London calling: How the BBC stole the Election


Remember ‘London calling: How the BBC stole the Referendum‘.

Well they, the BBC, are trying to do it all over again but this time they are trying to steal this General election for the Labour party to gain them seats in Scotland.

Cue……BBC Clarifications & Corrections latest addition…..

Radio News Bulletins

19 April 2024

In some brief news items we said that the former Chief Executive of the Scottish National Party Peter Murrell had been charged with the embezzlement of “public funds”. We should have said “SNP funds”.


“Public funds” v “SNP Funds”……big difference …….and someone somewhere was on the ball and highlighted this to the BBC as an ‘error’ (another one…..that just so happened to be, as an ‘error‘, one, that once again , sought to disadvantage and misrepresent news connected to the SNP via promoting misinformation BBC Style)……..

BBC Scotland website currently has an article entitled :

” How important is Scotland in deciding the UK election”?

Yep we are actually seeing that old chestnut rear it’s ugly and lying head yet again.

This piece by James Cook continues with…..

Does the path to 10 Downing Street run through Scotland? The Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, appears to think so“…….

I bet he does but he and others should also know , including the BBC, that in relation to the total numbers of MP’s elected to sit in the HOC the Scottish allocated constituency seats are far far lesser than the much higher amount of seats allocated for English constituencies…..indeed with the new boundary changes in the UK it is only England whose seat allocation will increase (by 10 more constituency seats)…..and Scotland will lose 2 constituency seats…….so seems once again Labour have decided to take us in Scotland for Fools.…and the BBC are once again pandering to them (a Pro UK party) in conspiring with Labour in promoting their fake news.….

Pre new boundary changes seat allocation in HOC were:

England 533……Scotland 59.….Wales 40……NI 18

Post new boundary changes seat allocation in HOC will be:

England 543….Scotland 57….Wales 32…..NI 18 (no change).

Do the Maths and then try and still say that the “path to 10 Downing Street runs through Scotland”….you might find you get met with derision….and deservedly so.

The article then goes on to state……

“Both Sir Keir and the Conservative leader Rishi Sunak are hoping that this election marks the end of an era in which the Scottish National Party has dominated Scottish politics”….

I see… that is as opposed to Scotland being in the unfair position (disadvantage) of being a country whose voters were and still are “dominated” by a political party (Tories) they as voters did not vote for in a succession of GE’s but we had to tolerate them (Tories) as the UK government as alas we were and still are a part of their UK……and only Scottish independence will “mark the end of that era” for us in Scotland.

This article which was supposedly based on the Labour party and Scotland quickly morphed into another #SNPBAD piece……as it went on to note “Then there is the police investigation into the SNP’s finances which has led to its former chief executive, Peter Murrell, who is married to Ms Sturgeon, facing charges in connection with embezzlement of funds.”…..

Note how it states “embezzlement of funds” but it does not not specify it was SNP “funds”…..that’s clever that is…..leaves it as ambiguous as to what “funds” were involved…..that is for the uninformed reader…..but for people like us it shows that the BBC are once again at it…..omitting information that is pertinent and instead hoping the public assumes the wrong thing.……plus noting he, PM, is “married to Ms Sturgeon”….just in case anyone either forgot that fact or were unaware of it……so they , the BBC, did not forget to include that fact……did they ?

Meanwhile Anas Sarwar is trying to get the public in Scotland to believe that in this UK GE they are voting for his ‘Scottish’ Labour as in the Labour branch office……so if that is the case then WTF is Keir Starmer from Labour HQ doing in Scotland today to launch part of their Labour’s UK GE campaign…..this is a UK GE but forget that….Sarwar & Starmer will fight their campaign in Scotland on the basis of the SNP as the Scottish government…….focusing on devolved issues which I am sure the BBC will help them to promote as being relevant in the context of a ……UK GE !!!!

However should anyone dare to do the same to Labour in Wales in this UK GE……where they, Labour, are the Welsh devolved government…..then that will be, promoted as not appropriate in the context of a UK GE……..and according to Labour HQ devolved issues in Wales have apparently been negatively impacted by a Tory UK central government’s poor and wrong decisions….(note though apparently this is not applicable, as a same situation, for the devolved government in Scotland via the SNP.….how very convenient and partisan that is …..for Labour HQ and their branch office in Scotland as well (plus the BBC too)……..So…….seems to be….

One rule for Labour, Tory & Lib Dems with Scotland and another rule for the SNP…obvs…..and we all know whose rules the BBC prefers to support and promote.….clue…….It’s not and never has been those via the SNP…..

