costs are lower in Scotland than in the south of England and average unit use is 2800 so a lot more.

      Liked by 1 person

            1. It’s the total bill to the consumer which matters – What may appear to be ‘similar’ unit rates soon show big differences when you evaluate kWh required for basic heat then add the standing charges and VAT.
              This severely affects more northern climes where colder temperatures increase demand and incomes are lower.

              Liked by 1 person

        1. The evidence is real easy Scotland has a population of 5.4 million ( 10% of the UK )and produce Wind, hydro, GAS, OIL, At this moment the UK is using 57.1 % wind to power the country in real time 11% GAS and 3% hydro now that is 70% most of that come from Scotland it give you a surplus of 60%. Energy Dashboard – real time and historical GB electricity data, carbon emissions and UK generation sites mapping google wind farms google hydro


  2. Yep and folks sitting with no heating on in Scotland, because it’s just too costly, tea lights take the temp up a notch or two I find but doesn’t dry the washing.
    Tragic that Scotland is so energy rich yet so many are freezing in their houses. The English establishment are very sneaky and sleekit, to put it nicely, or we could say they are blaggards and thieves, more apt. It would be nice to have a wee thanks from English folk sometimes, quite the opposite though isn’t it.
    SNP could stick this info on a leaflet, post through every door in Scotland, it would surely make some folk wake the heck up.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. They’ve been putting that on leaflets for years, get you lot still voted to stay in the union. Give it up, isolated stats aren’t going to change the truth: you’d be useless on your own.


      1. Actually, what people voted for was a raft of promises that haven’t been delivered (see “the Vow”). Not only have they not materialised, the devolution settlement has been systematically undermined ever since.

        Interesting that you seek to belittle “isolated stats”, when this particular one highlights how much Westminster’s finances would be impacted post indy; and this article flies in the face of your evidence free assertion.

        Liked by 5 people

      2. (‘You lot’ you say…do you mean your fellow citizens?)
        Anyway, hardly ‘isolated stats’ with yet another massive offshore winfarm on the Moray Firth under construction as I write.
        I do believe that’s what unionists used to say about Eire -“useless on its own” …and look at them now.

        You think that the cronyism, corruption, charlatanry, friends of Russia, puppets of opaquely funded Tufton St ‘think’ tanks and the non-dom right-wing billionaire media moguls plus the barely ex-UKippers who make up the current Tory party are doing a good job of looking after Scotland’s interests?

        They aren’t even looking after England’s interests… the shocking carnage of strikes meaning thousands of missed appointments and reduced care over months in NHS England because the Tory Government will not negotiate with NHS England medics fairly and positively. Almost as if the Tory Gov wants NHS England to fail, so that they can auction it off to its party donors and MPs, so many of whom have financial interest in doing just that.
        Contrast that disgraceful treatment with the way two successive SNP Health ministers have respected NHS Scotland nurses, medics and Scottish Ambulance staff, negotiated swiftly and fairly to avoid any strikes AT ALL in NHS Scotland. Well done them! All to the benefit of NHS Scotland patients.

        With all the benefit of that and an already better performing NHS service than that in England (and way better than that under Labour-run NHS Wales) together with a progressive tax structure and the likes of the game-changing Scottish Child Payment lifting thousands of families out of poverty, and more, it’s plain to see that the Scot Gov does rather well for its people, even when doing its best to mitigate Tory austerity without anything like the full levers of government which independent nations have and having to work within a strict budget.

        Liked by 6 people

      3. 🤣The truth is it would be you thieving lot that wouldn’t be able to manage. Who could you rip off to make a living. People in England would soon tell where to stick your bills.


      4. The “you lot” you refer to are the selfish middle and upper class well of and rich in Scotland..and also the malleable who were swayed by the shameful MSM bias and fear/scaremongering.


    2. Scotland is energy unreliable with limited and reducing baseload electricity supply with nuclear closing down and one gas station also at the end of its life. So left with unreliable wind power and pump storage hydro to try and keep the lights on. No wind then 12-18 hours pump storage capacity on its main units.
      Not a healthy position for any country to be left in and relying on gas and nuclear power from England to keep our lights on.


