Labour candidates forced to stay away or ‘rewrite the Labour manifesto’ as they face the public in hustings across Scotland

At a hustings in Ayr last night, a source said of the troubled Labour candidate for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock, Elaine Stewart :

The Labour candidate rewrote the Labour manifesto. She claims Labour support settling with the WASPI women. Also she had a great line when she said” that once Labour have established the financial position they will increase taxes, if needed.

Another told us she expressed support for putting an end to the House of Lords.

These are all expressions of support quite contrary to the Labour manifesto and reveal deep contradictions in the Labour campaign here. Recently, on instruction from the London HQ, Scottish MSP’s in the Scottish Parliament did what they were told and abstained on a motion to support the WASPI women’s case for compensation.

Of the larger parties, only the SNP supports the WASPI women, closing down the House of Lords and putting an end to the cruel two child benefit cap.

Alan Gemmell OBE, HM Trade Commissioner under Boris Johnson and Labour candidate for Central Ayrshire, despite a bullish manner in social media and a presence in the local press, took the easy way out by just not turning up at a hustings in Irvine. Tory candidates have done the same.

These are just two examples. I’m hearing similar tales, via xtwitter messages from the 11 000 plus following TuS, of Labour candidates either absent or embarrassed by questions that force them to to say things like, ‘I personally support…..but…’. From Inverness to Gretna, Labour candidates are afraid to face questions from a public increasingly aware of their bondage to a right-wing English party – Labour.

We must hope this evidence that they cannot be trusted to act in the interests of the voters gets beyond the small numbers at these events in town halls, school assembly halls and community centres across Scotland.

6 thoughts on “Labour candidates forced to stay away or ‘rewrite the Labour manifesto’ as they face the public in hustings across Scotland

  1. Labour confirming that Scotland and England are separate polities and have very different ideas about what sort of government they want.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Labour candidate for Dumfries and Galloway at a hustings in Dalbeattie couldn’t work out his answer to a Yes/No question on support for proportional representation. Party policy is pro, sir keir and the manifesto say no. He just made a fool of himself.

    Stewart McMutrie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The rank and file membership of the Labour Party supports PR and has done for many years. However, because of the way that Labour arrives at policies by having different voting blocs, the bloc dominated by the large trade unions has greater weighting than the bloc of ordinary members so PR is rejected. This is down to the bullying, thuggish, mainly male secretaries of the larger unions. Gi’e the members a vote????? Nae chance! We know whit the members need.

      Alasdair Macdonald.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. These stories of Labour (sic) candidates straying from the Party-line displays cowardice on their part . They KNOW that they are supporting a right-wing , Tory-Lite party but are too fixated on getting their greedy snouts in to the Westminster trough to speak truth to power !


  4. Lots of muddled thinking here. Hustings are not what they used to be. They are packed with partisan supporters with hardly any undecided voters. There are so many other ways of reaching voters no wonder some candidates may think them not worth attending. The main reason for going is it looks bad not going. The Tory candidates aren’t all afraid of hustings. In Central Ayrshire he attended the Irvine Hustings ( you have got mixed up with the North Ayrshire Tory in your posts). He was hopeless but not afraid to be there. The Labour candidate Alan Gemmell wiped the floor with the faltering SNP candidate yet you try to suggest he is frightened to attend. Wrong. He didn’t go to the other hustings because there were two Hustings arranged for Irvine by two different organisations a week apart. By all means put your case but try to be more objective and accurate – unless of course that would weaken your case.


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