Police Scotland less likely to stop and search children and minorities

Thanks to Dottie for alerting me to this>

By Professor John Robertson

The Guardian today has the above and:

Hundreds of children under 10 faced stop and search by police last year, including some who were strip-searched, the Observer can reveal. At least 432 children under the age of criminal responsibility were searched by the police forces in England and Wales in 2023, according to data.police.uk, an official site for open data on crime and policing. Nearly a quarter of all the searches were conducted on those from black, Asian, or other minority ethnic backgrounds – disproportionately high compared with population representation.

First, putting the above ‘hundreds of children under 10,’ into perspective, the above 432 minors is only 0.08% of the typically around 500 000 cases of stop and search in England & Wales.

In research published in 2023, 0.01% of those stopped and searched in England & Wales, were under 10s. The figure for Scotland was zero.

Overall, police in England & Wales were almost twice as likely to stop and search, and significantly more likely to stop and search up to the age of 24, than police in Scotland.

When it comes to ethnicity, the contrast is shocking.

94.4% of Scottish stop and searches were of White people while in England it was only 53.2%

For Asian British the ratio was 1.8% to 9.4% and for Black British it was 1.3% to 12.6%



7 thoughts on “Police Scotland less likely to stop and search children and minorities

  1. Police Scotland get a lot of stick – some of it justified. But I prefer their approach to those darn sarf. As for the Met – several young women I’ve spoken to felt safer if they weren’t anywhere near them. And this was before the Everard case.

    As an aside, I find that picture rather disturbing.

    Both my offspring are adults. But I wouldn’t like to think of a policeperson putting their hand in the pocket of jeans being worn by either my son or my daughter. Especially not if they were under 10!


    1. They’re less likely to respond to search for missing children? I find that very disturbing. It seems we’re always hearing about cops doing less for minorities, which is definitely always alarming! But of all people, regardless of race, color, religion, etc., children should be at the top of the list of people you’d search for when they’re missing.


  2. O/T

    Campaign trail…..Anas Sarwar experiences delusions of grandeur.

    He stated ….”his party was not interested in a deal with the SNP in order to gain power in the Commons“…..”his party”……well technically if we are talking about the HOC then in respect to whose party it is….as Labour party leader…..then surely Keir Starmer is the one who will decide who to do a deal with in the HOC as Labour actual leader…..and not Anas Sarwar the branch office manager.

    He also said they, the SNP, along with the Tories, had been part of a “record of failure” and encouraged “divisive politics”…….”record of failure”…..surely it would give more substance to his accusation if he, Sarwar, could list this failed “record”…….and as for “divisive politics”…..is all politics not “divisive” and thus as a divisive topic is not one that is unique to only the SNP…..indeed the greatest political “divisive” policy in the UK was Brexit and it was instigated and implemented by the Tory party and it is to be adopted as a policy by the Labour party as one that they will maintain and continue with if they win the next GE…..

    He, Sarwar, also said that “he did not rule out any potential deal with the Lib Dems should the vote result in a hung parliament”………”He did not rule out”…..sorry have I missed something here…..is Anas Sarwar the new Labour HQ leader ?……..or is this Anas Sarwar trying to continue to con voters in Scotland that they are voting for the party they, Labour here, call the “Scottish” Labour party but who in UK GE’s will, as Labour candidates in Scotland, if elected , be a part of the UK Labour HQ party who will sit in the HOC……

    Then he stated ““Over the last 14 years, people have been frustrated, they wanted change”……yes people do want “Change” but the major problem here is that Labour are not offering “Change” but instead seem to be only offering a continuation of what we have all had via the Tory UK government…..and so what is this supposed “Change”….as if Labour cannot expand on what it actually represents for us the people then it is just another empty slogan..…a clever one though….. as when times are hard because of a UK (Tory) government then who wouldn’t want “Change”.…..alas they will not get it, “Change”, with Labour HQ as the next UK Govt

    He then said “They haven’t thought Labour has been in a position to deliver it, but over the last three years, I have worked hard to change the Scottish Labour party so it is ready to serve again”. ……..sorry “I have worked hard to change the Scottish Labour party so it is ready to serve again“……are we talking about Holyrood elections here or are we still talking about this next UK GE….if the latter then this supposed Scottish Labour will not be serving Scotland as the next UK government….that would be Labour HQ under it’s party leader who is Keir Starmer…..this is not clever by Sarwar….treating people in Scotland as if they are moronic and thus cannot distinguish between a UK GE and a Holyrood election….July 4th this year is a UK GE and post that date Anas Sarwar will still only be the Labour branch office manager and no amount of attempts to confuse voters in Scotland in this current political UK GE campaign that he, Sarwar, is participating in….but only doing so FOR his Labour HQ and thus nothing will “Change” that as a fact.….even Sarwar being duplicitous….and he is doing it deliberately too ( probably because he knows Keir Starmer is not popular in Scotland)

