Crime down 40% but staffing up a wee bit – Police Officers trade union praises SNP Government?

By Professor John Robertson Crime in Scotland per 10 000 people, at the end of 10 years of Labour rule in Scotland Crime in Scotland per 10 000 people, at the end of 17 years of SNP rule in Scotland, 40.5% down. 40.5% less crime? We must need fewer police officers then? That’s what the Tories or Starmerites would do. It’s not personal, just business. Did the SNP do that? Nope. From Police Scotland data, today: Scotland’s Chief Statistician has published statistics on Police Officer Quarterly Strength, which gives the number of full-time equivalent police officers employed by Police Scotland. … Continue reading Crime down 40% but staffing up a wee bit – Police Officers trade union praises SNP Government?

The SNP is a failed project? Plummeting income and a hidden membership suggests Common Weal is a better example

Front page on the National in October 2023, Common Weal’s Robin McAlpine appears. Three days ago, he was telling us: The SNP is a failed project It is hard to express how dark my mood is today or how much pain I feel for the future of Scotland and independence. The SNP is unreformed and unreformable, and the rest of us are just onlookers There is a Karl Lagerfeld quote by which I live my life: “Sweatpants are a sign of defeat.” John Swinney is a sign of defeat. This is a sign of a party not only incapable of … Continue reading The SNP is a failed project? Plummeting income and a hidden membership suggests Common Weal is a better example

BBC Scotland Hate Crime Law coverage complaint rejected because facts ‘may depend on which parties choose to comment on specific issues and news events’

More than two weeks ago, I sent this complaint to BBC Complaints: Their answer: We have and continue to provide comprehensive coverage of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021. Throughout that morning our coverage correctly attributed the claims, that the hate crime legislation should be scrapped, to the Scottish Conservatives. We also provided the Scottish Government response, that ministers acknowledged communication could have been better but the law was required to protect the most vulnerable form those who stir up hatred. This followed our coverage the previous day (16 April) in which we reported a reduction in … Continue reading BBC Scotland Hate Crime Law coverage complaint rejected because facts ‘may depend on which parties choose to comment on specific issues and news events’

Updated – How the English cartunionists dehumanise Scots to make anything ‘just a joke’, even hanging and crucifixion

By Professor John Robertson Peter Brookes in the Times, gleefully shared by the slimy be-wigged lard-bucket that is Andrew Neil, the above. Imagine doing that with the leaders of any other country? Sadly, it’s not new. In February 2024, again from Peter Brookes in the Times, a snide and offensive take on the SNP’s supposed troubles. Brookes Last year, we had: Martin Rowson with another dim-witted stereotype of Scots to conceal the fact that the SNP had a substantive, serious, motion, on one of their only 3 days, based on years of consistent support for the human rights of the … Continue reading Updated – How the English cartunionists dehumanise Scots to make anything ‘just a joke’, even hanging and crucifixion

The latest scandal ….yep another one….of a Tory MP… reads almost like a Crime novel

By NMRN The latest scandal ….yep another one….of a Tory MP…involves a surreal situation which reads almost like a Crime novel….involves a Tory MP, Mark Menzies (never heard of him) who is the MP for Flyde in Lancashire, where apparently he called an elderly party volunteer saying he was locked in a flat and needed £5,000 as a matter of “life and death”……An eventual sum of £6,500 was paid to secure his release. The money is reported to have come out of local Conservative party funds and the party is carrying out an an investigation……I assume the Police are also carrying out an investigation and if not … Continue reading The latest scandal ….yep another one….of a Tory MP… reads almost like a Crime novel

She dislikes SNP, Scottish independence, Jeremy Corbyn, anything passed as a law , bill or policy originating from the Scottish government, Scottish FM (past & present)…….

JK Rowling sitting on a mountain of children’s pocket money and dreaming of domination in Scotland By NMRN “JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over hate crime law” Pity there was not a law against “constant attention seeking uber wealthy over privileged peeps’ like her who promotes it’s ‘my way or the highway’ type of opinion on politics and other matters…….her nose cannot help but be stuck into most issues/situations/politics that she demands should be altered/reversed/different ….it’s her dismissive and condescending manner that irks….of course us mere mortals who, unlike her, cannot be protected by vast wealth that sees some, … Continue reading She dislikes SNP, Scottish independence, Jeremy Corbyn, anything passed as a law , bill or policy originating from the Scottish government, Scottish FM (past & present)…….

Will Scottish Labour donor call for Matheson to be shot?

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at: By NMRN BBC Scotland website Politics page third story….a continuing saga…..on… Michael Mathieson…..who is… The former Health Secretary……as he…. Resigned. The End.…no….that cannot be allowed to be….as To aggravate matters on this situation even further……now he has ….via BBC article…. “been found to have breached the MSPs code of conduct“…and thus…. “The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) published its findings on Thursday”. “Holyrood’s standards committee will now decide if he should be sanctioned”…..and… Of course in this story on BBC Scotland’s politics page we … Continue reading Will Scottish Labour donor call for Matheson to be shot?

Media collusion to stitch-up the First Minister

By NMRN The Daily Telegraph (Torygraph) today……front page headline “Yousaf in row over £250,000 Gaza cash” The Torygraph states that he, Yousaf, has been ‘accused’ of a conflict of interest’ after supposedly ‘overriding’ official advice in giving this money. …..last year he ,according to them , was advised to give £100,000 to £200,000 to Unicef but instead he donated £250,000 to UNRWA …which they , the Torygraph, say was on the same day that he met UN Aid officials….and here is where the so called apparent ‘conflict of interest’ comes into play for the Torygraph and those who ‘accuse’ the FM……the following day his, FM, in … Continue reading Media collusion to stitch-up the First Minister

Remember when he was the one who appointed Donald Trump as ‘Ambassador for Scotland?’ 

By NMRN “Based on the media coverage [of the Emma Caldwell case], leaders and viewers could well think this buck stops at the door of Humza Yousaf, the Scottish Government, the SNP”. …….and that is the objective is it not……we also saw it with the Post office scandal….where the Horizon system was not a system agreed to and then rolled out by the SNP as when that system was first implemented they, the SNP, were not even the Scottish government at the time (but where like everything else instigated by other political parties the SNP ,as Scottish government, gets dragged into yet another mess … Continue reading Remember when he was the one who appointed Donald Trump as ‘Ambassador for Scotland?’ 

Scotland’s drug deaths – handy summary on the real facts – Westminster responsibility, falling fast, Scottish Government acts

Westminster is ultimately responsible for Scotland’s drug deaths Drug deaths fall by 21% in only one year as SNP policies begin to reverse long-term effects of decades of Tory/New Labour neglect Evidence emerges that significant drug deaths fall is largely due to Scottish Government programme first in world Drug deaths in England & Wales significantly under-reported according to UK Civil Service Significant falls in drug deaths among the young after 16 years of SNP rule Continue reading Scotland’s drug deaths – handy summary on the real facts – Westminster responsibility, falling fast, Scottish Government acts