More than a ‘minor confusion?’ Does Wings now share the opinions of the Herald’s Mark Smith?

I’m a long-term and genuine admirer of the work of Wings, especially in the years around 2014 when they were surely the major force in the online and paper-based, Yes campaign but it seems that they now share the view that the Scottish government has not done so well in handling the pandemic.

This puts Wings in the same company as the FT, the Guardian, Common Weal, Tom Gordon, Iain Macwhirter and Jackson Carlaw!

From 3rd June:

Anyone, of course, is entitled to an opinion about anything they like. And it certainly seems to be the case that the Scottish Government has some fairly serious questions to answer about its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

But like them, they’re wrong. The evidence is here:

18 thoughts on “More than a ‘minor confusion?’ Does Wings now share the opinions of the Herald’s Mark Smith?

  1. Scotgov was too slow to break from WM on the handling of it. Too slow to commission their own SAGE group. Sturgeon has admitted in her daily briefings making mistakes. Are you calling the FM wrong?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WOS has taken a new line in its reporting , since the legal case with Ms Dugdale.
    It has carried out a hate campaign since the Scottish government issued papers on gender recognition proposals.

    I noticed that yesterday the new SIP party started doing the same with a statement on its opposition to the Scottish governments gender recognition paper.

    Clearly there are some prominent Scottish independence people who’s priority is not Scottish independence they are prepared to go as far as damaging the Scottish independence campaign to promote their anti gender recognition views.

    The britnat propaganda machine will use them against Scottish independence and turn their support against SNP


    1. I would suggest that you have got that arse about face! It’s those pushing the GRA that have an agenda that has nothing to do with independence, and by doing so are alienating a good number of independence supporters.

      Next SGE I’ll hold my nose to vote SNP, but my second vote is for the ISP!

      Are you a housejock troll?

      Liked by 2 people

  3. John to be fair to His Holiness The Rev. In his next sentence he says ” But so (and much more so) does the UK Government.
    The Cringer would never have ritten that.

    IMO The Rev. turned against The Scot. Gov. After being interviewed on RT. By Alex Salmond.
    His repeated attack lines are
    1. The Scot Gov. Have wasted a clear mandate to hold Indy.
    Ref2 .
    2. The debate around Trans Right versus Womens Rights.

    Many experienced / knowledgeable activists stopped posting on Wings and haven’t returned.

    IMO Wings has been eclipsed by TUS as the place to go to for those interested in an alternative to UK state approved propaganda.

    Maybe the Rev. will make a comeback? I hope so.


    “He might be from the Dark Side, if you know what I mean”

    Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford (Royal Tank Regiment Retd.)


      1. Jason Leitch has ‘some fairly serious questions to answer’.

        I am extremely critical of how late the Scottish responded to the crisis, which is one of the most important factors in controlling the virus. If the Scottish Gov had no powers then they should have been shouting it from the rooftops. Instead their medical advisor was recommending mass gatherings and open school on 16th March. ‘the professor thought that it was fine to go to a 12,000-strong concert and he responded: “I would have gone myself.”‘
        He was praised by some Indi supporters for sticking it to Morgan.

        This is him on 10th March advising on how to play 5 aside football.
        ‘”There’s no panic, there is no need to do anything special. But we think the virus is coming and is going to get worse so we’re preparing for what those next things might be.
        The science says that large-scale events are not at risk just now and the science in fact says outdoor large-scale events are particularly not at risk. The virus doesn’t tend to live long in that environment. There will be a time where we start to change our advice. We may never stop large-scale events. We will follow the science as it tells us what to do.’

        I don’t find this contradicts any of the good things Scotland has done.

        I do wonder if Nicola Sturgeon was thinking like the leader of a country or as a leader of a province in a country. I also wonder if she was distracted by Alex Salmond case.


  4. Never forgot the most powerful armament in any ruling colonialists armoury is the age old principle of
    Divide and Rule

    If our enemies are fighting amongst themselves. Then such affords ample oppurtunity to strengthen our forces
    Upon any appearance of cracks in our foes ranks then all methods enacted to ensure
    That not only to widen and deepen the divide but also multiply the fissures and drive such into a permanent state of disarray within their ranks
    Infiltration of opposing groups is the fuel to heighten the flames
    Know Thy Foe


  5. More heat than our usual threads?

    Never attack Rangers or the Catholic Church and now or Wings?

    I though it was fair to criticise the suggestion of serious answers being required of SG. I don’t agree and posted the reasons why.

    Add today: Scotland has much to be proud of in the way that the pandemic has been managed. I have no doubt that the death toll would have been greater without the unwavering support and close working relationship between the government and the clinical community.
    Dr Dr Stephen Cole, the president of the Scottish Intensive Care Society

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As a Rangers supporter of catholic persuasion I object to your denaig… inshul.. piss-take on Wings, it is really cramping our Red-Bull sales n’at…
      😉 Keep it up…

      Liked by 2 people

    2. It was absolutely fair to criticise Wings. He doesn’t hold back when he’s attacking Nicola’s Scot Gov. As you have demonstrated ad nauseam the Scot Gov have performed well against Covid-19. In criticising their performsnce he’s joining the ranks of the Yoon media.


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