The 30 year-long neglect of patient safety in NHS England exposed as SNP Government records 17 years of its ‘at the very top pillar’ safety programme first launched by Nicola Sturgeon

Image PA: Scottish Health Secretary, Nicola Sturgeon in 2007

By Professor John Robertson

Many thanks to Dotty’s Phone for alerting me to this.

Today, the Health Editor at the Sunday Times has reported:

Why don’t things get better on #patientsafety? One reason is that the NHS & government do sweet FA to act on inquiry recommendations. The @Thirlwall_Inq [led by a senior judge] has published a comprehensive assessment of the last 30 years of inquiries. It is not a good read:

More from the thread following the above comments, at:

The above report is getting very little coverage anywhere and certainly will not be used by Scotland’s ‘media.’

From the Westminster (UK Parliament) Health Committee, in January 2022:

The Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP), introduced by the SNP Scottish Government in 2007, has been praised by a leading European expert on patient safety.

In Westminster’s Health Committee, Dr Pelle Gustafson, CMO at Swedish Patient Insurer, responded with “Scotland”, when he was asked which country he would hold at the very top pillar with regards to patient safety

Dr Gustfason said: “If you take all preventative work in regard to patient safety, I would say Scotland, I am personally very impressed with Scotland. I think in Scotland you have a long tradition of working, you have a development in the right direction and you also have a system which is fairly equal all over the place. You have improvement activities going on. So I am very impressed by Scotland”.

Image PA: Scottish Health Secretary, Nicola Sturgeon in 2007

2 thoughts on “The 30 year-long neglect of patient safety in NHS England exposed as SNP Government records 17 years of its ‘at the very top pillar’ safety programme first launched by Nicola Sturgeon

  1. Cue BBC Scotland asking for ‘your horrific experience at the hands of NHS Scotland’. They get one vox pop and publish it in lurid terms, SLAMMING (sic) some hospital, for allegedly inadequate treatment. Opposition politicians are asked to comment on this unchallenged assertion.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. The SNHS saving lives every day. People getting the best treatment. Amazing.

    Labour wants weekend treatment. People do not want weekend appointments. Tried before.

    Liked by 3 people

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