Survation and YouGov stuck in 2014 to bias their polling

In their most recent poll, in January 2024, Ipsos Scotland got:

  • Yes 50%
  • No 44%
  • For Westminster SNP 39%
  • and Labour 32%

Last week and being trumpeted as more bad news for John Swinney, Survation got:

  • Yes 38%
  • No 45%
  • SNP 28%
  • Labour 31%

YouGov had identical results the week before.

Survation had this sample ratio weighted according to the 2014 referendum, 10 years ago:

  • Of those who voted in 2014, Yes 44%
  • and No 55%
  • with 22% of the poll those who had not voted.

YouGov had the same ratio.

Ipsos had this sample ratio weighted according to trends since the 2014 referendum, 10 years ago:

  • Of those who voted in 2014, Yes 48%
  • and No 51%
  • with 17% of the poll those who had not voted.

Ipsos is a multinational market research company based in France with no ‘horse in the race’ when it comes to Scottish independence.

YouGov is a UK-based pollster set up by former Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi and employed Boris Johnson to write about its polls.

Survation is London-based and was founded by Damien Lyons Lowe.

14 thoughts on “Survation and YouGov stuck in 2014 to bias their polling

  1. Polling is fixed , they keep records of past people polled so its easy for them to choose who they will poll next time , glaringly that gives them the opportunity to contact people that they have contacted before and who they know will consistwntly vote for a particular party , they all claim this does not happen , well of course they would claim that but given the cambridge analytica corruption scandal one can never again believe and trust voting and polling procedure and methodology in the uk, the very idea that Scottish government uses a company based and registered in england to count and validate ts election results makes my Scottish blood boil , we could and ahould do it ourselves we too can appoint adjudicators to watch over it we do not need england to do it for us.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. When it comes to SNP/ScotGov following English diktat on everything, my Scottish blood is continually ‘boiling’!

      ‘On a peep’ until the next disgraceful bowing/scraping/kowtowing of ENGLISH EVERYTHING,
      by a Scottish Government/Scottish Party

      I kept giving them ‘one last chance’ at whatever Election etc and feel betrayed at their inaction/weakness and refusal to speak to Scots/stand up for Scotland.

      I don’t buy the “we had no choice”, the choice to fight never enters their Devolutionist position/comfortable highly-paid/lucrative in many ways.

      Instantly boiling, when I hear any of them state the LIE,
      “No one wants Independence more than I”!

      Gutless/cowardly/looking after themselves!
      They should be ashamed.

      Woe betide ANY ENGLISH REGISTERED PRETENDY labour/tory/libdem PARTIES come to my door, to lie to my face!

      Ditto any SNP who tries to tell me that ‘more of the same’ is what we can expect from a Party claiming to be FOR INDEPENDENCE!



      1. I like everyone on TUS want Scottish Independence sooner than later. Personally I want our Independence TODAY…….unfortunately you seem to forget DEMOCRACY, that is…..a majority of Scotland must vote for our Independence…..that therefore surely means that ALL Scots who want our rightful place as an independent country should unite and vote for one party that is actually capable of delivering it, not split and divide our votes letting torylabour gain their usual powergrab. As a nation ALL Independence voters should send a strong message to wastemonster by voting for SNP, then with a huge majority we demand our referendum or better still our independence as a sovereign nation……..DON’T LET WESTMINSTER SPLIT OUR VOTE IT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY AND THEIR MEDIA ARE CURRENTLY TRYING TO DO.

        VOTE SNP!!!


        Liked by 4 people

        1. I’d add to your ” a majority of Scotland must vote for our Independence ” the thorny issue of how that majority is expressed such that it becomes an established fact.

          I’ve no doubt whatever there was a YES majority following the last referendum and it has been growing ever since, which HMG realised and thus began blocking tactics and legal obstacles thrown at the SNP knowing they are obliged to comply with law…