BBC……the British part in their corporation title does tell you why they support British political parties while simultanously opposing any political party that seeks to part ways with their UK….as in the SNP seeks independence for Scotland (and also seeks that their country (Scotland) is no longer willing to contribute their resources to benefit the whole of their, BBC’s, Britain)……while being told by British political parties and also told by the BBC that their (Scottish) resource’s are worthless to an independent Scotland (but somehow invaluable to their Britain.….not exactly rocket science to figure out that both of these statements cannot be true as facts…..unless you are thick….LOL)

So if you , as a voter, are willing to be conned by both Labour and the BBC in voting for Labour in the next GE in Scotland…..then……fill your boots…..BUT note….

You are sending a message to Keir Starmer that is saying …….

“Do what you will with Scotland, keep exploiting our resources to benefit and subsidise the whole UK, and we are also content with the continued position being that you will focus more upon what England wants than what Scotland actually wants and needs as the new Labour UK government (just as the previous Tory UK government did also) … that is perfectly fine as is your continuing with the Tory Brexit which we in Scotland, via every region, voted against….so in Scotland once again now voting for more Labour MP’s in this UK GE that then clearly demonstrates to you that we (some of us that is) in Scotland are more than happy to continue to be ignored within the context of your UK/Britain which we believe you regard to be synonymous with England“…….

“File us under Mugs…..because that is what we will be considered to be if we ,do vote for an increased amount of Labour MP’s in Scotland in the GE on the 4 July, and the world will know that some of us in Scotland can indeed be fooled not just once…… but time and time again“……but…..perhaps……

The ‘Penny will only finally drop’ at a much much later date for some within Scotland when Labour, like the Tory party, fail to deliver for us as the next UK Govt and thus we will be in the same sad position of being once more …..ducked all over again………. by another pro UK party as the UK government…….

Note that as they, Labour, will probably fail as the next UK government then we in Scotland will once again see the Tories win the subsequent GE in four years time……and we Scotland will be, once more, back at square one… in some of us , it seems, will never ever learn.….as in either not be willing to learn or apparently just unable to learn…..Duck knows……. but my patience is ebbing away as I write this comment….as clearly “Now is the Time” to vote for the SNP in this UK GE …..or reap the dire consequences…..that is the choice currently open to us in Scotland….no ifs ands or buts about it…..simples really.

23 thoughts on “London calling: How the BBC stole the Election

  1. I also see that Starmer has demanded that TV debates only include him and Sunak and that no “smaller left wing” parties are included or he won’t participate. The SNP are the third largest party in Westminster and biggest, by far, party representing the Scottish public…….and THEY aren’t to be included in live leader’s debates? ITV are implementing this as is our public service broadcaster the BBC, which we in Scotland pay the same licence fee as the English……propaganda gone fascist!!!

    THE DAY DEMOCRACY DIED…..ein riech ein labourvolk ein starmer!!!

    As John keeps saying “ vote Labour at your peril”.


    Liked by 5 people

    1. So he’s demanding that smaller parties don’t get to put forward their policies because nobody votes for them anyway, so there’s no point in finding out what their policies are in case you want to vote for them. Is that right?

      Living in Scotland has, of course, atrophied whatever little brain I may once have possessed. So my theory is this:

      If I know what the LabraTors say they’re not going to do this time and I don’t like it (which I don’t) I’ll just have to take a chance with another party that I might like their policies (if I knew what they were!)

      SNP’s the biggest isn’t it? So I’d better vote for them then.

      Does that sound reasonable to you? /s

      Back in the Real Scotland – Why does KS say he’s asking for that? (AOT why he’s actually saying it.) Do anyone know? Does he know?


    2. Hi JB

      Apologies….I see that you already mentioned Starmer’s demand re TV leaders debate in your above comment….which I then also mentioned on the same day in my later comment at 7.50pm.

      Apparently a Labour party source indicated that “Sir Keir would be willing to take part in the two debates with the largest potential audiences – BBC and ITV.

      The senior Labour figure told the BBC “Sir Keir wanted to take part in two head-to-head debates, rather than including smaller parties”.

      (Forgetting of course that the so called ‘smaller’ parties are also on the ballot paper for this UK GE….but then Labour were never really ones who championed real democracy for everyone in their UK were they)

      “The source added they did not believe debates on other TV channels with smaller audiences was a valuable use of campaign time”……Oh poor Labour party we cannot have them wasting their “valuable campaign time”…..pandering to “smaller audiences”….when they hope to brainwash larger ones…..with their pledges (soon to be broken) and also their lies …………

      Sorry again…..

      Have a lovely day



      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes the BBC just cannot help themselves. After Swinney publicly launched the SNP manifesto they turned to a spokesperson from the ‘Spectator’ of all people to get their reaction. Guess the outcome?

    Liked by 4 people

  3. So Mr Starmer has been campaigning in Scotland today.

    I’ve seen a few pictures of him surrounded by activists holding up the Labour campaign’s ‘change’ cards. One thing couldn’t be more of a contrast with all the pictures I’ve seen of Labour’s campaign events in England. so far I’ve NOT spotted a Union flag image: anyone seen one on display at a Labour campaign event in Scotland yet?

