Social housing – 16years of SNP outperforming Labour and still 50% better

In 2007/2008, the last year of evidence from Labour’s management of the Scottish economy, 1 444 affordable and 4 226 social homes were completed.

In the intervening years, those annual figures soared as high as 2 385 and 8 081!

After falling in the last year to 2 679 and 6 835, trash media reporting is trying to make hay with the one year fall but note, these figures remain 50% higher than what Labour could do and come at the end of 16 years of consecutive outperforming of them by the SNP Government.

In total, 131 758 of the crucial, to fight poverty, social rent homes built.

8 thoughts on “Social housing – 16years of SNP outperforming Labour and still 50% better

  1. Yet more Tory/Labour slease …. Both Parties now have MP’s under investigation for betting including our very own Governor General Alister Jack.

    Wake up Scotland you are currently (and if the Polls are accurate) will be ruled by Westminster incompetent, cheats and scoundrels.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Anent Governor General Jack: the early news bulletin on Radio 3 (yes, I admit it – irredeemably pointy-heidit!) mentioned that up to 15 Conservatives were now implicated in the gambling scandal and then went on to mention Jack specifically and the allegations against him. By the next bulletin there was no mention of Jack.

      On the BBC Scotland website Jack was only the second story. The main story was that the new Circular Economy Act ‘might lead to people being fined for putting items in the wrong bin’.

      Alasdair Macdonald

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The BBC Scotland page has now introduced a Have Your Say on the bins and immediately it has been filled with reactionary comments.

        The Jack affair is way down the page now. Early release of Prisoners is now the lead. Despite the early release being UK wide due to prisons being denied funding by the Tories, BBC Scotland want to present it as a Scottish phenomenon and so divert attention from the Tories.

        Alasdair Macdonald

        Liked by 2 people

    1. looks like FB has a problem with independence items. Gordon Ross left because it manipulated his watchers. I shared an article from the Ferret which they whipped off within seconds. That’s the 2nd time it’s happened with Ferret posts. I complained but haven’t heard anything yet. Friends have been reporting similar problems.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The gambling scandal diversion from the rest of the nonsense. Just more sleeze.

    The Scottish Gov built more affordable houses. The costs of building have increased 1/3 because of Brexit. Supplies now cost more.


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