Labour candidate sets out priorities for Central Ayrshire to return to 1980s poverty

The Irvine Times on 24th May, platformed Labour candidate, Allan Gemmell to studiously ignore the awful prospect of what a New Labour UK Government and a client government in Holyrood, might mean for the good folk of Central Ayrshire. I’ll come back to the promises he made after listing only a few of the losses he forgets to mention:

  • Prescription charges of £10 per item for you
  • Tuition fee debt of around £36 000 for your children
  • £1 200 a year worse off for households with children in the bottom third of income
  • Higher council tax and less affordable housing
  • An end to the Child Payment, Bedroom Tax and Rape Clause benefits
  • Like in England & Wales, fewer GPs, nurses, doctors, home visitors, radiographers, teachers, police officers and firefighters
  • Like in Labour Wales, far longer waiting times for all patients, cancer patients, A&E patients
  • Less subsidised ferries to Arran and so higher prices
  • More dead children in Gaza and in the next wars too
  • More sewage in your water

He promised:

More on the candidate:

I’m sure the photographer was just trying get in all the food brought to an Irvine food bank by local rich guy, the former Director of the British Council in India, the former Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner and British Deputy High Commissioner for South Asia, Allan Gemmell, Order of the British Empire 2016 (when Boris Johnson was Foreign Secretary) and now Labour (Starmerite) candidate for Central Ayrshire, but it doesn’t half tell a story.

The report in the Irvine Times is of a sickeningly insincere PR event build on outright lies about Labour’s intent to deal with child poverty and what the SNP, uniquely in the UK have done about it.

Nowhere to be seen, the facts that matter to the electorate in Irvine and across Central Ayrshire:

From the Scottish Government on February 28th:

The First Minister has welcomed analysis which estimates 100,000 children will be kept out of relative poverty in 2024-25 as a result of Scottish Government policies.

Updated modelling of the cumulative impact of policies such as the Scottish Child Payment indicates the relative child poverty rate will be 10 percentage points lower than it would otherwise have been.

From the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in January 2024:

On child poverty: ‘Child poverty rates in Scotland (24%) remain much lower than those in England (31%) and Wales (28%) and are similar (if slightly higher) than in Northern Ireland (22%). ‘This is likely to be due, at least in part, to the Scottish Child Payment. This highlights the effect benefits can have in reducing poverty.’

Finally, from Gemmell’s boss Sir Keir Starmer in February 2024:

Keir Starmer will continue austerity. That means keeping vulnerable people in ‘brutalising poverty’ At a recent speech at Labour’s Business Conference, Starmer doubled-down on his new-found commitment to austerity, stating: “We cannot and we will not allow public spending needs, however important, to threaten the stability of our finances”. It’s a rhetoric so ubiquitous we no longer question (or really even notice) what it means. A Jenga tower of abstracted buzzwords. But what Starmer is committing to is a continuation of brutalising poverty.

5 thoughts on “Labour candidate sets out priorities for Central Ayrshire to return to 1980s poverty

  1. Have emailed Keir Starmer saying that as he does not want the SNP to be involved in TV debates then I don’t want him up here in Scotland telling us how to vote stay in England as that is all you are interested in.I wont get a reply but it would be good for others to tell him the same.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Seems to me that if that is his idea of democracy, then he is even less trustworthy that the Tories.

      But if he doesn’t want the SNP involved, fair enough.

      The tv channels should just broadcast this crap in England.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 3:48 PM Talking-up Scotland / Scottish media fact checking is like shooting fish


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