Labour rub salt on the wound that they are gleefully creating……..


Labour rub salt on the wound that they are gleefully creating……..

Reported today that “Labour are demanding that the SNP and other ‘smaller’ parties are cut from televised leadership debates during the General Election campaign, according to reports. Broadcasters are reportedly focusing on two head-to-head contests between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer before July 4″……

SNP one of the “smaller parties” ??……however in Scotland the Labour party have only two elected MP’s and they are the third party at Holyrood and so here in Scotland they, Labour, are one of “the smaller parties”…..while the SNP are the majority as in the largest party in Holyrood and so currently are the Scottish government……they also have the most elected MP’s in Scotland who sit in WM…..but apparently in Labour’s UK that means duck all……..seems this is an English GE where some of Scotland’s politicians are not required (to speak or be present in political leaders debates) by either the Labour party or the UK TV companies who are run from…..ENGLAND.…….this just gets better and better does it not….as in more ludicrous and unjust for Scotland….. once again… bloody per usual !!!!

Labour are saying…oops sorry not ‘saying’…… but …demanding…. that John Swinney the SNP leader and FM of Scotland…does not get to have a place in a UK televised leaders debate for this up and coming UK GE……yet that Bobby Dancer Keir Starmer can come up to Scotland and campaign for his UK Labour HQ party while slating the SNP when he is here on one of his very fleeting and infrequent visits up North (or North North… North of the country is now apparently Northern England )…..well he, Starmer, can duck right off……if you are not mad at this then get someone to take your ducking pulse… check for life !

This is reminiscent of when Jackie Baillie & Baron George ‘pishy pants’ Foulkes were demanding that our FM’s daily Covid briefings were stopped being televised on the BBC….. while both they and their Labour HQ leader were only too happy to have Boris and his various clowns for ministers continue with their daily televised Covid briefings for England on the BBC and other UK channels… Scotland’s televised briefings then got a new changed format (thanks once again to a spiteful and hate driven Labour party) with input from opposition politicians after the FM’s briefing while no such similar change was made to the format for the Tories briefings in and For England…………..via the same BBC (UK one supposedly but which we all know to be BBC HQ England)……

So Labour are now basically stating (demanding) in respect to the SNP leader…..

‘NAH your party does not get to say duck all in a UK televised UK GE leaders debate’…….so in other words this is something else that Scotland is not “allowed” to do in their UK … in we do not get to hear the leader of the party that many of us have voted for in both Scottish elections and in previous UK GE’s…….in a debate with other party leaders…….whose own non challenged presence on these televised UK debates is not in question but is instead an assumed right by both them as UK leaders and too the UK broadcasters……that sounds all above board…… if you are a ducking idiot that is !!!!!

Who the duck does Keir Starmer think he is and who the duck does he think he is talking to……certainly not us in Scotland who vote SNP that’s for sure….so if he and his party wins the next UK GE I can then say he , Starmer, is NOT my PM….as it seems he does not want to be anyway….does it !!!

I’ve got a great idea…… how about we never hear from Keir Starmer on our pseudo Scottish TV channels and pseudo Scottish political programmes in Scotland…..either pre or post this UK GE as he is far too offensive towards Scottish people and others who live in Scotland and who vote for the SNP……it was not that long ago that he, as a Bobby Dancer, was telling us all that the Labour party was the party for “everyone”… A*** (rhymes with sparse) it is…… if you veer away from what Starmer and his Labour party dictate and want as a party….you are then out on your A*** (rhymes with sparse) and quickly become a persona non grata….see Jeremy Corbyn & others like him or those sympathetic to him Corbyn….. and too those Labour members who were also purged for being too left wing but the excuse used by the Labour party to throw out these former members was that they were anti Semitic (an old chestnut over used as in abused by Labour)…..the only problem with that excuse being used was that some of those former members of the Labour party that they threw out (purged) included a lot of Jewish people from the party………so beggars belief that they could ever be considered anti sematic….but being serial Liars I guess it came easy to Labour to just keep on lying……

How many more things will Keir Starmer say and do that will make YOU decide to never vote for his Labour party now or in any future elections…..I mean he’s giving you all of the reasons why NOT to vote for his party…….so who the H are the pollsters speaking to when in Scotland……the mind boggles and if the polls were truly reflective of Scottish public opinion (which I doubt) then it would make you seriously wonder WTF is really going on……BTW did I say I am MAD as in ANGRY…..well I am….

This reminds me of the film Network with the speech from Peter Finch’s character….which was this….

“I’m as mad as Hell and I am not going to take this any more”

Be honest…how bloody apt is that as a statement for us in Scotland with the likes of Sunak, Starmer, Davey, Sarwar, Baillie, ‘Flying teeth’ Kerr, HOL’s , Dross, ‘F*** You Maree’ Cole-Hamilton, BBC, all Newspapers, SKY News, GB News, ITV News, Channel 4 News, Farage, Tice, Brillo pad Heid Andrew Neil, BBC QT, BBC Debate Night, Political so called commentators, Political so called editors, Clueless ‘We love you Scotland don’t leave’ celebrities, a certain partisan children’s author, other Indy parties, Gordon ducking Broon, so called Think Tanks that seem to be breeding excessively and who are tainted by their links to specific political parties but whose funding (funders) is never disclosed so tis a tad nudge nudge wink wink……I could go on and on but will just write……etc etc etc……so…..

