The relative effectiveness of Scotland’s health services – so different from what Unionist politicians and their MSM allies portray in their gaslighting of Scotland’s electorate!

By stewartb You may be interested to learn the following about childhood vaccination take-up rates. Source: NHS England (28 Sep 2023) Childhood Vaccination Coverage Statistics, England, 2022-23.  See the section of the report entitled ‘Coverage in UK countries – 2022-23’: it has a table which displays the latest annual (2022-23) coverage values for all childhood vaccinations across the four UK countries. Overwhelmingly, the take-up rates in Scotland are the highest of any UK country across the full range of childhood vaccinations. (See  ) To prevent whooping cough, the childhood disease in the news today from England, the relevant vaccine is termed … Continue reading The relative effectiveness of Scotland’s health services – so different from what Unionist politicians and their MSM allies portray in their gaslighting of Scotland’s electorate!

Scotland 17 years later and getting more different from the UK – better support for young carers

By Professor John Robertson I don’t need to keep on reminding you, I’m sure, of the lower income tax most pay and the range of other indirect benefits of living in Scotland – lower council tax, free tuition, bus passes for the young, the Child Payment, Bedroom Tax compensation, massively subsidised thus cheap ferry travel….. The steady influx of settlers from elsewhere in the UK reinforces the evidence. Today, another Scottish (SNP) Government initiative, within the limits of the devolution settlement: Thousands more unpaid carers in Scotland will be eligible for a new benefit, if regulations laid this week in … Continue reading Scotland 17 years later and getting more different from the UK – better support for young carers

Affordable housing completions in Scotland soar above rest of UK but Labour/Con/Lib Dem unholy coalition in Fife get on BBC Scotland with a different story

This site costs nothing to run so donate to our friends at As BBC Scotland delights today in the irony of the one housing officer, in Fife, who had to declare herself homeless after her private landlord decided to sell, their extended report has, of course, no context. Here is some. The above graph speaks for itself. Since the SNP came into power in 2007/2008, when Labour Scotland’s affordable housing completions were only just above those in Labour England, the Scottish level has climbed and stayed way above that in Con England and even further above that in Labour … Continue reading Affordable housing completions in Scotland soar above rest of UK but Labour/Con/Lib Dem unholy coalition in Fife get on BBC Scotland with a different story

Oxford Professor confirms that Scotland had significantly lower Covid death rate due to Scot Gov ‘different’ approach and saved 1 000 lives

Professor Thomas Hale – Associate Professor in Global Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government; Fellow of St Antony’s College 20 per 100 000 fewer deaths during the pandemic is more than 1 000 lives saved by Nicola Sturgeon and her team. Continue reading Oxford Professor confirms that Scotland had significantly lower Covid death rate due to Scot Gov ‘different’ approach and saved 1 000 lives

Funding the education of the disadvantaged – another way Scotland IS different

On a regular basis, Scotland’s media will scrabble around to find ways in which we should remember were are just like the rest of the UK. For example, where’s a surge in homelessness in another part of the UK, they’ll rush out to find one Scottish case and his mum to cry for the cameras. Within the limits of the devolution funding arrangements, the SNP in government has done what it can to reduce inequality with more progressive taxation, the child payment and a range of other benefits to help disadvantaged groups. On 11 December 2023, the Institute for Fiscal … Continue reading Funding the education of the disadvantaged – another way Scotland IS different

To be different from Boris was a justifiable desire for Nicola

Lib Dem leader, Alec Cole-Hamilton reveals yesterday that like Boris, he too has the wrong skill set to lead even the smallest of projects. Was being different from Boris during the pandemic a justifiable aim? If it meant saving lives? Yes, see this from May 2020 only months after Nicola Sturgeon’s government took over responsibility for pandemic management: 19 days ago, the FT based on extrapolated ONS figures, estimated the true total of coronavirus deaths in the UK to be ‘as many as 41 000. At that time the UK Government figure was 17 337 but did not include deaths … Continue reading To be different from Boris was a justifiable desire for Nicola

‘Two-thirds [85!!] of England’s maternity units dangerously substandard’ right now but one in Glasgow had rusty equipment in 2017 and another in Aberdeen was dirty in 2013 so no different, eh?

Thanks once more to Dorothy for alerting me to this: Note the wee print under the photo – 85 dangerously substandard maternity units in NHS England. The ‘Scottish’ media are quiet. If they had something, they’d be all over it like nappy rash. I searched for ‘Scotland maternity inspections substandard‘ – only English ‘hits’. I searched the Healthcare Improvement Scotland site – nothing. I tried ‘Scotland maternity hospital inspection concerns‘ – bingo! As in the headline, only one minor concern in 2017 and another in 2013 but hey, using Reporting Scotland editorial standards, that’ll do. Get Gulhane or Baillie on … Continue reading ‘Two-thirds [85!!] of England’s maternity units dangerously substandard’ right now but one in Glasgow had rusty equipment in 2017 and another in Aberdeen was dirty in 2013 so no different, eh?

The brutally different realities, largely unreported, for pregnant asylum seekers in Scotland and England

Headlining in the Herald today, a warm story of a charity helping asylum seekers give birth. It’s very nice, touching, but missing a few things for a supposed headline news story rather than a cuddly women’s magazine. Here’s something newsworthy though little reported at the time: In September 2019: The safety of vulnerable mothers and newborn babies [in England] is being put at risk by NHS fees that deter undocumented migrant women from accessing care, a new report from Maternity Action backed by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has warned. NHS packages for overseas pregnant women start at £7,000 for antenatal, … Continue reading The brutally different realities, largely unreported, for pregnant asylum seekers in Scotland and England

‘Scotland on a different path to the rest of the UK’ as SNP progressive policies protect the majority

From Montfort Communications today based on Opinium research using unique consumer data from Lowell one of Europe’s largest credit management services companies, and publicly available measures to develop the Financial Vulnerability Index: The latest update to the financial vulnerability index shows how Scotland has dramatically improved its financial health, drastically reducing benefits usage and a large decline in high cost loan usage. The Scottish average vulnerability level is now below the UK average. The data shows Scotland on a different path to the rest of the UK, which is seeing stubbornly persistent levels post-pandemic. Key Scotland takeaways Lowell’s latest Financial … Continue reading ‘Scotland on a different path to the rest of the UK’ as SNP progressive policies protect the majority

‘Sexual advances’ or ‘indecent assault, sexual assault, rape and other related charges’: The very different standards of the SNP and the Conservatives

In Open Democracy today: A Conservative MP on police bail after being accused of rape has been given the go-ahead by his local party to stand in the next general election, openDemocracy can reveal. The MP, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested in May 2022 on suspicion of indecent assault, sexual assault, rape and other related charges. He has been bailed three times since his arrest. Yet openDemocracy has seen evidence that the politician has continued working in his local community, including with children. He has also continued receiving personal donations and gifts since his arrest, including … Continue reading ‘Sexual advances’ or ‘indecent assault, sexual assault, rape and other related charges’: The very different standards of the SNP and the Conservatives