How Sturgeon’s Covid plan saved many thousands and how Johnson failed to learn from her

This site costs nothing to run so donate to our friends at The above story in the Scotsman is a rehash of earlier narratives that somehow the SNP Government bullied the UK Conservative Government of Johnson and Hancock into mismanaging the pandemic response. The facts again: The lowest infection rate in the UK, over the whole pandemic, by some way. The lowest current infection rate by an even bigger gap as the new variant arrives. The highest vaccination rate for all three vaccines but especially the booster jag. The second lowest death rate after Northern Ireland, 25% lower than … Continue reading How Sturgeon’s Covid plan saved many thousands and how Johnson failed to learn from her

Beyond the media circus – evidence the UK Covid-19 Inquiry has on Scotland’s pandemic response and outcomes

By stewartb – a long read We can only speculate what profile the UK Covid-19 Inquiry will end up giving to different sources of evidence on the Scottish Government’s response to the pandemic. How will the Inquiry weigh what it receives from dispassionate experts in comparison to what is favoured by the politically partisan? Will the Inquiry’s reporting major on WhatsApp messaging and alleged political motivation as its public hearings in Edinburgh appeared to do, at least according to media coverage? Regardless of what emerges, will BBC Scotland still trawl the Inquiry’s findings for that precious phrase which will deliver … Continue reading Beyond the media circus – evidence the UK Covid-19 Inquiry has on Scotland’s pandemic response and outcomes

The overly sensitive professor

stewartb Ths is from an earlier Covid Inquiry public hearing on Module 2 in London (16 October 2023). The Inquiry’s lawyer puts this to Professor Woolhouse: ‘Then if we can go to a passage towards the end of YOUR STATEMENT, please, you return to this theme …..: “… SAGE and its subgroups PUT TOO MUCH EMPHASIS ON CONSENSUS AND TOO LITTLE ON MINORITY VIEWS. The most likely outcome — intended or otherwise — of only
 expressing a single view is that it presents policy makers with an overly limited set of options and so will channel policy decisions along a … Continue reading The overly sensitive professor