The comedy time lag on Scotland’s violent past

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at: Here’s an English comedian recently working the hard Scots stereotype. Comedians, Scottish ones too, have lived of this trope for decades. As recently as 2005, not quite 20 years ago, it was based on a degree of reality: In 2005, a United Nations report named Scotland as the most violent country in the developed world. You were 3x more likely to be a victim of assault in Glasgow than you were in America. Glasgow … Continue reading The comedy time lag on Scotland’s violent past

NHS Scotland – the best performing A&E service measured by waiting times of any in the UK

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at: By stewartb The Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEM) website has a section entitled ‘Devolved Performance Figures’ where it provides comparable A&E waiting times data for the NHS in the four UK nations. Presently these enables direct comparisons for the month of January 2024. Under a Tory government with all the powers of a nation-state: NHS England: ‘In January 2024, 177,805 patients waited 12 hours or more from their time of arrival. The MOST AMOUNT … Continue reading NHS Scotland – the best performing A&E service measured by waiting times of any in the UK

Reported domestic abuse in England & Wales climbing steadily to THREE times the rate in Scotland where it is also falling steadily

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at: BBC Reporting Scotland today is headlining the stories of 7 abused women whose cases, often several years old, have again become ‘the news‘ as they form the basis for another of their Disclosure series. Once more there is no context. Have these crimes become more or less common? Are they more common in Scotland than elsewhere? These are questions we’d get the answers to if they were about drug deaths or any rare phenomenon … Continue reading Reported domestic abuse in England & Wales climbing steadily to THREE times the rate in Scotland where it is also falling steadily

The Guardian casually distorts the lower level of homicide against women in Scotland

In the above Guardian piece today, 3 (33%) of the 9 murders described took place in Scotland. The authors chose these 9 examples from 174 murders of women in England & Wales last year. Read the above, on its own, and Scotland looks a more dangerous place for women, by some way. That’s not just untrue, it’s the reverse. The facts: From National Statistics for Scotland, today: In 2022-2023, there were 13 female homicide victims in Scotland. In England & Wales, in 2021-2022 (latest figures) there were 198 female homicide victims. England & Wales have 11 times the population and so, … Continue reading The Guardian casually distorts the lower level of homicide against women in Scotland

A&E patient spends 5 days in a chair in a ‘warzone’ hospital but the Welsh Labour Health Secretary is not responsible in any way

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to my favourite, nearly 100 year-old, paper-based, to your door, Scots Independent newspaper, at: From BBC Wales today: Man spends five days in chairs at ‘warzone’ hospital. A patient who said he was left waiting in a hospital chair for five days has described his “nightmare” experience. Nicky Morgan, 42, went to Morriston Hospital, Swansea, on Saturday night with severe headaches and was told he had a potentially serious condition.But he said he was told there were no beds and has slept on a chair in a … Continue reading A&E patient spends 5 days in a chair in a ‘warzone’ hospital but the Welsh Labour Health Secretary is not responsible in any way

6% Missing council tax payments? Is that a lot? Yeh, but don’t mention it costs less here, OK?

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to my favourite, nearly 100 year-old, paper-based, to your door, Scots Independent newspaper, at: tax payment last year – that’s according to Citizen’s Advice. A survey by the charity suggests around 6% of people missed a payment at least once in 2023. Reporting Scotland’s opening story, first thing to today, to get you off to a bad start in Scotland. Reporting Scotland editor: 270 000? Nice big number but don’t mention the percentage. Wait, they did. Who put that in? It’s too wee! FFS! Haven’t I told … Continue reading 6% Missing council tax payments? Is that a lot? Yeh, but don’t mention it costs less here, OK?

Teacher staffing in Labour-run Wales a pupil-harming 40% lower than in Scotland as it remains the same here

This site costs nothing to run so donate to our friends at As the Guardian reports on 14 years of cuts to school budgets, crumbling buildings and a crisis in the funding for staff in England, the Scotsman has a go at including Scotland in this ‘crisis’ with: SNP teacher numbers vow in tatters The claim comes, no surprise, not from an independent research group but from the EIS union, whose leaders have regularly misrepresented their members interests to help Scottish Labour. The EIS leadership and Labour are close. Several, with me, were at Stirling University, thanks to one … Continue reading Teacher staffing in Labour-run Wales a pupil-harming 40% lower than in Scotland as it remains the same here

New evidence from Fiona Bruce that waiting lists in England are far far longer than in Scotland

From Fiona Bruce of BBC News at 6: The BBC has discovered that many NHS patients in England are stuck on waiting lists potentially running into millions. People who are referred to a specialist for treatment for cancer or heart failure for example are no longer counted on the main waiting lists. The Director of Data Analytics at the The Health Foundation then says: It’s very difficult to get an idea of the number…it’s not quite clear which hospital record it and which don’t…but I would guess it’s in the millions! Imagine that was in Scotland? Imagine Jackie Baillie on … Continue reading New evidence from Fiona Bruce that waiting lists in England are far far longer than in Scotland

NHS new building on pause – a trade union convenor is not an ‘independent expert’

Headlining early today for the Labour Party on Reporting Scotland, we see a Fife Labour councillor condemn one wee GP surgery building, specially chosen for their campaign. On the BBC Scotland website and, no doubt, on longer broadcasts, we read: Independent experts warned it was unlikely NHS Scotland would “survive” without extra funding this year. Basic journalism standards require that both the independent experts and the word ‘survive’ will re-appear in the full text below. Neither do. The only comments are from Donald Campbell, chairman of the Kincardine community council and from Dr Iain Kennedy, chair of BMA Scotland. The word … Continue reading NHS new building on pause – a trade union convenor is not an ‘independent expert’