    Just another example of Labour taking Scotland’s electorate for fools, with the assistance of its Unionist media allies.

    Liked by 5 people




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    2. “so far I’ve NOT spotted a Union flag image”

      Yep I have just seen on the Polo 5 Twitter account a comparison picture of Starmer campaigning in England and him campaigning today in Scotland.

      In the top picture in England their supporters/activists are holding a placard with the word “Change” on it with the outer corners of the placard showing parts of the Union Jack flag…..

      In Scotland today the other image showed supporters/activists holding the same placard minus the outer corners having the Union Jack flag on them…..LOL…..

      So I thought Starmer wanted us in Scotland to be proud to be ‘British’ is that now another U turn by him…..LOL…..or is that he does not want his British flag, for some reason, to be on prominent display while campaigning here in Jockland….I wonder why that is….or rather I think I know why that is…..and…..

      As Polo 5 tweeted upon seeing both of these images:

      “Nothing screams duplicity more than Labour abandoning their extreme British nationalism when in Scotland”

      Indeed ……duplicity and extreme nationalism is all they, Labour HQ, have to offer voters in England while pretending they are the exact opposite in Scotland…..nope.



  4. The BBC News website’s Wales section has this headline today: ‘Wales held back by UK Tory rule – Labour’s Rayner’. The article reports on Labour’s deputy leader launching the party’e GE campaign in Llandudno.

    We learn that she stated the following (with my emphasis and comment):

    ‘Addressing the launch, Ms Rayner praised the Welsh party’s achievements in government in Cardiff, despite what she labelled “14 years chaos” under the Conservatives at Westminster”. Has Scotland (miraculously) been immune to these 14 years of Westminster-induced chaos?

    She then listed Labour’s key achievements as she saw them: “You see what Welsh Labour has done, whether that’s free school meals for primary school children, whether that’s more consultants and nurses in the NHS, free prescriptions here in Wales”.

    If that’s the Labour benchmark for praiseworthy achievement during 14 years of Westminster chaos, then the Scottish government’s achievements have been remarkably positive. It just highlights once again the hypocrisy of the Labour Party in Scotland – gaslighting for the Union!

    Speaking afterwards, Ms Rayner said “Wales has been held back by the Conservatives in government in the UK.” Is that another way of saying ‘all roads lead back to Westminster’?

    Any Union flags on display in Wales?

    The Mail Online tells us that ‘Ms Rayner travelled to Llandudno for an event alongside the new First Minister (of Wales), just a week after his Senedd power-sharing agreement with Plaid Cymru collapsed.’ Gosh – power sharing deals end in other parliaments too?

    This was under the following long headline: ‘Sharing tips on avoiding a scandal? Angela Rayner backs under-pressure First Minister Vaughan Gething – who faces questions over campaign donations from a convicted criminal -as she launches Welsh Labour election campaign’.

    Which party and which part of the UK has a government in ‘crisis’?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Keir Starmer tweeted this today:

      “17 years of SNP failure in Scotland. 14 years of Tory failure in Westminster. It’s time to stop the chaos. It’s time for change.  We’re ready”

      So…no mention of Welsh Labour’s failure in Wales then…..file that under the Tories fault at WM….what an absolute chancer and serial fraud of a man Keir Starmer is…..and if there were to be any Labour party supposed resurgence in Scotland ever again it should not be and surely will not be a Labour party led by the likes of Sir Keir Starmer…….FFS

      The only “Chaos” Scotland sees is the one that is associated with us, as a nation, still being linked to and thus still a part of Starmer’s failed UK state…..and that aint gonna “Change” any time soon, if at all, with Labour HQ in charge at WM…..


      Liked by 4 people

      1. There has long been blame laid at Westminster’s door by senior Labour politicians in Wales – and often. Their colleagues in Scotland operate as if similar claims have no justification when made in Scotland: they are able to sustain this and thereby deceive too many in Scotland’s electorate by being shielded by Unionist allies in Scotland’s news media. Below are some illustrative examples (with my emphasis):

        1. BBC News website (12 December, 2022): ‘Welsh budget: The bleak backdrop to this year’s spending plans’.

          On public sector pay in Wales, the BBC reports that: ‘The Welsh government blames Westminster for failing to provide the cash needed to pay people more.

          2) BBC News website (26 September 2023): ‘Drakeford defends child poverty approach after criticism’

          ‘During Tuesday’s First Minister’s Questions, Mr Drakeford said there was “nothing that has motivated me more” than the issue.’

          And ‘He accused Conservative UK ministers of being “determined to do the opposite”, creating “additional headwinds for the things that we want to do”.

          3) A view from Carolyn Thomas – Welsh Labour’s North Wales Member of the Senedd (3 February 2024)


          14 years of austerity politics from Westminster means that public services and local authorities are on their knees. Councils across Wales are facing a funding deficit of £421mn, whilst the Welsh Government’s budget is worth £1.3bn less than it was in 2021, which results in having to constantly do more with less.

