Cancer rate growth among under-50s in Scotland increasing by less than 1%

From the Guardian’s Chicago health editor (?) today:

The number of people under 50 being diagnosed with cancer in the UK [sic] has risen 24% in two decades, a sharper increase than any other age group, according to figures experts say are likely linked to soaring obesity levels, cheap junk food and inactivity.

From Public Health Scotland in March 2023 (latest data), in the 5 year period 2017/2021, there were 15 527 cases among those 0-49 years and in the period 2016/2020, there were 15 403.

That’s a statistically insignificant increase of 124 or 0.8%, less than 1%. The trend is flat.

I’m not suggesting for a moment that the overall level is acceptable but the news is – no surge.

One thought on “Cancer rate growth among under-50s in Scotland increasing by less than 1%

  1. “likely due to…cheap junk food ..”

    In which case, the UK government is doing it deliberately – with price rises outstripping wage rises, they’ve made sure that many can’t afford healthy food.


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