Major fixes are required for a failing UK state but the two main parties are in denial for partisan electoral reasons

From stewartb There have been some escoriating assessments of the Tory and Labour manifestos for the upcoming General Election. They include the one below from the establishment-revered Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). When reading the extracts, written from a London/England-centric UK perspective, reflect on just how ‘distant’ – how lacking in effective agency — Scotland’s electorate and government are in all of this! The IFS is essentially arguing that major fixes are required for a failing UK state but that the two main parties are in denial for partisan electoral reasons. Within this Union, Scotland’s ability to influence the nature … Continue reading Major fixes are required for a failing UK state but the two main parties are in denial for partisan electoral reasons

Perhaps we’ll see NHS England under a Labour health secretary introduce the ‘breach exemption’?

By stewartb There is another clever wheeze available to Mr Streeting [to cut A&E waits] it seems, one tried and tested by Labour in Wales. Perhaps he intends NHS England’s A&E waiting times performance reporting to adopt the practice the Labour government in Cardiff has been using to massage the A&E waits performance in Wales. Perhaps we’ll see NHS England under a Labour health secretary introduce the ‘breach exemption’? From the BBC News website’s Wales section (16 October, 2023): ‘NHS Wales: Thousands of hours missing from A&E figures – doctors’. In this we learn of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEM) … Continue reading Perhaps we’ll see NHS England under a Labour health secretary introduce the ‘breach exemption’?

Researchers reveal Labour will spend even less than the Tories on the NHS

From the Observer, today, based on analysis by leading experts at the Nuffield Trust: Labour and the Conservatives would both leave the NHS with lower spending increases than during the years of Tory austerity, according to an independent analysis of their manifestos by a leading health thinktank. The assessment by the respected Nuffield Trust of the costed NHS policies of both parties, announced in their manifestos last week, says the level of funding increases would leave them struggling to pay existing staff costs, let alone the bill for massive planned increases in doctors, nurses and other staff in the long-term workforce plan agreed last … Continue reading Researchers reveal Labour will spend even less than the Tories on the NHS

In NHS England, you’re almost TWICE as likely to have to wait more than 12 hours in A&E

By stewartb Yet another ‘credible’ health body takes aim at Labour’s manifesto! In two recent press statements on A&E waiting times performance, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) noted: In May 2024, 10% of patients attending A&E in England spent 12 hour or longer there = 145,094 patients (statement issued on 13 June) In April 2024, 5.7% of patients attending A&E in Scotland spent 12 hours or more there = 6,412 patients (statement issued on 4 June). This marked difference in the percentage of patients experiencing long stays in A&E – demonstrating the much better (whilst still not good enough) situation in Scotland … Continue reading In NHS England, you’re almost TWICE as likely to have to wait more than 12 hours in A&E

Will Central Ayrshire Labour candidate condemn his leader’s hypocritical use of a private jets funded by country where abuse of workers and women is rife?

From the Irvine Times, today: Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds joined his party’s candidate for Central Ayrshire on a visit to Prestwick’s GE Caledonian site at the weekend. Mr Reynolds and candidate Alan Gemmell [OBE] were exploring the potential for future investment and jobs in Prestwick’s aerospace sector. From the Guardian on 31st May:: Keir Starmer has admitted travelling via ‘efficient’ private jet to Scotland ‘in the middle of a very busy general election campaign’, despite Labour having previously criticised Rishi Sunak for using aircraft to get around the country. Starmer was in Glasgow to talk about the party’s Great … Continue reading Will Central Ayrshire Labour candidate condemn his leader’s hypocritical use of a private jets funded by country where abuse of workers and women is rife?

Labour in Starmer’s various speeches morph from the country being England…to Britain….to Wales….to Scotland….

By NMRN So today I just got some election bumf through my door , in an envelope, addressed to me from the Labour party…..this is about the 5th piece of propaganda I have had from them. My area is the SNP Tommy Sheppard’s constituency Edinburgh East & Musselburgh and this is one of the seats that I think Labour are targeting really hard to win…..also I have had three sets of Labour canvassers at my door……so far……… that is…….. At the top of the letter was their empty slogan “Change” with a red background but neither a Union jack border nor … Continue reading Labour in Starmer’s various speeches morph from the country being England…to Britain….to Wales….to Scotland….

Starmer’s Labour Party has been captured by a small, highly determined right-wing clique

By NMRN Here is the reality and truth of Labour under Keir Starmer: Journalist Peter Osborne tweeted: “Starmer’s Labour Party has been captured by a small, highly determined right-wing clique, one that is as insouciant of Labour’s magnificent history and democratic tradition as it is contemptuous of ethnic minorities” Journalist Michael Crick interviewed: “Thinks it is disgraceful what has been going on with Labour. He said that as a self confessed Blairite and traditionally Labour right winger. I won’t be voting for Labour at this GE. The Stamerites have purged virtually everybody on the left. They purge them from being … Continue reading Starmer’s Labour Party has been captured by a small, highly determined right-wing clique

Labour candidate sets out priorities for Central Ayrshire to return to 1980s poverty

The Irvine Times on 24th May, platformed Labour candidate, Allan Gemmell to studiously ignore the awful prospect of what a New Labour UK Government and a client government in Holyrood, might mean for the good folk of Central Ayrshire. I’ll come back to the promises he made after listing only a few of the losses he forgets to mention: He promised: More on the candidate: I’m sure the photographer was just trying get in all the food brought to an Irvine food bank by local rich guy, the former Director of the British Council in India, the former Her Majesty’s … Continue reading Labour candidate sets out priorities for Central Ayrshire to return to 1980s poverty

London calling: How the BBC stole the Election

By NMRN Remember ‘London calling: How the BBC stole the Referendum‘. Well they, the BBC, are trying to do it all over again but this time they are trying to steal this General election for the Labour party to gain them seats in Scotland. Cue……BBC Clarifications & Corrections latest addition….. “Radio News Bulletins 19 April 2024 In some brief news items we said that the former Chief Executive of the Scottish National Party Peter Murrell had been charged with the embezzlement of “public funds”. We should have said “SNP funds”. 23/05/24“ “Public funds” v “SNP Funds”……big difference …….and someone somewhere was on the ball and highlighted this to the BBC as an ‘error’ (another one…..that just … Continue reading London calling: How the BBC stole the Election

Extremists? Tories love them, are them!

By NMRN RISHI Sunak has mentioned “Scottish Nationalists” in a major speech referring to the “extremist” threats facing the UK…..meanwhile we are all old enough to remember when the Tories, under Theresa May as PM, sought an agreement with the DUP. Where she made an “Extreme” kind of decision in giving one billion pounds, as a bribe to the DUP, in return for their support in the HOC to help her government win/pass votes in there………post the 2017 GE when she , as the new Tory leader, lost them their Tory majority that they, as a party, previously had before she called that 2017 … Continue reading Extremists? Tories love them, are them!