Scotland to power millions of homes in England, for no return, for the moment

Fraisthorpe beach where the cable will come onshore

From the Yorkshire Post in February 2024:

Landowners in East Yorkshire have complained of feeling “pressurised” over an undersea electricity “superhighway” from Scotland to England which will cross their land.

The £2.1bn link between Peterhead in north east Scotland and Drax in north Yorkshire, is expected to provide enough “green” electricity from Scottish offshore wind farms to power 2m homes in England.


Bloody Scots, comin’ down ere, powering our homes and blighting our landscapes with their pylons?

2 million homes eh? Based on average electricity bills, around £2 billion in revenue, taxed by the UK Treasury and kept there for England’s national debt repayments, HS2, useless PPE and Test & trace, the monarchy, the Lords, the subs, the tanks, the aircraft carriers…..

In an independent Scotland, we could tax the energy companies on that revenue – £400 million at least for public services.

Is that the only Scotland to rUK transfer?

In recent years, between 15 000 and 20 000 GWhrs to England and around 2 000 to northern Ireland.

What’s that worth?

Over to you readers.

15 thoughts on “Scotland to power millions of homes in England, for no return, for the moment

  1. An interconnector between Scotland and the UK/England – Good ! It gives US another negotiating point come independence . Take the deal or we cut you off !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Unionists alway come back with ‘it transfers two ways’ and, sure enough, sometimes there is a graph showing South to North transfer. But I’m not au fait with giga watts herts or whatever to understand the volume either way so I just have to keep my trap shut which, for me, is no easy matter.🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s part of that pooling and sharing that they, the NO side, told us about in 2014…..but who is actually being forced to do most of the pooling and the sharing…..

    It’s not as if we, via our government in Scotland, has the power to currently pull the plug on this as a consistent behaviour via their UK government is it……shocking is it not…..indeed it seems to be via their UK government, as a behaviour, one that is static ……alas some of our fellow citizens seem to have no energy to conduct a fight back in opposition to the UK government having all of the power to continue to do this……and it is then left to people like us to try and generate a surge in support in their resistance to switching their allegiance to independence and thus stopping the flow in support for their UK…..I hope that eventually more people in Scotland (majority) will finally some day see the light and thus are then just as charged as we are into generating a Scotland that is independent and who , as an independent country, is then able to conduct it’s own independent policies on matters such as energy.

    Of course we, Scotland, also have an abundance of new energy available to us via renewable power both as a potential and via capacity ……but if we stay within their UK then that will also be something else that their UK government will try to divert away from us a a resource to supply their whole UK with… in another power grab…in more ways than one….as in another electric shock for Scotland….where resistance is apparently futile…..but in voting for independence we can break that UK circuit by…….. severing the connection ….LOL


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for this NMRN.

      You really switched me on to the possibilities. A real lightbulb moment. I’m wired!


      1. LOL

        Glad you feel ‘amped up’ …….hopefully others will , like you and I ,eventually also think that independence is a bright move for Scotland……and thus, over time , many of them will no longer want to be disconnected from the YES movement….

        Power to the people.

        Have a nice day




    2. I tended to think of the ‘pooling and sharing’ thing as fooling and scaring. And it worked with too many Scots. It’s enough to make you blow a fuse. Oops sorry, Prof John said stop doing that!



      1. LOL

        I’m saying nowt (more) as that would be considered to be , by me, perhaps an overload (of puns)……

        Have a nice day




  4. There is merit in communicating the intrinsic – the ‘sticky’ – assets of Scotland. Demonstrating that Scotland has valuable assets in abundance is a necessary but not sufficient part of case making for independence – it’s also about giving confidence that such assets can be better sustained, used to better effect and renewed in future in an independent Scotland. I do still come across Unionists holding to the ‘too wee, too poor etc.’ nonsense!

    The UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has in recent years been publishing accounts of ‘natural capital’ or ‘wealth’.

