In Labour Wales A&E nearly twice as many wait more than 8 hours and three times as many wait more than 12 hours

By stewartb Latest update for the Labour politicians in Scotland who constantly berate the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland on A&E waiting times: Latest on waits in the main A&E departments in the NHS in Wales – from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine ( ) 1) ’44.1% of patients (more than 2/5) waited four hours or longer (up 10.6% on April 2024)’ – so just 58.6% discharged, transferred or admitted within four hours. The RCEM reports ‘the number of patients having to wait more than four hours has almost doubled since 2017’. 2) ’23.2% (more than 1/5) of people waited … Continue reading In Labour Wales A&E nearly twice as many wait more than 8 hours and three times as many wait more than 12 hours

Ayrshire and Arran’s far superior cancer waiting time hits 81% within target

From Public Health Scotland today: In NHS Ayrshire & Arran, 81% of referrals began cancer treatment within the 62-day target. The Scottish average was 70.4% The average in Conservative-run NHS England was only 64.6% and in Labour-run Wales, a shocking 53.4%. Sources: Continue reading Ayrshire and Arran’s far superior cancer waiting time hits 81% within target

Thousands in England & Wales waiting longer for cancer therapy than in Scotland

From Public Health Scotland today: 70.4% of patients started treatment within the 62-day standard. The equivalent figure for NHS England is 64.6% meaning that 5.6% of the 287 991, or 16 100, had to wait longer than the target waiting time than they would have had to in an SNP-run NHS. NHS Wales have made it damned difficult to extract the equivalent figures but a BBC Wales report puts it at only 53.4% for February 2024. Sources: Continue reading Thousands in England & Wales waiting longer for cancer therapy than in Scotland

Answering Fiona Bruce’s dishonest selective long waiting list question AGAIN when NHS Scotland treats more than 14 times as many of those at risk of imminent death, per head of population, within 18 weeks!

By Professor John Robertson Fiona Bruce tonight, asked the same question she had asked Kate Forbes last week: Why is it in Scotland there are 7 000 people who’ve waited more than two years for treatment. In England it’s just over 200. To my amazement, Forbes was not ready for it and neither was Swinney tonight. Here it is again. The UK Government and NHS England have been sneaky again, as they did when they began restarting the clock for A&E patients, after they had been triaged. They knew how the media feasted on stories of patients waiting more than two years … Continue reading Answering Fiona Bruce’s dishonest selective long waiting list question AGAIN when NHS Scotland treats more than 14 times as many of those at risk of imminent death, per head of population, within 18 weeks!

Cancer therapy waiting lists far shorter in Scotland – more than twice as long in Labour-run Wales

By Professor John Robertson From BBC Health in November 2022, a comparison of the performance in the 62-day waiting time target for cancer therapy, for the 4 nations. First NHS Scotland after 17 years of SNP-rule: The worst is 27% waiting longer than the target. The average is 21%. Then, NHS Wales after 27 years of Labour-rule. Every single area is worse than the worst in Scotland. The average is 43% more than twice as many. Northern Ireland? Appalling, and the average at 58% is nearly three times as many. England? If we can trust the folk managing the trusts … Continue reading Cancer therapy waiting lists far shorter in Scotland – more than twice as long in Labour-run Wales

In NHS England, you’re almost TWICE as likely to have to wait more than 12 hours in A&E

By stewartb Yet another ‘credible’ health body takes aim at Labour’s manifesto! In two recent press statements on A&E waiting times performance, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) noted: In May 2024, 10% of patients attending A&E in England spent 12 hour or longer there = 145,094 patients (statement issued on 13 June) In April 2024, 5.7% of patients attending A&E in Scotland spent 12 hours or more there = 6,412 patients (statement issued on 4 June). This marked difference in the percentage of patients experiencing long stays in A&E – demonstrating the much better (whilst still not good enough) situation in Scotland … Continue reading In NHS England, you’re almost TWICE as likely to have to wait more than 12 hours in A&E

67 000 in England on the NHS waiting list unnecessarily because they don’t have an SNP Government

On the 28th May 2024, according to BBC Scotland: NHS waiting lists in Scotland have reached a record high, the latest figures show. Public Health Scotland recorded more than 690,000 waits for appointments or treatment for non-urgent care as of 31 March. According to the Health Service Journal, yesterday: In April the English referral-to-treatment waiting list grew slightly by 34,000 to 7.57 million patient pathways. These are the last figures to be published before the general election, meaning the pre-election waiting list is 358,000 larger than the figures available when prime minister Rishi Sunak said “NHS waiting lists will fall”. All things … Continue reading 67 000 in England on the NHS waiting list unnecessarily because they don’t have an SNP Government

Answering Fiona Bruce’s sneakily selective waiting list questions with ease

Fiona Bruce tonight, interrupting Kate Forbes more than the others and campaigning on behalf of the Union with tabloid questions, asked: Why therefore is it that the average time to start chemotherapy in England is 48 days. It’s 65 in Scotland. Why is in Scotland there are 7 000 people who’ve waited more than two years for treatment. In England it’s just over 200. 1. Cancer treatment According to BBC Health in August 2023, 21% of cancer patients waited longer than the 62-day target for treatment in Scotland. In England, it was 36%, in Wales 43% and in N Ireland … Continue reading Answering Fiona Bruce’s sneakily selective waiting list questions with ease

NHS England’s shocking cancer care as SIX trusts ‘drop into most challenged group’ and thousands of cancer patients wait more than 65 weeks

By Professor John Robertson From HSJ, the Health Service Journal, today: Six more trusts have dropped into the “tier 1” group for the most challenged providers for their elective or cancer performance. James Paget University Hospitals is now in tier 1 for both cancer and electives having previously been in tier 2 for both categories. Milton Keynes University Hospital, Lewisham and Greenwich and Portsmouth Hospitals University have been escalated to tier 1 for elective performance (See table 1: Trusts in tiers for 2024-25 quarter one). Liverpool Women’s Hospital and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole have been placed in tier 1 for cancer. … Continue reading NHS England’s shocking cancer care as SIX trusts ‘drop into most challenged group’ and thousands of cancer patients wait more than 65 weeks

Scotland’s full emergency departments (ED) 12% faster to save 15 000 from waiting much longer than they would have in NHS England

In April 2024, NHS Scotland’s full, consultant-led Emergency Departments saw 67.4% within 4 hours. The equivalent figure for NHS England, if they’re not fiddling the figures again, was 60.4% NHS Scotland is thus 11.58% (7% of 60.4%) faster. So, of its 129 000 attendees, more than 15 000 would have had to wait more than 4 hours in England. Sources: Continue reading Scotland’s full emergency departments (ED) 12% faster to save 15 000 from waiting much longer than they would have in NHS England