      2. Who else do you expect to run Scotland in the interests of er, Scotland, and also fend off the English government/BritNat state and their complete control of the ‘media’ where they can conjure up any story, fabricate anti SNP stories, basically brianwashing the people of Scotland, many who have little time to spend reading the alternatives like TUS in order to get the real facts and information. Misinformation works and the Brit state are experts at it.
        Have the SNP said they are giving Scotland ‘more of the same’? I mean they could say they intend to ‘change’ 😉 or whatever it is people might hear without actually listening, but what is it people really want and need? I’d say an effective government who do NOT impose terrible austerity on the poorest people, who do not take a wrecking ball to the SNHS and services, who do not sell off public assets and infrastructure etc etc. The SNP have had little time all said and done, to repair the decades of damage and neglect to Scotland as a result of English rule.
        Scotland now has a minority government so they are up against it even more in their work to repair the damage and to make Scotland a fairer more equal country, but they have succeeded against huge odds in starting that process. Independence is the end goal and of course must take priority in many ways, but it has to be the will of the people as well, getting that message across, while managing to run a country with at least one hand tied behind their backs is a mammoth task.
        Get behind the SNP, because without them independence ain’t gonna happen.


    2. Polling is designed to influence and con people, and it works to some extent or the Britnat state wouldn’t rely on it so much. The BritNat state are experts at all sorts of dirty tricke to keep their colony of Scotland shackled. I was watching an interview with a US congress worker who just resigned about US stance on Israel genocide, she is Jewish and she talked about how the long term, specific, daily, incessant propaganda and brain washing of the people of Israel, has allowed the current situation to be accepted by them. 😦

      I thought about Scotland, and how propaganda and brainwashing over a long period has had such an effect in keeping people from seeing the truth of their colonialisation, how they have been conned and scammed, out of believing they can be independent, over a long time. That’s changed though which is why the BritNat state is so scared of the people of Scotland having so much more information at their fingertips. 🙂


  2. I see Jackie Baillie is right onto this but how true is it.

    Bungling SNP ‘faces handing £450m back to the EU’ after failing to spend it on poverty and economic development

    Jackie Baillie wont say anything about this.

    A wee tale about how Labour in Scotland returned £1.5 billion to Westminster

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Bungling SNP ‘faces handing £450m back to the EU’ after failing to spend it on poverty and economic development”

      This was in The Daily Express, The Daily Mail, The Times, The Scotsman and on GB News….oh well that makes it seem true…..said who ?

      Scottish (INO) Labour tweeted “The SNP is handing back of £450 million of funding instead of spending it on economic and anti poverty projects. This is a cost of SNP incompetence”.

      I also saw a video of SNP hater Donald Macleod on The Sunday show yesterday where he also mentioned this in his list of #SNPBAD snipes/complaints…and Martin Geissler did not ask him to clarify but just let it go , unchallenged, as a supposed fact with no substance/context as to what this was all about… as per no substance/context but what we got was the anti SNP Press promoting this story yesterday and also one of the opposition parties in Scotland (Labour party) then a ‘No friend to the SNP’ guest repeat it on a BBC politics show……

      What is weird is there is nowt on the websites (as yet) of the BBC, STV or SKY News about this SNP/EU funding story …..but I believe Alyn Smith tweeted a thread on it which some SNP members are retweeting….alas I could not see thread so cannot see what this is all about.

      Now if this is being misrepresented by some of the scum media and also partisan clowns like Donald Macleod then the SNP should complain to the regulator as this is now being discussed as a fact by some other anti SNP usual suspects…..for me , with this story being promoted , there seemed to be more than meets the eye on it via what the Scum media were headlining on it….and as a negative story…..which just so happens to be, as a story, revealed weeks before the GE….as timing is everything……….and is also tactical……but why then have none of the TV channels not picked up on this as a #SNPBAD story….especially the BBC here….now that is really weird and out of character for them….so then what is this story really about ?

      Donald Macleod was a favourite with TalkTV….he was a regular guest on Plank of the Week….where often his target was either the SNP or the FM ……WTF he is doing on a Scottish (INO) politics show on BBC I do not know but I do suspect why he is on…..he has also guested on BBC Debate night obvs….I assume, based on his #SNPBAD position, that he is now one of the stable of people the news teams in BBC Scotland have on speed dial to seek a (biased ) opinion from in respect to all actions and words via the SNP…………he was one of the Scottish government’s biggest critics in their handling of Covid thus was platformed by the BBC during lockdowns as his business interests were, he said, being impacted by lockdowns/Covid rules as per our government… colour me surprised that yesterday he should promote a story via the SNP Hating scum media…….

      When not all media pick up on a story that others say are very very (SNP) bad….and Labour in Scotland also tweet about it…as in repeat this allegation on SNP/EU returned funding for millions apparently……then it does seem a tad suspicious in the sense that not all may be, as the scum media suggests it to be, what it seems… in how they are presenting it via their headlines where clowns like Macleod latch on to it and repeat it as if factual with NO context to verify truth of story as do the Clowns in Labour in Scotland too…….but other media ignore it…as in a story involving the SNP and millions of pounds ?????….is that credible ??

