A Tale of Two Westminster Warriors on D Day – how the SNP and the Tories treat their wounded

David Duguid, Banff and Buchan MP from June 2017 and, he thought until today, Conservative Candidate for a new seat, similar to the one he won for the second time in 2019, with an increased majority, and just over 50% of the vote.

Duguid has been unwell but fully intended to stand again. He was adopted by the local Aberdeenshire North and Moray East branch for that purpose. Last night, he discovered that ‘the Party’ had de-selected him, as supposedly ‘unwell’, to replace him with the current Holyrood leader, Douglas Ross. This is despite Ross previously promising to stand down from his Moray constituency and to concentrate on his leadership role in Holyrood.

This, frankly, stinks.

Meanwhile, in the SNP?

Allan Dorans, SNP MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock from 2019 and standing again in 2024, after enthusiastic adoption by the local branch. Dorans won the seat back from the Conservatives after defeat for a different candidate in 2017.

He is particularly known for his courageous work on the Commons Privileges Committee which expelled Boris Johnson for 90 days, last June, and effectively ended the political career of the UK’s worst, most corrupt Prime Minister.

Dorans suffered a ‘serious and debilitating’ Covid infection in October 2021 and was hospitalised for several weeks. Then in March 2022, he was rushed to hospital in great pain after a fall and serious leg break in Parliament.

Throughout recovery and with the temporary support of MP colleagues and his experienced constituency team, he was able to fully participate in the work of the Commons and to maintain the same high level of responsiveness to constituents’ needs.

Despite the above, once he had declared his readiness to fight on and after adoption by the branch members, there was never any prospect of SNP HQ, ‘the Party’, telling him he was too unwell and passing the candidacy to some greedy insider. The SNP is the most democratic of the larger parties, never beholden to rich donors and trusting the branch members to know what is right for the constituency.

The the contrast in the treatment today, on D Day 80 years of all days, of two seasoned, proven warriors for their respective causes, by the Conservative and Unionist Party and by the Scottish National Party, could not be more stark.

13 thoughts on “A Tale of Two Westminster Warriors on D Day – how the SNP and the Tories treat their wounded

  1. Well the post of Shadow Secretary of State for the lands of the North may soon become vacant.

    I mean a mans got to plan ahead. Might be a wee Lordship in it at the end of the day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Posted this comment under another article on TUS this morning…..

    I see DRoss has done a U turn and is now going to stand in the GE….only problem is he will not be standing in his current constituency but instead be standing in David Duguid’s constituency seat , as he, Duguid, has not been selected as Tory candidate due to health reasons apparently.

    Duguid’s seat is being expanded to include parts of Moray and renamed Aberdeenshire North and Moray East.

    DRoss was supposed to be standing down from Westminster at this election to concentrate on his job as an MSP ahead of the 2026 Holyrood election campaign (as in what he said)….however as he sees that , Holyrood job, as a part time job that offers no possibility for him or his party ever being the next Scottish government in that parliament….then he thinks that as less effort and time is required from him at Holyrood then no need to sacrifice a potential far more lucrative income via WM…….and with Alister Jack not standing in the next GE then DRoss, if elected, could potentially be chosen by the Tories as their next Shadow Scottish (INO) Secretary (another part time job)…….thus he, DRoss, will probably then stand down as the part time Tory leader at Holyrood (where his only job there is to constantly carp #SNPBAD from the side lines)………….

    DRoss did say in 2020 that he would step down as an MP at the next general election (2024) Shortly after becoming the Scottish (INO) Conservative leader……but then what Tory ever keeps a promise…..and they do rely very much on the public having very short memories….or they rely upon their Tory media not reminding the public of their former political pledges that they made as politicians………aka LIES.

    I guess DRoss thinks he has not done enough, as yet, to be elevated to the HOL’s yet…..so assumes he needs to do more in order to climb all the way up the greasy pole to the gravy train known as the HOL’s………..

