Alister Jack and Labour’s commitment to building new small modular reactors in Scotland ignores research revealing their greater toxic waste production and thus cancer risk

From the Herald: The next government is being urged to make “big decisions” on nuclear power projects to help deliver jobs and energy security. The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) has published its manifesto, saying it was important to ensure continued momentum. The association called for measures including pressing ahead with the planned Sizewell C power station, as well as extending the life of current power stations. The manifesto also pressed for the building of a fleet of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) across the country and a third large-scale station at Wylfa on Anglesey in north Wales. Labour’s manifesto commitment: … Continue reading Alister Jack and Labour’s commitment to building new small modular reactors in Scotland ignores research revealing their greater toxic waste production and thus cancer risk

Governor General expects Unionist regime in Scotland by 2026 with plans to impose nuclear power regardless of risks

By Professor John Robertson STV News has just reported: The UK Government is considering plans to build a nuclear reactor in Scotland, despite long-standing opposition from the Scottish Government. Scottish secretary Alister Jack has told a Westminster committee that he has asked ministers at the Department for Energy and Net Zero to plan for a nuclear reactor to be built in Scotland, as part of a UK-wide programme. He also said he expected a “Unionist regime” to be in power in Scotland by 2026. Responsibility for energy is reserved to Westminster, but the Scottish Parliament has control over planning and … Continue reading Governor General expects Unionist regime in Scotland by 2026 with plans to impose nuclear power regardless of risks

Scotland is at the greatest risk from Europe’s most hazardous nuclear plant

In the Guardian today, the above map, and this: Sellafield, Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site, has a worsening leak from a huge silo of radioactive waste that could pose a risk to the public, the Guardian can reveal. Concerns over safety at the crumbling building, as well as cracks in a reservoir of toxic sludge known as B30, have caused diplomatic tensions with countries including the US, Norway and Ireland, which fear Sellafield has failed to get a grip of the problems. BBC Scotland today is not reporting this but rather is pushing against the Scottish Government’s manifesto commitment … Continue reading Scotland is at the greatest risk from Europe’s most hazardous nuclear plant