Exposure to carcinogens in Faslane

In May 2024:

Silence is revealing?

In May 2023:

QUESTIONS are hanging over the safety of Britain’s nuclear arsenal after it was revealed there were 58 radiation leaks at Trident facilities in Scotland this year so far. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has revealed there were 15 recorded radiation leaks at Coulport and a further 43 at Faslane in 2023 as of April – but said none were considered “serious”. https://www.thenational.scot/news/23545590.trident-mod-confirms-50-radiation-leaks-year/

In March 2016:

Twenty workers at the Faslane nuclear submarine base were exposed to radiation due to safety errors, newly-released documents have revealed. The engineers were repairing a leaking tank on a Trident submarine while a nearby nuclear reactor was operated. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-35739567

From the UK Parliament in 2009:

That this House is deeply disturbed at the revelations of at least eight liquid radioactive leaks into the sea loch over the past 10 years from radioactive waste storage facilities at HM Naval Base Clyde at Faslane, near Glasgow, the home port for British nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed submarines, made public on 27 April 2009 following an investigation carried out by Channel Four News and investigative reporter Rob Edwards; notes with alarm that these latest leaks bring the total number of leaks acknowledged at Faslane over the last three decades to more than 40; welcomes the release of around 400 pages of internal e-mails, letters and reports by the environmental regulator, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA); further notes with concern that one of SEPA’s internal reports indicates that many of the ageing facilities used to process, store and dispose of radioactive waste at Faslane are `not fit for purpose’; further notes that the Ministry of Defence has admitted its facilities fail to meet modern safety standards requiring that the `best practicable means’ are used to minimise and control waste; further notes SEPA is pressing for the legal power to inspect and control Faslane’s nuclear operations; therefore calls upon the Ministry of Defence to urgently tighten safety standards at Faslane, and to evaluate the future environmental hazards to those living around the River Clyde, from Faslane; and calls upon the Government to consider urgently the benefits to the economy and the environment of abolishing Britain’s current nuclear weapons, including the planned £76 billion Trident replacement. https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/38606/radioactive-leaks-from-faslane-nuclear-submarine-base

I can find no research specifically on the risk of exposure to known carcinogens, among those who have worked at Faslane.

However, from the USA, this:

Unsafe levels of a carcinogen have been discovered at a nuclear missile base in Montana after the area experienced a spike in cancer case numbers, the Air Force Global Strike Command announced Monday.

A carcinogen is a “substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancer,” a category that includes naturally occurring things like UV rays or those created by human production, like cigarette smoke, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute.

The announcement said an immediate cleanup effort was ordered after bioenvironmental experts reported polychlorinated biphenyls was found in samples taken from Malmstrom Air Force Base Aug. 4.

Polychlorinated biphenyls, often called simply PCBs, are hazardous, manmade substances that were banned in the U.S. in 1977 for their potential ability to cause cancer, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Associated Press said the samples taken found PCB levels in two facilities located at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in central Montana exceeded thresholds recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Is there any reason to think, workers at Faslane were not exposed to the very same carcinogens.

20 thoughts on “Exposure to carcinogens in Faslane

  1. This bit was news to me and I’m sure it will be to many ” leaks into the sea from NUCLEAR WASTE FACILITIES at Faslane.

    Call me naive butI had no idea they were storing nuclear waste there. I thought nuclear waste storage was a whole different ball game.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nuclear subs so likely spent fuel rods which will be stored until big enough load to warrant the expense of taking them south to Sellafield.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Ah, but as Herr Jack has stated it is nane o your business, hen! Leave things like that to your betters and shut up.

      Faslane has always been about the maintenance of nuclear submarines and as part of the maintenance the nuclear fuel has to be replaced and, even if only for the short term, there has to be nuclear waste storage on site. It might well be removed by sea or land to more purpose-built nuclear waste facilities such as at Dounereay or Sellafield. But, essentially, that means putting it down deep holes. Much nuclear waste has a half-life of thousands of years and is therefore emitting for long periods of time. Some rocks and materials such as lead can absorb radiation and render it less hazardous to human, animal and plant life. The further people are away from the source the less is the danger, but people who work in the facilities are close to the source and even if wearing protective equipment receive higher doses than the rest of us. For much of the history of nuclear facilities management has been aware of the levels of exposure and of the inadequacy of protective measures, but has either, as Herr Jack has done, declared it ‘an official secret’ – national security and all that – or indicated that the exposures are ‘within safe levels’. ‘Safe’ levels are arbitrary. There is radiation present at all times and has been there since life began and, to some extent, we have evolved to withstand it to a fair degree, because of our skin. ‘Safe’ levels of exposure are defined in relation to what is called the ‘background radiation’.

      There have been several films made about malign effects on the health of workers in chemical, nuclear and other industrial plants. These have been pooh-poohed by management despite them knowing that their workforces are in danger.