      1. Oh aye, the ‘unreliability fairy’….. When the wind and tides stop, then where will ye be eh…. Doomed ah tell ye, doomed n’ marooned….
        So that’s why England has all the continental interconnects is it…. Exports…🤣

        Liked by 5 people

          1. Ask yourself why you would think it isn’t ?
            Wind generators are capable of production at incredibly low wind speeds, and for all the guff about dead flat calms everywhere, no such events have ever been recorded in British nautical history.
            The bigger the wind farm and area covered the better to spread the risk of localised low speeds, the worst that would happen is reduction in exported (spare) leccy via England – That’s why HMG gazumped the Peterhead Norway interlink in favour of Blyth, to preserve total control….

            If they ever finally sort out the Orkney interlink, and upgrade the grid, we might finally see what what high capacity tidal arrays brings to the table.


      2. Aye just keep sending the hard earned cash from England, and get back to work! You lazy folk south of the border are letting Scottish people down by not sending more cash, I dunno why you keep Scotland attached on a lead, it must be heartbreaking to see all your cash going on luxuries for folk up there, terrible. But thanks, we love you! Just send more cash now! Now where’s my champers and Rolls Royce, butler, where are you! I dunno, you just can’t get the staff! Pah!


  3. Makes Scotland’s balance of payments pretty spectactular. We’ve had years of Scotch Whisky being cited as Scotland’s top export, lies then and lies now. Oil and gas and now electricity have been our top exports for 50 years. What words could we use to describe the level of theft of Scotland’s wealth. How much revenue would Scotland generate from $365 billion of export value?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. After 43 years in the Oil industry it never ceases to amaze me that Ignorant nats still push the its oor oil bit, its mainly located within the UKCS — read the TSA 1987 and Scotland Act 1998 both confirm Scotland’s territorial waters as 12 miles ——


      1. After 43 yrs in the oil and gas industry I would have expected you to have at least an understanding of the basics on territorial waters as defined by international law, Tony Blair certainly understood it as demonstrated by the transference of 6,000 square miles of Scottish TERRITORIAL waters to English territorial waters by an order in council, facilitated by the 1932 Act of parliament transferring unlawfully all of Scotland’s mineral rights to the English Crown, hence the reference to specified UK revenue from Scottish waters as Ex Regio.


        Liked by 2 people

  4. The value of Scotland’s electricity exports had an estimated wholesale market value of £4.0 billion in 2022, a 63% increase on 2021. This will be mainly due to large increases in the average price of electricity in 2022.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The annual figure John is 4b as above…
    There would be a lot more exported if it weren’t for the bottlenecks in the grid, lack of direct continental interconnects, and throttling projects in Scotland….

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Scotland 25% in surplus and nearer the source but pays more because of Westminster policies and bad management.

    UK raises £731Billion + council tax. Westminster is spending (+borrowing) £1090Billion. Spending £13Billion a year decommissioning nuclear over 10 years. £130Billion. It could increase to spend more as expense and prices increase. Unsafe waste dumped at Rosyth and all over the place. Contamination. Chernobyl etc. Too expensive, dangerous and filthy to contemplate. Not wanted in Scotland or elsewhere.

    Half of Scotland revenues and resources £50+Billion is decided badly by Westminster policies. Not voted for in Scotland. Unelected unionists parties waste £Billions of Scottish revenues. Wasted on projects and policies not voted for in Scotland, but by unelected unionist politicians in Westminster. No taxation without representation. No democracy.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Westminster gets half of Oil and Gas production. 30% tax. Higher when the price f Oil is higher, lower when the price is lower. On $120 a barrel. Oil was taxed at 80%. In the eighties etc the eqivalent of £Billions went south. Built Canary Wharf, (bankers). Tilbury Docks 26 miles of docks. Thatcher. Bankers fund the Tory Party.

    Nothing came to Scotland. All the manufacturing facilities were shut down. Linwood vans. Fort William smelter etc. Unemployment in Scotland was 15%. Violent social unrest. .Poll tax. Interest rates at 17%. Inflation at 15%. Devolution held up 20 years by the Tories. Devolution 2000.