          ‘Couple this with massive inflationary pressures caused by the short-lived but disastrous Truss-Kwarteng premiership, any additional funding is just falling into the black hole of inflation.

          ‘For local authorities, Council Tax used to contribute 24% of the local authority budget, with the rest made up of grants from central government.

          ‘Now, 30% of local authority budgets are made up from Council Tax – cuts to government funding have simply resulted in the burden being passed onto households through increased Council Tax bills.

          ‘Things are made even more difficult in Wales, as the UK Government imposes draconian restrictions on the Welsh Government’s ability to use cheap borrowing to fund capital programmes; whether that be building schools and hospitals, or procuring buses and trains.’

          4) The Guardian (26 May 2023): ‘UK government created conditions that led to Cardiff riots, says Mark Drakeford’

          ‘Exclusive: Welsh first minister points to ‘13 years of erosion’ under Conservatives after unrest that followed deaths of two boys.’

          The Welsh first minister has accused the UK government of creating the poor social conditions that formed the backdrop to the Cardiff riots by systematically eroding community life, public services and citizens’ incomes.’

          5) BBC News website (18 October 2022): ‘Wales’ First Minister Mark Drakeford loses temper with Tories in Senedd’.

          ‘Mark Drakeford erupted in anger as he accused (Tory leader in Senedd) Andrew RT Davies’ party of making a mess of the UK’s budget and reputation.’

          It’s been going on for some time:

          6) BBC News website (18 August 2019:) ‘Morgan blames UK woes for losses

          ‘Labour has lost control of six councils in Wales in its worst UK electoral performance in 40 years. First Minister Rhodri Morgan said the party was being blamed for economic problems over which it had no control.

          ‘Mr Morgan told the BBC Labour’s poor performance was due to UK factors, with unrelenting bad news headlines. “There has been a huge amount of bad news on the economy since the credit crunch and Northern Rock,” he said. “Food and fuel price rises were blamed by many people on the (Welsh) government despite the fact that it had no influence over them,” he said.’

          I suspect more digging would reveal more of the same!

          Aggregating these statements from leading Labour politicians – and don’t forget Angela Rayner’s statement that “Wales has been held back by the Conservatives in government in the UK” made at a campaign launch event in Llandudno today (24 May) – makes plain the nature and extent of the hypocrisy that underpins Labour’s conduct of politics in the Scottish Parliament.

          Labour is not the change Scotland needs. Let’s hope its not the change Scotland wants!

          Liked by 4 people

    2. London Calling,I still have the book and BBC is still the same today inuendo SNP bad lies with small retractions but the stories still out there I note with interest Stammer does not want to debate with SNP which tells it all,

      Liked by 3 people

    3. I found this article illuminating…from

      Bylines Scotland

       OpinionWhy Scotland should be independentFormer economist and senior civil servant, John Randall gives the reasons for Independence

      John RandallbyJohn Randall

       06-09-2023 06:32

      in Opinion

      Reading Time: 12 mins 

      A A

      Scottish and European flags for Scottish Independence

      Image by Christian Dorn from Pixabay with modification by BLS

      I write as someone born in England over 75 years ago and who worked as an economist and senior civil servant for the UK Government’s Scottish Office in Edinburgh for some 30 years. These are all characteristics more associated with No voters – so perhaps I am better placed than many to convince doubters of the case for Scottish independence. What follows is deliberately an appeal more to reason rather than emotion.Scotland suffers from a ‘democratic deficit’

      It may seem surprising that a former economist believes that the main argument in favour of Scottish independence is not primarily to do with economics or future economic prosperity. The basic case is that Scotland has different values and political priorities compared with those of England or the UK as a whole; but will rarely be able to elect a UK Government which reflects these choices because of the relatively small size of the Scottish electorate. This is what is often referred to as the ‘democratic deficit’. Only an independent Scotland can guarantee that Scotland will always be able to elect a government which is in line with its own preferences. 

      I accept that the Scottish ‘democratic deficit’ only becomes a pressing constitutional issue if one attaches importance to the Scottish (rather than UK) perspective; and that other relatively small areas within the UK might argue that they suffer from a similar problem. But this overlooks the fact that Scotland is a nation with an independent history prior to 1707 and has a special constitutional status within Great Britain with its own legal, education and religious institutions recognised and safeguarded in the Treaty of Union and subsequently for the same reason, Scotland cannot be compared with Yorkshire or Kent!Scottish citizens put more value into inclusiveness and community solidarity

      While not everyone in a country will share the same opinions, there is clear statistical evidence that Scottish residents in aggregate tend to have significantly different views on many social and political issues compared with those living in other nations of the UK. Scottish literature and culture have placed greater weight over many centuries on the importance of equality and social justice throughout society, irrespective of an individual’s wealth or class (‘We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns’ and ‘A man’s a man for a’ that’).