    To complete this confusing mixed messaging Sarwar then said “We’ve been really clear. No ifs, no buts, no deals with the SNP. They have been part of the record of failure that people have seen here in Scotland”……”We’ve been clear”….whose “We” ? and once again he, Sarwar, notes a supposed “record of failure” via the SNP but cannot list these failures as many of us in Scotland could and would then list the “record of failure” via Labour in Wales and compare and contrast with Scotland…..which would show Labour in Wales were behind the SNP in Scotland in their (poorer) performance…….and if as Sarwar states that “people here in Scotland” have “seen” these “records of failure” via the SNP then why do the “people of Scotland” always vote for the SNP to govern them and not Sarwar’s Labour branch office ? (I think we all know who many of the “people here” can see through as the worst political option and that would be Sarwar’s branch office LOL)

    He, Sarwar, then said “Keir [Starmer] has already said no deals with the SNP, we’re going flat out for a majority Labour government. What happens after the election, we will obviously have a look at.”……at last Sarwar is back in the room with reality.….and is stating ‘whose the Daddy‘ in the Labour party LOL…..that’s Keir Starmer and not Anas Sarwar…and “no deals with the SNP”…..BUT….according to Sarwar there could be a deal with the Lib Dems….as in those who were formerly in a coalition with the TORY party……so if that did happen then I guess that would be the Lib Dems still being part of a coalition with another Tory party….LOL…..but alas Sarwar then goes back into delusion mode when says what would happen after the GE as in he said….

    ” we will obviously have a look at.”…….no YOU Mr Sarwar will have no input as in say as to what Labour HQ will do post this GE…..that’s a decision for Labour HQ.

    As to other parties political campaigns well……

    The Lib Dems branch office manager Alex ‘F*** You Maree’ Cole-Hamilton was also in delusion mode when he said that his party wanted to ““tear down the acid yellow wall of the SNP”…….I think this statement, by him, shows who it is who may actually be on “Acid” here….LOL

    Dross was pictured on a Choo Choo train and he was in Brass neck mode when he said “voters were being “put off” by the scandal surrounding Mr Matheson and claimed the SNP had subjected Scotland to a “decade of division”……”scandal” perhaps the fact that Dross is in the Tory party then him mentioning “Scandal” in relation to another party……might not be the best tactic….as everyone associates the word “Scandal” with the Tory party……indeed plural…..as there has been a succession of Scandals with them via their government, individually and also via their leaders as PM’s…..LOL….”a decade of division”……meanwhile since 2016 has there not been a massive “division”, instability and loss generated via the Tory party with their Brexit ?…..an inconvenient truth for Dross…..where he and his so called ‘Scottish’ colleagues betrayed the Fisherman via Brexit……big time !

    Vote SNP on July 4th and forget the ‘noise’ being created by others , who as parties in Scotland, have no real clout or input with their respective HQ’s (as in the ones in charge) and are , as branch offices, those who exist only to excuse and justify the wrongs done via their respective HQ’s…..while also desperately generating “divisive politics” in Scotland by trying to uphold their failed and flawed UK state……which is in some state…..largely because of their parties and too their client media !

    Scotland can do so much better…..surely !



  3. O/T It’s Sunday morning (26 May), the first Sunday after a UK General Election has been called. Lots going on for political journalists. At any time of the year a Sunday morning is an important time in the week for the BBC’s coverage of politics anyway. So the what follows is all the more ‘odd’. (Is this the right word for it?)

    The most prominent feature on the ‘Scotland Politics’ page of the BBC News website at c.1000hrs this morning is an article with a picture of Labour’s Rachel Reeves together with the Labour FM of Wales. Must be a big story associated with Wales to merit such prominence of the Welsh Labour FM on a BBC Scotland web page.

    The most prominent feature on the ‘Wales Politics’ page of the BBC News website is not a picture of Rachel Reeves with FM Gething. Indeed that article with its picture of the Welsh FM is no where to be seen in the BBC Wales’ politics section!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yep, this year’s tactics seems to be to make any hint of indy support invisible which obviously means only posting stories about iPad fees or anything else that shows the SNP in a bad light. Even when forced to include an SNP spokesperson the intro inevitably refers to party finance investigations and education standards plummeting

      was there not a huge controversy somewhere years back re police Scotland and stop and search? It must have been soon after police Scotland was formed because I remember it being used to undermine the SNP



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