Janitor strikes can close schools in Scotland but not in England

Thanks to Dottie again for alerting me to this, from the Observer today: Headteachers are being forced to mend desks and unblock toilets themselves after sacking school caretakers in the wake of budget cuts, the Guardian has been told. School leaders in England said they could not afford to employ caretakers, and were having to change lightbulbs and clear playgrounds of dead rats themselves. Amanda Richards, the headteacher of Sytchampton primary in Worcestershire, said her school “literally can’t afford” a permanent caretaker, leaving her and other staff to move heavy equipment and make emergency repairs to keep the school running. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2024/apr/28/headteachers-schools-england-caretakers-budget-cuts The … Continue reading Janitor strikes can close schools in Scotland but not in England

GMB – The Generally Male Bullyboy union?

By Professor John Robertson In the Guardian today: One of Labour’s biggest union backers has been accused of employing “bullyboy tactics” in an alleged attempt to take over a smaller rail union and seize control of its assets. Maryam Eslamdoust, the left-leaning general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA), claims that the GMB union is using an in-house agreement to block staff recruitment and take control of the white-collar union to access its buildings. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/04/gmb-accused-of-bullyboy-tactics-in-alleged-attempt-to-take-over-tssa Anyone shocked to hear that the GMB leader is accused of bullying, again? Nope, here’s why: Only last month, the GMB union leader was exposed … Continue reading GMB – The Generally Male Bullyboy union?

How Sturgeon’s Covid plan saved many thousands and how Johnson failed to learn from her

This site costs nothing to run so donate to our friends at  https://www.broadcastingscotland.scot/donate/ The above story in the Scotsman is a rehash of earlier narratives that somehow the SNP Government bullied the UK Conservative Government of Johnson and Hancock into mismanaging the pandemic response. The facts again: The lowest infection rate in the UK, over the whole pandemic, by some way. The lowest current infection rate by an even bigger gap as the new variant arrives. The highest vaccination rate for all three vaccines but especially the booster jag. The second lowest death rate after Northern Ireland, 25% lower than … Continue reading How Sturgeon’s Covid plan saved many thousands and how Johnson failed to learn from her

As it surges across UK, youth homelessness falls steadily under SNP

The Guardian today has There has been a dramatic rise in the number of homeless young people in the UK since Christmas, charities have warned. The New Horizon Youth Centre in London said a record number of young people had asked it for help in the first week of January, while the charity Akt, which supports homeless LGBTQ+ young people, said it had seen more referrals than it would expect in a month. Roundabout in Sheffield and YMCA Trinity, which operates in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, also reported increases. Research by the charity Centrepoint estimated that 135,800 young people approached their … Continue reading As it surges across UK, youth homelessness falls steadily under SNP

Special constables make up only 2.4% of the force and are barely usable yet the Herald and the Lib Dumbs imagine ‘alarm’

In the Herald today: Alarms have been raised that Police Scotland’s special constabulary is heading for “extinction” as new figures revealed there are almost 1,000 fewer officers on the beat than a decade ago. Data provided to the Scottish LibDems shows 409 special constables were in the force in 2022-23, compared to 1,394 in 2013-14 – a fall of 985. As always with the Lib Dumbs, you never get the revealing percentage – there are 16 613, up from 16 570 last year, police officers so their 409 special constables, unpaid volunteers, represent only 2.4% of the force. As for … Continue reading Special constables make up only 2.4% of the force and are barely usable yet the Herald and the Lib Dumbs imagine ‘alarm’

The main reason nuclear power hasn’t ‘taken off’ – it’s not economic.

Leah Gunn Barrett Nuclear costs 2.6 times more per unit than gas and 3.7 times more than wind.[1] Government subsidies and guarantees are needed because the nuclear industry is an open-ended liability. A nuclear plant has never been fully decommissioned and many believe it would cost more than the original construction. Second, nuclear power has facilitated, not stopped, the proliferation of nuclear weapons. India produced its first plutonium in a Canadian supplied reactor, exploding its first nuclear bomb in 1974. Nations like Iran are following suit.[2]  Third, accidents have dogged the industry from the beginning. In 1957 the Windscale reactor that … Continue reading The main reason nuclear power hasn’t ‘taken off’ – it’s not economic.

Scotland’s drug deaths – handy summary on the real facts – Westminster responsibility, falling fast, Scottish Government acts

Westminster is ultimately responsible for Scotland’s drug deaths Drug deaths fall by 21% in only one year as SNP policies begin to reverse long-term effects of decades of Tory/New Labour neglect Evidence emerges that significant drug deaths fall is largely due to Scottish Government programme first in world Drug deaths in England & Wales significantly under-reported according to UK Civil Service Significant falls in drug deaths among the young after 16 years of SNP rule Continue reading Scotland’s drug deaths – handy summary on the real facts – Westminster responsibility, falling fast, Scottish Government acts