      More recent attitudinal surveys confirm that Scotland’s people generally put more emphasis on the values of inclusiveness and community solidarity and demonstrate a greater willingness to pay higher taxes to increase public expenditure to help others less fortunate than themselves. Scotland has proportionately higher levels of charitable donations and volunteering, and a more welcoming approach to refugees and other foreign immigrants.Scottish political voting patterns are divergent, with no avail

      These differences are reflected in a marked divergence in political voting patterns. In every General Election since 1955 the Scottish electorate has consistently preferred the Labour Party (or the SNP since 2015) over the Conservative Party. However, because of the electoral arithmetic within the UK, there have been Conservative Governments for which Scotland did not vote for most of this time. The divergence has become increasingly evident since 1979, with UK Conservative Governments holding power for well over two-thirds of the period despite support in Scotland averaging less than 25%. A further demonstration of Scotland’s lack of influence over UK-wide decisions was the outcome of the EU Referendum in 2016 when 62% of Scottish votes (including a majority in every local authority area) favoured Remain but the overall result (mainly determined by the preference of voters in England) was for the UK to leave the EU.Devolved Scottish Parliament doesn’t have most economic powers

      I am not arguing that Scottish values and political choices are necessarily superior on moral grounds. The point is that they are significantly different from those of other parts of the UK but are frequently outweighed under present constitutional arrangements by those of voters elsewhere in the UK. The advent of the devolved Scottish Parliament since 1999 has partially alleviated the problem, but certainly not overcome it. Most economic powers, together with responsibility for foreign and defence policies (on all of which there are significant differences of view in Scotland), remain reserved to Westminster. 

      There is clear evidence, for example the effects of the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020, that since Brexit the UK Government is also deliberately intervening in devolved matters in defiance of the views of the Scottish Parliament. This will exacerbate the sheer inefficiency of the present division of powers, with the Scottish Government forced to use limited resources to mitigate the effect of Westminster decisions.Most reputable economists accept that an independent Scotland is now well placed

      While this ‘democratic deficit’ is the central plank in the case for Scottish independence, economic issues matter – not least because it is unlikely that most Scots will vote in favour unless they are confident that independence can at least sustain current levels of prosperity and living standards. Despite many politically motivated ‘scare stories’ to the contrary, and the ‘broad UK shoulders’ narrative, most reputable economists accept that an independent Scotland is now well placed to prosper once inevitable transitional challenges have been resolved. 

      In recent years some of the best performing economies have been those of small countries (such as Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand) of a similar size to Scotland. Such nations enjoy many advantages over larger economies (for example, more responsive Governments, high levels of trust and cohesion, and the ability to react quickly to changing international conditions). In contrast, the UK economy has lagged behind most European economies in terms of GDP growth.Scotland is a wealthy country

      Scotland is already a relatively wealthy country – in the top 25 global economies in terms of income per head. While its GDP growth rate has been rather lower than that of the UK in recent decades (mainly reflecting a smaller increase in population), Scotland is no longer handicapped by an adverse industrial structure – which led to higher unemployment and net emigration during much of the 20th century. 

      Indeed, it has huge strengths and potential in growth industries such as food and drink, renewable energy (including outstanding potential for tidal power and offshore wind), financial services, tourism, cultural development (including film making), games technology, life sciences, advanced manufacturing, and research and development in partnership with Scotland’s leading world-class Universities. As the importance of North Sea Oil has declined, Scottish economic policy is geared more to a just transition to environmentally sustainable development, measures to increase well-being, and a reduction in inequalities, rather than simply pursuing output growth. 

      Vertical bars with poundsigns in different colours and positions printed on the fron. seven bars in total, the middle stands straight up, to the right they are falling backwards , to the left they are falling forwards.

       9 FEBRUARY 2023The narrative that public sector deficit in an independent Scotland will require tax rises or public spending cuts is misleading

      Independence will certainly bring transitional challenges but there is no reason to think that, with the right policies, any short-term difficulties cannot be managed and overcome. Much attention has been given by unionists and the media to the estimated ‘public sector deficit’ which an independent Scottish Government seems likely to inherit. However, the narrative that this will inevitably require tax rises or public spending cuts has been exposed as misleading and simplistic by the response of Governments throughout the world to the Covid crisis – including in the UK where the public sector deficit has risen to unprecedented levels, funded largely by the creation of new money by the Bank of England which does not require external borrowing. 

