It’s a two-woman-only ‘fiasco’ for Scotland’s wee bairns!

How many do you need for a fiasco? Thirty weans in George Square out of the tens of thousands not in George Square, seems to be enough.

On one of the two, only, interviewed for the Scotsman by their Food and Drink Correspondent and opponent of baby boxes for everyone:

For Catriona Keddie, her daughter Eilidh’s first day at school will not be the exciting experience she had hoped. Usual transition sessions for P1s have been scrapped due to coronavirus in some council areas. Instead, she is worried that she will collect an exhausted and overwhelmed child at the end of a long day in a brand new place after her usual gradual transition into school was ditched due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Could Ms Keddie, if worried, just arrange to pick up her daughter earlier? I feel sure the school would understand.

No? Too busy with her businesses?

There’s only one other anxious mum interviewed and that same question might be directed at her.

As so many times before, this is a non-story based on a far too titchy and suspicious sample and grabbed at to join in the current ‘Swinney must resign‘ campaign.

How did Bradley get these contacts? I’m not going to find out. I’ll be accused of stalking, like that BBC woman. What’s her name? Oh, yes. Stalker!

Are they well-known social media entrepreneurs? They live next to John Beattie? They’re related to Monica Lennon or Iain Gray? They’ve written to the Scotsman’s letter pages many times before? Anas Sarwar’s cousin delivered both their babies!

I’m off for my first unlocked hair-cut. My daughter gave me a corona-cut, like a crew-cut but far worse, and she claims she has an A in Art which she actually had to do to get.

3 thoughts on “It’s a two-woman-only ‘fiasco’ for Scotland’s wee bairns!

  1. Names like Catriona and Eilidh suggest a tough and resilient Highland Scottish ancestry.
    I would advise Mrs Keddie that her bairn will cope just fine with the transition to school. Millions have done it and thrived.
    The teachers know their job and understand the peculiar nature of the coronavirus situation at present and will act appropriately – They are professionals, after all.
    To the Scotsman’s reporting and editorial staff I would advise that they find subjects of more substance to fill their pages, eg. “how to avoid over-salting a boiled egg” or “an easier way to tie your shoelaces”.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I don’t get it, so wee ones will be forced to toil in P1 class for many hours a day? Sounds like the author is setting her child up to be disappointed, no ‘exciting first day’, ‘ brand new place’. Place? New?

    School is exhausting for children when they first start, naturally, but ‘overwhelming’, possibly?
    Cruel Scottish government, treating P1’s so badly, and doing it on purpose, who cares about a pandemic stick to the BritNat programme.

    Must be trying having to make up stories from so little in these unprecedented (!) times.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oor wee Andrew goes into P1 tomorrow. In East Renfrewshire. He’s actually had his induction day. It was in June and he loved it. His gran and his mum saw him in. He was heard telling another P1 kid: Just go up there. That’s where you stand. The teacher will come and get us.

    Lexie is going into S1 In Renfrewshire. She also had her induction day.In June. A piper welcomed her group to Paisley Grammar. She’s dead excited. She’s ready for secondary. I wish all the young people going back to school the very best. You will love it. All your pals will be there. You’ll learn new stuff.  Jean Nisbet


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