    Scotland’s parliament was one that the Tories did not want…..yet they assume tis not hypocritical of them to stand in that parliament in elections to try to be elected as MSP’s in it………where very few of them win constituency seats as MSP’s , including DRoss…..but via our system some of their Tory serial losers like Annie Wells & Murdo Fraser always get a (List) seat…..someone on here suggested that it should really be a case of them having a limited amount of opportunities to be elected via the List seats and thus gaining a List seat…………not democratic to provide the same chancers time and time again with a (safe List seat) place at Holyrood , as in those MSP’s that the voters reject to represent them as their constituency MSP…………..that includes for every party……but then that would likely negatively impact more the Tories, Labour & Lib Dems….so they would not want that system to be adopted.

    DRoss is not a man of his word……..just an opportunist who puts himself first, then his party, then the fake state the UK and then also his preferred parliament in the UK as in WM…..so who in the media in Scotland will call him out on his latest U Turn……

    Dross always a lightweight as a politician and one whose Hokey Cokey style as in his ever changing mind hardly inspires confidence in voters…………apart from the more staunch ones that is………(who would vote for a Monkey with a blue rosette type of voters)…..LOL


    Liked by 6 people

    1. Well the fact that DRoss failed to declare his second income says it all – Greed and naked ambition, apart from his total arrogance and downright disrespect of people who have different opinions to his party (on the basis he doesn’t have any original ones of his own)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed Robert….DRoss cares not what the optics look like in him doing this….as he, like other Tories, put themselves first………and duck the rest of us aka the public.

        Will BBC Reporting Scotland let this pass….or STV….or Scotland Tonight…..will this be a headline story that lasts for days and days on the BBC website with subsequent regurgitated stories upon it …..especially exposing his, DRoss’s, hypocrisy in doing this when he pledged to stand down as an MP in 2024…..to…checks more bloody notes….. focus on his leadership (LOL) at Holyrood………so are we then now supposed to surmise that he has decided NOT to focus on his leadership at Holyrood……or rather his repeated various forms of just saying #SNPBAD…..

        Talking of blatant hypocrisy….I see that the Welsh FM lost the vote of no confidence in the Senedd yet it is being reported that “Sir Keir Starmer “absolutely” has confidence in Vaughan Gething as the Welsh Labour FM“….

        Meanwhile in the Scottish parliament we all recall Anas Sarwar stating that if Humza Yousaf, as FM, lost the vote of no confidence then his , HY, position would apparently be untenable…plus Scottish (INO) Labour had previously said its motion of no confidence in the Scottish government would remain tabled even if Mr Yousaf resigned………..meanwhile a UK politician, the Shadow Labour chancellor, elected in a English constituency as in one Rachel Reeves stuck her big nose into our Scottish affairs….. and she said Humza Y should resign and also that the whole Scottish government should be brought down and thus force a Holyrood election……..

        So tell me considering Keir Starmer is now taking an opposing position/opinion on the Welsh FM from the position/opinions of both Sarwar & Reeves against Humza Y when he was our FM and also facing a VONC (which he won yet still he resigned)………..then who in Scotland’s media is going to say that this, via Labour party, is absolutely hypocrisy on stilts by them considering their opposing position/opinions on HY…as if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it is a ducking DUCK as far as being hugely hypocritical of the Labour party………..no ifs ands or buts……………..Sarwar needs door stepped by the media on this………if not why not…..why not indeed…..as does Keir Starmer the Chief Hypocrite in charge of Labour…………

        What a time to be alive………when we in Scotland witness both Dross and also the Labour party assume that we in Scotland are all too moronic to recognise both of their pathetic and disgraceful attempts to insult our intelligence in their blatant hypocrisy …….indeed both could be, via the media, labelled as “Controversial” as per their actions………even a “Fiasco”…..or “Corrupt”….why not…… as if they can put labels on the SNP then fair’s fair !!!

        Oh but some of the polls show Labour ahead of the SNP in Scotland and also some polls even show all of the Tories retaining their seats in Scotland…….who the H is conducting these polls and who the H are the respondents stating this………because I would hazard that a (large LOL) pinch of salt is the reaction to these polls outcomes…………..or indeed if there was any remote chance that there is a truth in these polls (which I doubt) then I may need, in the future , to be way too embarrassed to state to anyone outwith Scotland that I am indeed Scottish……as we, as a nationality, will be considered no better or more clever than Trump or uber Brexit supporters…….perish the thought that we get lumped in with them………..but come on….it would either be that or considered masochists…..LOL

        Hopefully some voters in Scotland will see that Labour. as a party , just cannot “Change” and that just as they tried to con us in 2014 …..ten years later….they are still trying to con us ……..in Scotland………and I suspect also elsewhere in the UK…..