      The key point is that such policies are only available to governments with their own currency. It strengthens the case for an independent Scotland to establish its own currency and Central Reserve Bank at an early stage. Unconstrained monetary expansion will of course risk inflation if the real economy approaches its capacity to meet demand. But such risks can be monitored and mitigated, for example by measures to grow the labour force through a more appropriate immigration policy, skills training, and investment in infrastructure to increase productivity. The issue is no longer ‘where will the money come from?’ but rather ‘how can we best increase the capacity of the economy to meet the needs of society through public expenditure?’Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit and since then it’s been in favour of a ‘softer’ form of Brexit

      While the UK-wide vote in the 2016 referendum to leave the EU (against the wishes of the Scottish electorate) strengthened the case for independence by illustrating the ‘democratic deficit’, it has also raised new issues concerning the Scotland/England border should an independent Scotland re-join the EU as is the present policy of the SNP. The problem has been exacerbated by the UK Government’s insistence on leaving the European Single Market and Customs Area, ignoring representations by the Scottish Government for a ‘softer’ form of Brexit. This will inevitably result in some friction in relation to trade across the border, although efforts will be made (certainly by an independent Scottish Government) to mitigate and minimise any disruption and to retain free movement of people through the Common Travel Area. 

      Details will need to be negotiated, taking account of lessons learned from the Northern Ireland protocol agreed between the EU and UK. In the longer term, there will likely be an increase in trade and transport links between Scotland and the larger EU market, and possible trading and other economic advantages for Scotland as a convenient ‘bridge’ between Britain and the EU. Another option might be for Scotland to join EFTA, at least initially, which would give access to the European Single Market while allowing an independent Scotland to negotiate its own trade deal with the UK. Important decisions after independence will be for the people of Scotland and the Governments they elect.

      These choices highlight the fact that many important decisions after independence will ultimately be for the people of Scotland and the Governments they elect. Issues such as economic policy, the relationship with Europe, the monarchy, the climate emergency, defence policy and nuclear weapons will reflect the majority view in Scotland. No-one should doubt that the country has the natural and human resources to survive and indeed prosper, like many other small European nations. Since devolution, Scottish Governments of different complexions have delivered many ground-breaking improvements for Scottish society, for example free prescriptions and the Scottish Child Payment. The younger generations in Scotland identify much less with Britain and its traditional institutions

      Of course, not all opponents of independence will be persuaded to change their opinions. Some, particularly in older generations, have a fundamental attachment to the Union, perhaps because of shared wartime memories, nostalgia for the British Empire, support for the role of the Royal Family, or solidarity with colleagues, relatives, or friends in other parts of the UK. I understand and completely respect these views, as I would hope they would respect those who believe in Scotland’s right to self-determination. 

      All I would say is that I suspect those for whom breaking up the Union is unthinkable may be on the wrong side of history. The younger generations in Scotland identify much less with Britain and its traditional institutions and tend to see Scotland’s and their own futures much more in a European if not world context. I doubt that these feelings will decline; indeed, I think they are likely to grow further as the years go by with generational change. Given this, I suggest that unionists who fear that the independence debate will be a never-ending divisive distraction might be well advised to accept the inevitable and put their energies into helping to make independence work, just as those opposed to Scottish devolution prior to 1999 have largely done. Civic nationalism in Scotland is an inclusive and tolerant movement which seeks consensus, tolerance, and respect wherever possible.Older age groups fear their personal interests might be threatened by independence

      Others, again often in the older age groups, may oppose independence because they believe their personal interests will be threatened. Many such fears are unwarranted and need to be addressed. For example, it is credible to believe that an independent Scottish Government, reflecting the values of the Scottish people, will give priority to increasing the State Pension significantly above that of the current UK State Pension towards the much more generous European average level. Those who wish to retain UK citizenship or bank accounts in sterling after independence will be able to do so. Of course, no absolute certainty about future policies is possible, whether under Scottish or UK Governments. Changes by their nature may harm some personal interests while benefitting those of others. 

      What can be guaranteed is that future Governments after independence will democratically reflect the wishes of Scottish voters and will provide an opportunity for the future of the country to be shaped by majority opinion in Scotland in a way that is not possible today. I believe that recent voting patterns and political trends strongly suggest that Scottish values of greater equality, social justice, diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance, and international co-operation are more likely to be realised in an independent Scotland than within the wider UK.Independence offers the prospect of greater national self-respect

      In my view, the advantages of independence will even transcend democracy. It offers the prospect of greater national self-respect by taking responsibility for our own decisions and ending what is widely seen as a dependency culture. Scotland will no longer be treated with disdain as a grievance-mongering supplicant by an arrogant UK Government betraying a sense of entitlement and exceptionalism. An independent Scotland will undoubtedly face challenges and will no doubt make mistakes, but I believe responsibility will bring greater maturity and confidence. 

      Once short-term problems are overcome, we will reap the benefits of integrated decision-making and the opportunities to build a better society reflecting Scotland’s own values and priorities. Without the interference of an unsympathetic and often hostile UK Government, we will be better able to implement policies for a just transition to sustainable energy, reducing fuel poverty and addressing climate change; to tackle drug addiction through health measures rather than criminalisation; and to meet the needs of the younger generation through giving greater priority to mental health challenges and reversing the post-Brexit decline in job opportunities in research and other sectors of the economy by restoring our links with Europe.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes it is the direct link…….I have become computer literate once more….sorry, it is a good read though!!!