      The area in the hills above Faslane is very good for bird-watching and any time a group of us twitchers head up that way, very shortly a couple of cars of security officers appear to watch us.

      Alasdair Macdonald

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Thanks Alasdair. I’m just gobsmacked at the liberties the UK government take upon themselves to foist on our country when they know full well the majority of Scots are opposed to nuclear power of any kind in this country. And the kicker – to be told by the AH we have no business even asking about pollution in our own country.

        Liked by 3 people



  2. Nuclear pollutants are deadly in large quantities released into the air or water etc. Many years ago there was an article about how far too many children were dying of cancer in Cumbria next to Sellafield. It was denied by officials and indeed by someone I met who lived next to the site and worked at Sellafield, as being related to the nuclear power station of course. The levels of childhood leukemia were too high for it to be a coincidence. I made a print about it, called ‘why the children die’. I wonder if it’s still the case now and, waste from that site can’t be stored in underground bunkers at Sellafield, (as was once planned far as I know) it’s too geologically unsound. Where is it stored because there is masses and masses of the stuff.


  3. There is a film at National Library of Scotland, ‘moving image archive’ (short films) about protests that were held when Torness was being planned and built…I know a couple of people who were there. Worth a watch, in copyright so can’t share but should be easy to find.


  4. I found this article from circa 2014………it is horrifying!!!


    a short snippet from it……”

    The Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator (DNSR) has not provided any advice on the potential to base
    armed Trident submarines at Devonport and no assessment of this risk has been carried out.
    This paper is an attempt to address this omission by providing an initial estimate of the risk and
    consequences of a missile accident on a Trident submarine at Devonport.
    The explosion of 8 Trident missiles on a submarine in Devonport would break windows across 23 %
    of Plymouth. There would be damage to property and a significant number of casualties, including
    fatalities, from blast damage. Plutonium from 40 nuclear warheads would be dispersed across the
    city. In a light breeze this could result in 800 long-term cancer deaths. In very calm conditions the
    death toll could be as high as 11,000, mostly short-term fatalities from Acute Radiation Syndrome.
    The MOD’s Regulations for the Nuclear Weapons programme (JSP 538) also suggests that radiation
    could be at a level where there would be a significant number of fatalities from Acute Radiation
    A large proportion of the city would be contaminated with plutonium. The MOD assumes that
    economic activity would be disrupted if the ground is contaminated with plutonium at levels
    exceeding 200 kbq/m2. In a light breeze from the South West 16% of the city would be contaminated
    to this level. In very calm conditions 54% of the urban area would be contaminated to 200 kbq/m2
    and large parts of the city would experience far higher radiation levels. This would constitute a long-
    term hazard because of the long half-lives of plutonium isotopes. Large parts of the city would be
    abandoned. In addition to the direct health effects, the accident would have a major economic impact”

    But it is okay to have one 39 miles from Glasgow!!!


    Time to vote for Independence and get the hell away from these dangerous Whitehall morons!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Quite J.B. Canvassing during the 2018 Scottish Independence Referendum, the one matter nearly everybody agreed upon was the removal of nuclear weapons from Scotland.


            1. You speak bollocks ( there’s an English word you will understand) Scotland has never wanted nuclear anything…fake polls will not change that…..maybe go back to Starmer or Sunak and tell them from Scotland to remove their nuclear everything from Scottish soil…we don’t want it and certainly do not need it…your tiny little nation has been shown up for its warmongering for centuries.


    2. Re proximity to Glasgow: I remember an exchange on the difficulty of finding another suitable deepwater harbour.

      “There’s one at Devenport”

      “But there are people there!”

      In fairness, that could partly be the perception (heavily encouraged) that Scotland is predominantly remote, mist/rain covered hills. (Well, apart from the dirty, slummy, rat-infested cities, peopled by rickets-ridden, idle types only found in such places as the Rookery and Seven Dials in Olden Tymes.)

      And Macmillan did point out that in the event of “an incident” Scotland would be devastated, but England would be untouched. (Sorry, I can’t find the exact reference.)

      I’m not given to tears, but I cried with shame about that one…


    1. What is pathetic is that whatever YOU are anonymous……be it bluelabour/tory or the usual unionist troll…….you will not defeat Scotland and our Independence which is going to happen…..you all better get used to that fact!!! Do not call John pathetic you are clearly not clever enough….normal service is resumed!!!

      Let’s get away from this right wing Labour/tory propaganda and vote for SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE…….YES!!! Then Scotland agrees!!!



        1. Wow some retort with your fake polls and your fake Labour non socialist party…..no time for extreme right wingers…….Scotland will be an independent country regardless of your propaganda smears and your media controlled rubbish and you are terrified…..now go away back to your pretend kingdom and bow to your paymasters in Whitehall and the Starmer/Sunak wreckers……hahahaha……oh one thing thanks for calling me lad I haven’t been called that for at least 60 years.



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