        What are Labour for ?……well my best guess is absolutely NOTHING !


        Liked by 4 people

        1. Alexa how do I , as Lib Dem leader in Scotland, tell people that I am actually a true blue Tory at heart ?

          “Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton described Mr Duguid as a “capable parliamentarian” who has respect across the aisles”.

          Then DRoss U turn on now standing as a MP in this GE…….

          “As for Douglas’s decision, that’s really a matter for Douglas and the internal workings of the Conservative Party,” he, ACH, said.

          Oh how dignified and generous of Alex ‘F*** You Maree’ Cole-Hamilton….as a supposed leader of an opposition party to the Tory party……….meanwhile what does ACH think of the SNP…..that would #SNPBAD on repeat…..for anything and everything…..

          One more thing re Michael Mathieson :

          Anas Sarwar said “Mr Swinney was “trying to defend the indefensible”. “It’s completely and utterly unacceptable,” he added.

          DRoss accused “Mr Swinney of having “u-turned on his u-turn”.

          Now see both current Labour position on Welsh FM compared to their position on Humza as FM in VONC…..and DRoss U turning on his decision to now stand in GE……..despite the fact he formally pledged to stand down in 2024 as an MP…………..hypocrisy much ?



          Liked by 2 people

  3. I saw the DRoss interview on Channel 4 News: his right eye looks as though someone had belted him one. Please, please tell me it was David Duguid!


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  4. Dross, together with Baroness Davidson, did the same thing to Jackson Carlaw when he, Carlaw, was Tory leader at Holyrood.

    Where he, DRoss, and Davidson hatched a plan to get Carlaw to stand down to make way for Dross to be uncontested as the new Tory leader at Holyrood….(Tory branch office manager)

    Carlaw was more amenable( than Duguid has been) to standing down for DRoss to take over and thus he, Carlaw, played along and just ‘resigned’ ………….where was his strength of character in not rejecting this (now Carlaw seen as weak)….he didn’t even receive an Honour in the privileges list for doing this which could have been disguised as him getting it for services to politics (Tory ones only that is LOL)………but he, Carlaw, did lose his pride and was publicly exposed as a YES man for the Party………….and look how awful DRoss has been in this role………a disaster.

    This farcical other episode with Carlaw standing down and DRoss seizing the leadership then saw former Tory MSP Michelle Ballantyne call it out for what is was….a coronation and a coup via DRoss & Davidson against Carlaw….so she left the Tories and joined Richard Tice’s (Now Farage’s) party as Scottish leader of The Reform UK Party………..which made sense considering how obnoxious her views were when she was part of the Tories at Holyrood……………..and then she to ended up getting nowt for her trouble…………….as in 2021 she lost her seat in the Scottish parliament……she then quit Reform UK party in 2022 and then quit politics……good riddance….so …..one down…now….etc etc………..LOL

    BTW in the last Scottish elections for our parliament Richard Tice (former leader)said Reform UK party would stand on a platform platform of devolving powers to local government what is it about all of these pro UK parties that want to take most of the powers away from our Scottish parliament and our government and give them (and the money) to local government……while they all want their own UK parliament to continue to be very greedy in both retaining many of it’s existing powers and gaining even more for itself via the UK government………rules for the UK parliament and rules for devolved parliament………..and we know which one loses out and which one always ensures it wins…..

    Anyhoo just saying that DRoss has form in doing this…..and Baroness Davidson helped him in his previous ousting of another Tory in order to gain his job !

    Justice would see him, DRoss, lose on July 4th……then as Tory leader at Holyrood he would give it big that he was committed to that job……but that job for him has and will always be only part time in his time and effort that he , DRoss, expends on it and also as part of his Psyche…..the smallest part that is ……as in insignificant part……same as him really i.e. insignificant in politics (Lightweight) LOL



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