    4. The Starmer visit to the province was contextualised within the Michael Mathieson case with the great defender of civil and human rights (except for Gazans and other lesser breeds such as extremists who support independence) being permitted unchallenged to make lofty pronouncements about Mr Mathieson and equate him with Boris Johnson. For good measure, they allowed Cauld-Ham and Dross to repeat the ‘decline in trust in public service’ line. Finally, Kate Forbes was asked to justify Swinney’s ‘strange’ opposition to the proposed sanction. The piece concluded with an edited shot of the Green Party launch with Patrick Harvie supporting Swinney’s stance, thus making DRoss’s vote of no confidence likely to fail.

      The reporter, Juan Kerr, lived up to his name by evincing incredulity about Mathieson. He also managed to mention Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon.

      About what Labour is offering Scotland – not a dickie bird, despite the focus of the piece being Labour’s campaign launch in Scotland.

      Alasdair Macdonald

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    5. Excellent piece NMRN and great contributions. You note ‘Sarwar & Starmer will fight their campaign in Scotland on the basis of the SNP as the Scottish government…….focusing on devolved issues which I am sure the BBC will help them to promote as being relevant in the context of a ……UK GE !!!!’

      Easy peasy. Tonight’s theme was crime of the century – Matheson’s roaming charges bill. So each BritNat leader was asked about a disciplinary matter affecting a member of a devolved parliament. Well, it is a UK General Election.

      Kate Forbes was asked about it. Starmer etc. were either asked about it or had their coverage prefaced by it. State propaganda isn’t normally so crude but hey what’s anyone going to do about it? In Scotland where there is an alternative to the two English Tory Parties the BBC is British Tory party number three.

      Liked by 1 person

    6. Labour rub salt on the wound that they are gleefully creating……..

      Reported today that “Labour are demanding that the SNP and other ‘smaller’ parties are cut from televised leadership debates during the General Election campaign, according to reports. Broadcasters are reportedly focusing on two head-to-head contests between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer before July 4″……

      SNP one of the “smaller parties” ??……however in Scotland the Labour party have only two elected MP’s and they are the third party at Holyrood and so here in Scotland they, Labour, are one of “the smaller parties”…..while the SNP are the majority as in the largest party in Holyrood and so currently are the Scottish government……they also have the most elected MP’s in Scotland who sit in WM…..but apparently in Labour’s UK that means duck all……..seems this is an English GE where some of Scotland’s politicians are not required (to speak or be present in political leaders debates) by either the Labour party or the UK TV companies who are run from…..ENGLAND.…….this just gets better and better does it not….as in more ludicrous and unjust for Scotland….. once again… bloody per usual !!!!

      Labour are saying…oops sorry not ‘saying’…… but …demanding…. that John Swinney the SNP leader and FM of Scotland…does not get to have a place in a UK televised leaders debate for this up and coming UK GE……yet that Bobby Dancer Keir Starmer can come up to Scotland and campaign for his UK Labour HQ party while slating the SNP when he is here on one of his very fleeting and infrequent visits up North (or North North… North of the country is now apparently Northern England )…..well he, Starmer, can duck right off……if you are not mad at this then get someone to take your ducking pulse… check for life !

      This is reminiscent of when Jackie Baillie & Baron George ‘pishy pants’ Foulkes were demanding that our FM’s daily Covid briefings were stopped being televised on the BBC….. while both they and their Labour HQ leader were only too happy to have Boris and his various clowns for ministers continue with their daily televised Covid briefings for England on the BBC and other UK channels… Scotland’s televised briefings then got a new changed format (thanks once again to a spiteful and hate driven Labour party) with input from opposition politicians after the FM’s briefing while no such similar change was made to the format for the Tories briefings in and For England…………..via the same BBC (UK one supposedly but which we all know to be BBC HQ England)……

      So Labour are now basically stating (demanding) in respect to the SNP leader…..

      ‘NAH your party does not get to say duck all in a UK televised UK GE leaders debate’…….so in other words this is something else that Scotland is not “allowed” to do in their UK … in we do not get to hear the leader of the party that many of us have voted for in both Scottish elections and in previous UK GE’s…….in a debate with other party leaders…….whose own non challenged presence on these televised UK debates is not in question but is instead an assumed right by both them as UK leaders and too the UK broadcasters……that sounds all above board…… if you are a ducking idiot that is !!!!!

      Who the duck does Keir Starmer think he is and who the duck does he think he is talking to……certainly not us in Scotland who vote SNP that’s for sure….so if he and his party wins the next UK GE I can then say he , Starmer, is NOT my PM….as it seems he does not want to be anyway….does it !!!