      Hope someone on here or elsewhere gets facts on this and if this story is not as promoted/headlined by the scum media then complaints need to be made for misrepresentation of this story…..complaints on newspapers , GB News and also the BBC yesterday via Macleod being allowed to mention this with no reprimand from host of programme….and Labour here need to apologise for their context free tweet also……..



  3. Forget the polls…….

    Been reported via a pro Tory paper that “Rishi Sunak is eyeing the double this summer – England winning the Euros and him coming home to No10. The PM predicted it’s not all over and he can turn his 20 point poll deficit around on July 4 – with the Three Lions romping home weeks later” …….

    So just as Rishi recently asked people in Wales if they were looking forward to the Euros….after Wales failed to qualify (obvs he was oblivious to this as his only interest in the Euros is, obviously that his country, as in England, qualified)…..he also….as the supposed UK PM is not even considering that Scotland , another apparent UK nation, are also in this football competition (if indeed he even knows that we qualified)……if he does know he neither cares on whether we progress or rather he assumes that we will not !……….kind of exposes all of this fake British S*** (thymes with PIT)…..does it not when events like this happen and who the UK PM supports more as a UK nation in these competitions …no clues required….

    Polls …….where is the poll that asks the Q if people think that Rishi Sunak is a clueless clown about anything and everything outwith England….and then what he does know about England is then restricted to wealth & privilege issues and the people who have both of these benefits………..


    Liked by 2 people

  4. The unionists support Brexit. Losing £Billions. The Pollsters are always wrong, especially in tight margins. Censored and fined many times. Gerrymandering. Hedge Funds gambling on elections.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “The Pollsters are always wrong”


      Perhaps we sometimes neglect, especially me, to note that some peeps (Voters) in Scotland may just be getting a tad weary and also a wee bit suspicious that the majority of BBC attacks/negatives in Scotland seems to be against the SNP…….while a positive spin is put on Labour…..and the only ‘Polls’ noted are those that promote the SNP to be behind Labour and too Independence below the support for the so called but not Union…………..

      Like many on here others may see that , as a position, this is not one appropriate for a supposed impartial media outlet to take……favouring one political party over another (and also the UK over an independent Scotland)……..balanced and equal, fair coverage should be presented by the media and if they cannot do that then they are of no use to the public in Scotland as a media. (which is currently the position that exists).

      Not all Polls are equal…….and one could say some polls are promoted to influence public opinion and not reflect it ……….

      If independence was way way below in polling then why would opposition parties, including the current UK government, not then agree to another Indy Ref and thus put it to bed….as in put their money where their mouth is !

      Labour may be getting protected by much of the media in Scotland alas , thank God, that is not the case via much of the UK media………and as we in Scotland are still a part of their UK then we too get to see/read/hear much of the UK news……and that may be what narrows the gap in certain ‘polls’ to the SNP’s advantage in Scotland….and thus to Labour’s disadvantage… in (political) justice is being done.

      I have said it before…….. in a UK GE ……if we vote for Labour candidates in Scotland….tis not for Scottish Labour but HQ Labour that we are voting for.….both Starmer & Sarwar are trying to pull the wool over voters eyes in Scotland…..but that is them both being contemptuous of what they assume to be our lack of intelligence as voters……..the only thing “Scottish” about Labour is their geographical position other than that they, especially in a UK GE, do not exist as a party registered name !

      Post this UK GE……Anas Sarwar will, as per, only do what he is telt by Labour HQ via Sir Keir Starmer….and he Sarwar, like Dross with his Tory party, will have no influence, input or have the final decision powers upon anything Labour HQ decide to do or actually do….via policies etc…….that will impact us in Scotland…..Sarwar’s only task will be to try and spin them as a positive to both the media and also to us in Scotland…… part of his actual role as Branch Office manager here… well as he and his colleagues at Holyrood promoting, together with other Pro UK parties, #SNPBAD on a loop………that’s it basically for Labour in Scotland NOT Scottish Labour as a party……

      Polls come and go……and some have been way way off in their (supposed) outcome/findings…..I prefer to wait until the fat Lady sings and then see what’s what………Vote SNP on 4 July.



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