London-based County Lines drug gang exploits child in Aberdeenshire but BBC Scotland look away again as election looms

By Professor John Robertson Yesterday, STV had this headline and sub: Man, 21, charged in connection with drugs offences and child exploitation – The 21-year-old man is due to appear at Peterhead Sheriff Court on Monday, June 24. They do mention London and County Lines in the text but keep this matter, which clearly harms the Better Together story, from too much attention. I doubt the story has made a TV broadcast. Correct me if you can. BBC Scotland? It is now more than 3 years since BBC Scotland mentioned County Lines gangs, for the only time, in a post. … Continue reading London-based County Lines drug gang exploits child in Aberdeenshire but BBC Scotland look away again as election looms

Homeownership rates among younger people in Scotland far higher than for UK

 Institute for Fiscal Studies (June 2024) By stewartb On 20 June 2024 the Scottish Government announced the following: ‘Help for first-time buyers across the country on low to medium incomes’. This is described on the Scottish Government website: ’A scheme to help first time buyers and certain priority groups step on to the property ladder has reopened for applications. The Open Market Shared Equity (OMSE) scheme is available across Scotland to first-time buyers on low or medium incomes who cannot afford the full price of a home. (my emphasis) ‘Successful applicants will be able to buy a home without having … Continue reading Homeownership rates among younger people in Scotland far higher than for UK

Independence – When will we reach our tipping point? 

By Brenda Robb Following the launch of the SNPs manifesto many folk have taken to Twitter and newspaper comments to bemoan the SNPs ability to make progress on securing independence. Every armchair expert claims to know what they should have done with solutions ranging from challenging obscure constitutional treaties, declaring UDI or just somehow sorting it. In some ways the Westminster refrain of “Now is not the time” was highly successful as it has allowed time, frustration and division to take their toll on the independence movement.  This is not new. A quick internet trawl gave the following timelines for … Continue reading Independence – When will we reach our tipping point? 

Now that was all ‘maximising’ influence and benefit for Scotland’s businesses!

By stewartb Prominent on Labour in Scotland’s website right now is this: ‘What will Labour do for Scotland? – Our 6 first steps to change Scotland‘. This is Labour’s step number six! Perhaps a moments thought as to relevant context and perspective by Labour’s leadership in Scotland might have been helpful before issuing this kind of substance-free stuff. It’s possible of course that this ‘maximising’ pledge has been dreamt up to give an incoming Labour Secretary of State for Scotland (Ian Murray?) cover for a ‘pretendy’ purpose! This pledge to Scotland on ‘maximising influence’ on trade ironically is from the same … Continue reading Now that was all ‘maximising’ influence and benefit for Scotland’s businesses!

Herald cartunionist excludes the SNP to other his own folk

The above in the Herald today with no place for Scotland’s biggest party, SNP, in the above General Election. The SNP and the million plus who vote for it, have just been ‘othered’ Othering is a social phenomenon that arises from our human tendency to categorize and differentiate. It is deeply rooted in social and cultural dynamics, shaping how we perceive and treat each other. Sometimes, it can have more disturbing consequences, leading to discrimination and dehumanization.,leading%20to%20discrimination%20and%20dehumanization. Why did Camley do this? Who knows? Maybe not even him? He has previous: The Herald’s Steven Camley’s interpretation of the SNP leader’s … Continue reading Herald cartunionist excludes the SNP to other his own folk

An exposé of the UK’s failings is all the more compelling when the source is close to Westminster!

When an independent, London-based, Anglo-centric, establishment-endorsed, centrist think tank concludes the UK state is failing, those in Scotland not yet convinced about ending the Union should take heed! By stewartb – a long read Views I came across recently, expressed in two quite different places, triggered the writing of what follows. The first was an article by Martin Wolf in the FT (10 June) headlined ‘UK election draws a veil of silence over bitter economic truths – Neither major political party wants the debate that the country needs about taxes, spending and structural reform’. Wolf writes (with my emphasis): ‘Things … Continue reading An exposé of the UK’s failings is all the more compelling when the source is close to Westminster!

Scottish Labour virus in YouTube!

By NMRN BBC Website Scotland page: There is now only one story in the top section of this page re the nasty political episode we recently witnessed with Dross U turning on his former decision on standing as an MP and choosing the seat of a sick colleague who himself stated he wanted to still stand as the chosen Tory candidate for that seat…..this story is the fifth story in their top section of stories (Soon I am sure to descend even lower as a story before it disappears completely)…… and contrast with the multitude of stories on Michael Mathieson which lasted for days/weeks which as headlines were all ‘attacks’ on Mr Mathieson and not as a story one that very quickly became a story via his colleagues defending him that was headlined as such by the BBC … Continue reading Scottish Labour virus in YouTube!

Scots Wha Hae a’ the evidence?

By Bill Warrin, to the same tune but with new words for these times and hot links to the evidence for each line at ScotsWhaHae.OnlineBest viewed in LandscapeSing to same tune as Scots Wha HaeThat celebrated an Indy battle won in 1314This is for the Indy battle to win on 4th of July THE SNP CARES FOR YOU BETTER THAN WESTMINSTERFree Prescriptions, Personal & Nursing Care,         SFree Uni Fees, Child Payment and many more.      V   Westminster chooses not to provide them.           BUnionists don’t like SNP showing them up,PTso If SNP lose their Westminster majority,FMwill Westminster cut Holyrood’s money,NUto stop the SNP providing … Continue reading Scots Wha Hae a’ the evidence?

A Tale of Two Westminster Warriors on D Day – how the SNP and the Tories treat their wounded

David Duguid, Banff and Buchan MP from June 2017 and, he thought until today, Conservative Candidate for a new seat, similar to the one he won for the second time in 2019, with an increased majority, and just over 50% of the vote. Duguid has been unwell but fully intended to stand again. He was adopted by the local Aberdeenshire North and Moray East branch for that purpose. Last night, he discovered that ‘the Party’ had de-selected him, as supposedly ‘unwell’, to replace him with the current Holyrood leader, Douglas Ross. This is despite Ross previously promising to stand down from … Continue reading A Tale of Two Westminster Warriors on D Day – how the SNP and the Tories treat their wounded

NHS Scotland’s ‘hugely better’ performance that the Royal College prefers to obscure

By stewartb The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) is a persistent and highly critical commentator on the responses of UK and devolved governments to the waiting times and capacity challenges facing NHS Emergency Departments in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. For background, it is my contention – and I’d argue, provable by analysis of the RCEM’s past monthly press statements that following the release of performance data for the NHS in each of the four nations – that the RCEM (i) fails to acknowledge the relatively better performance of NHS Scotland; and (ii) adopts a tone in its … Continue reading NHS Scotland’s ‘hugely better’ performance that the Royal College prefers to obscure