Over to you fellow Scots (and other nationalities who choose to live in Scotland) as only you (together with us) can really “Change” everything (for the better) in Scotland and thus let the likes of Starmer know that you will not be treated as a second class UK citizen in his UK state…and be continued to be dictated to by the likes of him and also by others like him in his very much uber nationalist ‘Britain First’ state …..a UK state that is isolationist, is very much failing and is very much also a dysfunctional, flawed and disunited UK state where all focus and attention is disproportionate in the energy and time given to only one nation within the UK that the UK politicians try to connect with in GE’s (England) and where other nations within the UK they, as UK politicians, choose to ignore and disrespect…..a UK state that is also known as (not so) Great Britain ( as in when NI as per is the forgotten nation of UK political leaders … in opposition leaders and the PM )…….the only reason Starmer remembers Wales is because his party govern (badly) there…..if they did not then Wales would also be considered as a forgotten and insignificant nation within Starmer’s beloved (ever so sponging from Wales and Scotland) UK….

Vote SNP.on July 4th in the UK GE…..or just let Starmer and others keep ducking us over as a country and a people..time and time again.

14 thoughts on “Labour rub salt on the wound that they are gleefully creating……..

  1. Could we,arrange a wee referendum of our own, seeing people will be going to the polls anyway and indepence supporters outside have something for golf to sign on t he lines if #End the Union.

    As they will all have to have voter IDa with them, some info from them would prevent multiple signings. Obviously the Unionists would resist any result from this but it might send a message to our Colonial Masters who think it’s OK to treat us as if we are of no account (apart from sending our resources South to benefit them!)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The problem with that would be that the SNP are pushing postal votes as the way to go – so anyone going along with them would miss out.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Vote SNP.on July 4th in the UK GE…..or just let Starmer and others keep ducking us over as a country and a people..time and time again

    This is very true as is the whole article but there are still people who cant or wont see how Westminster and England treat Scotland as its there right.

    Vote SNP its the only way for Scotland

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very likely – two parties with the same ideology can hardly make for a good argument.
      I wonder how many in Scotland will bother watching anyway? I know I won’t be – I hadn’t planned to even if the SNP were involved, as these debates are little more than a circus in my opinion.
      Perhaps we should all learn from those protestors in Cambridge last week – when Braverman and the GBnews bigot tried to speak to them, they simply ignored them both.
      Turn the TV off and do something useful…

      Liked by 3 people





        BEFORE RETURNING OFFICER HAD DECLARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Police Scotland conducted a year-long probe into that case and eventually announced that no criminality had been uncovered, but they refused to reveal the rationale for that assessment – claiming that doing so may jeopardise any future legal proceedings in the event that further information became known.

          It’s been nearly ten years since that announcement, and, as far as I’m aware, there have been no further legal proceedings. Perhaps it’s time for a little FOI request to find out exactly what that rationale was?

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Labour simply clarifying that Westminster is England’s Parliament,as far as they are concerned,and that subsequently,Scotland plays no part in that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sir Keir Starmer aka Bobby Dancer stated yesterday that thousands of jobs would be created in Scotland via GB Energy…..“created in Scotland” but not necessarily filled by people who live in Scotland !

    He then confirmed that ‘Private‘ investment would be involved… would that then mean ‘For profit’ so this, GB Energy, supposedly being a government ‘Nationalised’ company may not, in practice , be exactly that what with ‘Private investment’ input then expecting…returns for their investment ?

    Anas Sarwar was asked on BBC Newscast how many jobs would this GB Energy create in Scotland….he could not specify exact amount as he said a “paper is being worked on the specifics of GB Energy and they are doing that in partnership with the industry”…..he was then asked again as the interviewer reminded him that he had previously stated a figure of 50,000 jobs in Scotland via this GB Energy initiative…..Sarwar said in response “when you talk about these supply chain jobs we’re talking about of course the institution itself GB Energy and actually that’s not where the bulk of the jobs come from”…….Duh… where will the bulk of jobs come from and who will actually get the bulk of these jobs…..who indeed !

    Funny how Sarwar was tweeting recently that in Scotland “Change” will come with ‘Scottish’ Labour…..yet he as the branch office manager in Scotland was, unlike his HQ boss, unable to specify an exact amount of jobs that would be supposedly generated/created in Scotland via GB Energy……but Starmer ,via Labour HQ, said yesterday that it would be thousands of jobs… who is lying ?…..and who is really in charge of the Labour GE campaign ?

    Remember this is GB Energy….so irrespective of it having it’s HQ in Scotland well as far as jobs are concerned these jobs will be for all within Labour’s GB.…..

    (GB Energy HQ based in Scotland…..which as an act is both a token gesture and also a weak excuse to steal Scotland’s vast capacity & potential in renewable energy for the benefit of Labour’s whole GB state)


    Liked by 3 people




    Instead of taking money from ENGLISH MEDIA BARONS


    remove their Franchise if that is at all possible when



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