Labour pushing their pet prof ‘under a bus?’

Prof Arthur Bloom, who died in 1992, had been based in Cardiff and was one of the UK’s leading haematologists In the Times Higher Education, today: Infected blood: how academics both caused and exposed tragedy Report into scandal highlights danger of relying on singular sources of knowledge, in contrast to inquiry itself, which utilised vast range of expertise to get to the bottom of what happened. Particularly criticised was Arthur Bloom, a professor in haematology at what was then the University of Wales College of Medicine, now part of Cardiff University, whose views were said to have been “overly influential”. Last … Continue reading Labour pushing their pet prof ‘under a bus?’

Raynor praises Welsh Labour Government for being far less successful than SNP Government in Scotland

By stewartb The BBC News website’s Wales section has this headline today: ‘Wales held back by UK Tory rule – Labour’s Rayner’. The article reports on Labour’s deputy leader launching the party’e GE campaign in Llandudno. We learn that she stated the following (with my emphasis and comment): ‘Addressing the launch, Ms Rayner praised the Welsh party’s achievements in government in Cardiff, despite what she labelled “14 years chaos” under the Conservatives at Westminster”. Has Scotland (miraculously) been immune to these 14 years of Westminster-induced chaos? She then listed Labour’s key achievements as she saw them: “You see what Welsh Labour has done, whether … Continue reading Raynor praises Welsh Labour Government for being far less successful than SNP Government in Scotland

How BBC Wales hides Labour Government from scrutiny

In the Nation Cymru today but nowhere in the MSM of Wales: Wales deserves better than to have a dishonest politician as First Minister. That’s why it’s important that the Labour Party does what is necessary to remove Vaughan Gething from office. Since Nation.Cymru revealed four days ago that he had misled the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, statements he has made – and that another member of his Cabinet has made – have confirmed that he has been dishonest. Our original case against him was set out in an article we published last Tuesday morning, May 7. It’s worth repeating the crucial … Continue reading How BBC Wales hides Labour Government from scrutiny

Shock – Welsh teachers union doesn’t sacrifice its members’ interests to help Labour

This site costs nothing to run so donate to our friends at By stewartb In TuS yesterday: ‘the EIS union, whose leaders have regularly misrepresented their members interests to help Scottish Labour’ Given the reference to the EIS and given its general negativity towards the Scottish Government, it’s instructive to look at an example of how the equivalent of the EIS in Wales frames its ‘wants’ from the Welsh Government (with my emphasis). From the website of the National Education Union (NEU): ‘The crisis in funding for schools and colleges in Wales. Motion 22 – NEU Cymru members highlight … Continue reading Shock – Welsh teachers union doesn’t sacrifice its members’ interests to help Labour

Only in Scotland – Like his English counterpart the Welsh Auditor General is neither a political stooge nor a media favourite

This site costs nothing to run so donate to our friends at By cuckooshoe I cannot find any mainstream media reports on this release from Audit Wales published on 20 Feb 2024 ‘The Auditor General for Wales has called for a bold vision for public services in Wales if it is to shift from a spiral of short-term firefighting to future proofing and long-term sustainability. In the context of the Welsh Government’s draft budget for 2024-25, the Auditor General identifies themes that the work of Audit Wales suggests would help public organisations achieve more value from the money … Continue reading Only in Scotland – Like his English counterpart the Welsh Auditor General is neither a political stooge nor a media favourite