      I’ve got a great idea…… how about we never hear from Keir Starmer on our pseudo Scottish TV channels and pseudo Scottish political programmes in Scotland…..either pre or post this UK GE as he is far too offensive towards Scottish people and others who live in Scotland and who vote for the SNP……it was not that long ago that he, as a Bobby Dancer, was telling us all that the Labour party was the party for “everyone”… A*** (rhymes with sparse) it is…… if you veer away from what Starmer and his Labour party dictate and want as a party….you are then out on your A*** (rhymes with sparse) and quickly become a persona non grata….see Jeremy Corbyn & others like him or those sympathetic to him Corbyn….. and too those Labour members who were also purged for being too left wing but the excuse used by the Labour party to throw out these former members was that they were anti Semitic (an old chestnut over used as in abused by Labour)…..the only problem with that excuse being used was that some of those former members of the Labour party that they threw out (purged) included a lot of Jewish people from the party………so beggars belief that they could ever be considered anti sematic….but being serial Liars I guess it came easy to Labour to just keep on lying……

      How many more things will Keir Starmer say and do that will make YOU decide to never vote for his Labour party now or in any future elections…..I mean he’s giving you all of the reasons why NOT to vote for his party…….so who the H are the pollsters speaking to when in Scotland……the mind boggles and if the polls were truly reflective of Scottish public opinion (which I doubt) then it would make you seriously wonder WTF is really going on……BTW did I say I am MAD as in ANGRY…..well I am….

      This reminds me of the film Network with the speech from Peter Finch’s character….which was this….

      “I’m as mad as Hell and I am not going to take this any more”

      Be honest…how bloody apt is that as a statement for us in Scotland with the likes of Sunak, Starmer, Davey, Sarwar, Baillie, ‘Flying teeth’ Kerr, HOL’s , Dross, ‘F*** You Maree’ Cole-Hamilton, BBC, all Newspapers, SKY News, GB News, ITV News, Channel 4 News, Farage, Tice, Brillo pad Heid Andrew Neil, BBC QT, BBC Debate Night, Political so called commentators, Political so called editors, Clueless ‘We love you Scotland don’t leave’ celebrities, a certain partisan children’s author, other Indy parties, Gordon ducking Broon, so called Think Tanks that seem to be breeding excessively and who are tainted by their links to specific political parties but whose funding (funders) is never disclosed so tis a tad nudge nudge wink wink……I could go on and on but will just write……etc etc etc……so…..

      Over to you fellow Scots (and other nationalities who choose to live in Scotland) as only you (together with us) can really “Change” everything (for the better) in Scotland and thus let the likes of Starmer know that you will not be treated as a second class UK citizen in his UK state…and be continued to be dictated to by the likes of him and also by others like him in his very much uber nationalist ‘Britain First’ state …..a UK state that is isolationist, is very much failing and is very much also a dysfunctional, flawed and disunited UK state where all focus and attention is disproportionate in the energy and time given to only one nation within the UK that the UK politicians try to connect with in GE’s (England) and where other nations within the UK they, as UK politicians, choose to ignore and disrespect…..a UK state that is also known as (not so) Great Britain ( as in when NI as per is the forgotten nation of UK political leaders … in opposition leaders and the PM )…….the only reason Starmer remembers Wales is because his party govern (badly) there…..if they did not then Wales would also be considered as a forgotten and insignificant nation within Starmer’s beloved (ever so sponging from Wales and Scotland) UK….

      Vote SNP.on July 4th in the UK GE…..or just let Starmer and others keep ducking us over as a country and a people..time and time again.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. *so beggars belief that they could ever be considered anti sematic

        So MAD was I when writing my comment that I stated anti “sematic”…..obvs should have been Semitic…..though I blame predictive text ……which I am starting to think must be a Labour supporter……




        1. sematicadjective


          sə̇ˈmatikserving as a warning of danger  —used of conspicuous colors of a poisonous or noxious animal

          Just about sums up Starmer and his unionist propaganda army!!!

          You would have to be crazy to “lend” his mob your vote!!! If we want any chance of escaping the unionist grubby grasp we have to vote for the SNP, if you are for Scottish Independence and even if you do not favour SNP vote for them at this general election to show westmonster our feelings as a nation, get as many SNP MP’s, hopefully the full 57, then we can negotiate our rightful independence and join the world!!!



          1. “Just about sums up Starmer and his unionist propaganda army”

            Indeed it does JB….

            Starmer wants Scotland to “Move on” from both 2014 and 2016……until , that is, he himself wants to refer to both of these years and the major events that happened …..

            Bottom line being that the Labour party betrayed Scotland in 2014 & also via the Leave vote winning in 2016……..he, Starmer is now betraying himself and his party in now becoming a Brexiteer…..endorsing a Tory policy Scotland once again did not vote for……but Starmer doth not give a damn about what we, Scotland, wants/needs or indeed what we voted For or Against.….as betraying our needs and wants in Scotland is now par for the course with Starmer’s British Nationalist party aka the Labour party (New New One).



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