Before they begin to rejoice that ‘suspected’ drug deaths are up, real drug deaths are plummeting

‘Suspected’ drug deaths based on police reports from crime scenes, with no blood tests, are up 7% on the previous quarter. Expect a joyous media flutter on this and the SNP to be accused of betrayal.

The actual, real, drug deaths figures for 2023 will not be published until August 2024 but the trend is abundantly clear, above.

Why are they falling?

Westminster is ultimately responsible for Scotland’s drug deaths

Drug deaths fall by 21% in only one year as SNP policies begin to reverse long-term effects of decades of Tory/New Labour neglect

Evidence emerges that significant drug deaths fall is largely due to Scottish Government programme first in world

Drug deaths in England & Wales significantly under-reported according to UK Civil Service

Significant falls in drug deaths among the young after 16 years of SNP rule

2 thoughts on “Before they begin to rejoice that ‘suspected’ drug deaths are up, real drug deaths are plummeting

  1. The under reporting of England’s drug deaths is a disgrace , but will not be corrected while the UK media uses Scottish stats to beat up the Scottish Government . Note the sharp rise in the stats – as the Tory/Libdem Austerity really kicked in !

    Liked by 3 people

  2. £250million over five years being funded on total abstinence rehab. New rehabs opening. Drug deaths will go down.


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