    It explains: ‘Natural wealth is reflected in things like the productivity of soils and access to clean water. Any natural resource or process that supports human life, society and the economy forms a part of our natural capital. We are estimating both the current value and what it could provide for future generations. Valuing natural capital is an important part of a wider move to better understand inclusive wealth, as described in The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review. ‘ (with my emphasis)

    On 15 June 2023 it published this: ‘Scotland natural capital accounts: 2023 – Estimates the value of Scottish natural capital and its beneficial effects for the population.’ ( ) There are useful statistics here to note, the value of which is enhanced by coming from the authoritative ONS.

    ‘Scotland accounts for around 32% of the total UK land area.’

    ‘The total asset value of natural capital in Scotland that we can currently value is an estimated £230 billion in 2019, representing 13% of the total UK asset value’ – asset values of natural resources measure ‘the long-term potential (stock) of that resource to provide goods and services to people’.

    ‘The total annual value of ecosystem services that we can currently value in Scotland is estimated to be £15 billion in 2019, 30% of the total UK annual value.’ – ecosystem services are the contributions of ecosystems to economic and other human activity.

    ‘In 2019, the annual value of provisioning services in Scotland was £14 billion, 57% of the annual value of provisioning services across the UK.’ – provisioning services are products extracted, harvested or derived from nature, such as food, water, energy and materials

    The ONS explains that in general ‘the value of provisioning services is determined by the extent and location of underlying natural capital assets rather than where the people that ultimately benefit from these assets are based.’ As if we in Scotland haven’t known this for a very long time!!

    ‘Some 73% of the total UK fish capture in 2020 was in Scotland’ and ‘Where stock sustainability was known, 78% of Scotland’s fish capture was sustainable in 2020’ – the ONS reports that the sustainability status of Scotland’s stocks was unknown for just 7% whilst for the rest of the UK, 65% of total capture had an unknown sustainability status.

    In 2021 ‘Scotland produces 31% of the UK total wind electricity generation and 86% of Scotland’s contribution comes from onshore wind.’

    ‘Scotland accounted for 62% of UK timber production in 2021’

    ‘Water abstraction decreased 28% between 2003 to 2017, … This was partly because of a decrease in water leakage, with the three-year moving average declining every year since 2005.’

    On cultural services – ‘the non-material benefits we obtain from ecosystems through recreation, tourism and the associated health benefits’ – ‘Scotland accounted for 11% of the total UK annual value for recreation and house prices in 2019’ – the ONS explains it calculation of value relating to house prices, both ‘recreation’ and ‘aesthetic’

    ‘The proportion of people in Scotland who received health benefits from nature is typically the greatest of the four nations’ – in 2020 assessed as 48% in Scotland and 37% in England’.

    Recall from the intro to this report from the ONS: ‘Any natural resource or process that supports human life, society and the economy forms a part of our natural capital’ and ‘Valuing natural capital is an important part of a wider move to better understand INCLUSIVE WEALTH’.

    Good to have the ONS confirm Scotland as asset rich in this important form of ‘capital’!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. ‘doing the work here’

        The point is that it actually took so little effort!

        The problem is not that positives about Scotland do not exist – the opposite is the case and they are not hard to come by – but that the BBC and almost all other UK mainstream news media rarely report them. Bias by omission!

        And they compound their malign influence by instead opting to gaslight Scotland.

        All of which of course you know only too well!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. so power is produced by wind farms in the Highlands and offshore Scotland. Tens of billions worth and it’s about to be ramped up to multiples of that. This electricity is transmitted via huge pylons and power stations ruining psome people’s lives. Transmitted to power England, where consumers pay less for it than we whose country produces it. I get that Energy is reserved but why are our elected representatives and the Scottish Government in general not standing up for us. Enough is enough. This is a prime example of an extractive economy where colonial powers asset strip their colonies. Come on SNP. Start kicking up hell. Right now you are complicit in this theft.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The Scottish Gov is investing in renewables. There would be no benefit without Scottish Gov policy. People have to vote for Independence to realise it. Vote the unionists out.

    Westminster Gov have £Billion contracts to buy Gas from Norway. Nuclear from France. They spend £13Billion a year decommissioning nuclear for 10 years. £130Billion. Increasing further. Wasting £Billion on Hickley Point. Years late and over budget. Where will they dump the waste? Contaminated subs rusting at Rosyth. Dumped in Scotland.

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