Castles made of sand and radioactive particles linked to infant leukaemia – are the Ayrshire Labour candidates relaxed about that?

By Professor John Robertson Thanks to Frances McKie for alerting me to this. The above two Labour candidates in Ayrshire constituencies have beaches where children play and both are, whether they want to be or not, because Sir Keir tells them to be, supporters of the reintroduction of nuclear power stations across Scotland and, in particular on the the Ayrshire coast, which is still popular on hot sunny weekends with families from all over the West of Scotland. Sand castle building is still a thing. I see them often on my dog walks. The children building them get right into … Continue reading Castles made of sand and radioactive particles linked to infant leukaemia – are the Ayrshire Labour candidates relaxed about that?

The politicised campaign against one of the safest hospitals in the UK

Glasgow’s supposedly ‘troubled‘ super-hospital, the QEUH, has been a steady supplier of stories based on one or two statistically insignificant cases, Scottish Labour ‘ambulance-chasing’ of these few cases and infections ‘linked to‘ deaths there. Try googling ‘QEUH deaths‘ and you’ll see how obsessive the media interest has been. Today, Reporting Scotland is headlining a story of a complaint by some staff based on possible risks with no actual figures to prove any consequences in terms of deaths in the hospital. For years, now, I’ve been trying to counter this shameless demonising of an institution in a proxy war against SNP … Continue reading The politicised campaign against one of the safest hospitals in the UK

Scotland is at the greatest risk from Europe’s most hazardous nuclear plant

In the Guardian today, the above map, and this: Sellafield, Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site, has a worsening leak from a huge silo of radioactive waste that could pose a risk to the public, the Guardian can reveal. Concerns over safety at the crumbling building, as well as cracks in a reservoir of toxic sludge known as B30, have caused diplomatic tensions with countries including the US, Norway and Ireland, which fear Sellafield has failed to get a grip of the problems. BBC Scotland today is not reporting this but rather is pushing against the Scottish Government’s manifesto commitment … Continue reading Scotland is at the greatest risk from Europe’s most hazardous nuclear plant