    Labour illegal wars, Trident, tax evasion, financial fraud, bank collaterol cut from 25% to 13% reserves. Banking crash in the South under Westminster policies and mismanagement.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I just did a quick calculation on power consumed last year compared to what it would be were I back in North Scotland, including standing charges and VAT all in GBP, and a bit stunned…
    Scotland 626.42, Romania 263.21….. 42% FFS… Must be down to that war in Ukraine being next door eh ?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. My apologies, but screwed up not including VAT a 5% for the UK figure, it should have been Scotland 693, Romania 263, a mere 38%… But London got it’s “sovereignty” back, quids in right…. Whoo – hoo – For whom ?
      Intrigued since my electrical consumption has essentially flatlined for the last 6 years, I thought to calculate what the total energy cost were I to be living in exactly the same house in “northern” Scotland but with Romania’s Siberian climate in winter…
      UK GBP Gas 928, Elec 693
      Romania GBP Gas 485, Elec 263
      Total for UK living 1621, Romania 748, 46%…. 🙄


  9. Presumably that is profit for the generating companies rather than Scotland. Any benefit would be via taxation on those profits, so about 19% of £365 billion.


  10. There is a very obvious error in this article…the claim that there are fewer than 70000 homes in the UK (!!). It’s more like 27 million.


      1. “You could fully power 70 000 homes for 1TWh. There are fewer than that in the whole UK.”

        In fairness this is not very clear. It reads as though there are only 70,000 homes in the UK. It needs to be edited to make the actual meaning clearer.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. 27million households on average paying £2000? a year. Divide it by 10 (%approx of pop). 20% of corporation tax goes to Westminster Gov. Spanish Companies etc gaining the profits. Utilities sold off by Thatcher. Tax goes to Westminster Gov.

      In Spain electricity costs are 1/4 of the UK.


  11. I see maths is not your strong point. Wholesale electricity prices are around £110 / MWh or £110M / TWh.

    Sourced from here;

    Also, a TWh does not sell by the hour, it IS 1 hours worth of 1TW.

    £110M * 1.69TWh = £185.9M – is the total monthly export figure.

    This every month means £185.9M * 12 months = £2.23B a year.

    Wholesale prices have been a lot higher than they currently are, so that’s probably explains the £4B a year.


  12. “ You could fully power 70 000 homes for 1TWh. There are fewer than that in the whole UK. ”
    You think there are less than 70,000 homes in the UK? That means about 1,000 people per home?
    You think $2.8m x 24 = $1bn?

    Are you dishonest, innumerate, or both?

    Scottish education?

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Looking at ‘Money saving expert’, who has prices for energy on his website, it’s so nice to know that people in the country of London pay almost half for their electricity standing charge as people in Scotland, aww, heartening to know they are able to keep nice and warn and cosy. ‘Eastern’ region also paying much less, then all of England, including the midlands. Wales loses, they are charged the highest standing charge.
    Sp good of Scotland to provide their neighbours with electricity at reduced cost. Aww.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. There are quite a lot of statistical inaccuracies in your article I’m afraid. I think your understanding of the TWh metric is misconstrued throughout this piece. Moreover, I’m not sure your contention that there are fewer than 70,000 homes in the UK – I think there are around 26 million.

    The wholesale value of Scotland’s energy exports for 2022 (most recent data) was actually around £4 billion to all countries, for which Scotland will have received tax receipts from the energy producers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anonymous wrote:”The wholesale value of Scotland’s energy exports for 2022 (most recent data) was actually around £4 billion to all countries, for which Scotland will have received tax receipts from the energy producers.”

      Tax receipts from energy producers would be both Oil Duty and Corporation Tax, neither of which is devolved to Scotland and therefore goes straight to the Treasury. None of it will come back to Scotland via the Block Grant which is largely based on a percentage of Public Sector spending in England by the UK Gov. With them radically reducing public sector spending in England due to their delusional austerity policies, the Block Grant is reduced as a result and that’s why the Scottish Budget for 2024/25 was a bit of a hotch-potch of trying to spread the pain as widely as possible with reduced funds exacerbated by high levels of inflation.



  15. There are fewer than 70,000 homes in the UK? I knew we had a housing shortage, but I didn’t realise it was THAT bad…


  16. Hang on:

    “ You could fully power 70 000 homes for 1TWh. There are fewer than that in the whole UK. ”

    I don’t understand this. You can’t possibly mean that there are fewer than 70k homes in the UK. Is this a typo?


  17. In your article about Energy 4 Jan 24, titled Scotland’s electricity transfers to England are worth $365 billion per year, you stated:

    You could fully power 70 000 homes for 1TWh. There are fewer than that in the whole UK. With the rest, you could power all the hospitals, schools, colleges and universities and still have some left.

    Was this figure meant to be million ?



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