Have I got anti-Scottish news for you

I’ve watched and enjoyed HIGNFY for decades but they are seriously testing me now.

Recently, we’ve had Ian Hyslop increasingly attacking the SNP based on tabloid headlines rather than facts. He even repeated the football moronic ‘Humza Useless’ line recently.

Last night, they let Tory Baroness Davidson tell of the alleged SNP ’embezzlement’ case, only days after the announcement of a General Election.

I have a licence.

14 thoughts on “Have I got anti-Scottish news for you

  1. I stopped watching HIGNFY when they started attacking Jeremy Corbyn, and nothing would persuade me to watch it now. I hate the smug way they repeat the SNP-bad rubbish that the BBC consistently use. This programme, along with all other political programmes on the BBC, is only fit for the bin!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Indeed….but irony is really what have they got to be proud of with their WM political system that is rife with scandals and corruption….that they, should have the audacity , to diss the SNP and allow a Tory Baroness (thanks to Boris Johnson) comment on the SNP given the dire state of her own political party and the dire state that they, as a UK government, have caused in their UK…..irony meter explodes….again.

      Truth is they know nowt about scotland… and it’s politics….. other than the partisan tittle tattle from the likes of Gravy train Tories like Baroness Davidson……who has two faces….a fake smiley one that allows the media to pretend she is ‘lovely’ and a ‘different’ kind of Tory……then the (real) face that we in Scotland often saw (through)….grumpy as she was always on the actual losing side in elections in Scotland……..

      BTW it’s not just HIGNFY who do this ….we also get other supposed comedy/satire shows that opine on politics and who also pile on negativity towards the SNP…..and too Scottish independence…..

      Like Adam Hills on the ‘The Last Leg’….on the SNP Motion day in HOC on the Gaza vote.

      Here is how Hills explained it…….as an exact transcript of what he said.

      “It was the Scottish National party’s turn at opposition day. And this is where it started to get childish. The only way I can explain it is like this. Now the SNP tabled a motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the collective punishment. But they didn’t mention the actions of Hamas, which some people interpreted as accusing Israel of war crimes. Many people suggested the SNP chose that wording because they hoped it might cause a split in the Labour party and put Keir Starmer in an embarrassing situation. Now some could say that was being a little bit cheeky. Keir Starmer then asked the Speaker of the House if Labour could introduce an amendment that referenced Hamas and was less explicit about Israel. Now normally the SNP, whose opposition day it was, would be allowed to introduce their motion first, but against convention Lindsay Hoyle allowed the Labour motion to go forward first. This gave Labour MP’s a chance to vote for the wording they agreed with and was seen as a massive breaking of parliamentary precedent. The Tories had already introduced their own amendment , which meant there were now three different proposals on the table. Now because the speaker is a former Labour MP there were accusations that he and Keir Starmer were working together to make a mess of parliamentary procedure. Although Starmer & Hoyle deny any collusion the Tories and the SNP threw their toys out of the pram and many of them stormed out of parliament completely. That meant that Labour’s amendment passed because there was no one there to vote against it. While the SNP’s motion didn’t even get heard. And so what was reported as the SNP hoping to embarrass Labour ended up backfiring all over their faces”.

      I have highlighted in bold parts of the above rant via Adam Hills on the Last Leg episode that discussed what happened on that day in the HOC……which I see as being very much a pro Labour bias by him Adam Hills in his skewed interpretation of what happened and why/how it happened via this Gaza vote in the HOC on what was supposed to be a SNP motion day……and not a cheating Labour and corrupt Speaker day that allowed them to conspire to hijack the SNP’s motion……..and whose side politically was he, Hills, on via his rant…..obviously not the SNP but most certainly he was on the side of the Labour party……since that episode I have not watched this supposed ‘comedy’ show which also regularly has as a guest the Labour MP Jess Phillips….obvs a friend of the show……cheap laughs always at the expense of the SNP and also us in Scotland who want independence…..while he, Hills, knows fine well how S**** (rhymes with plight) the UK is …..so independence for Scotland is not really that far fetched or puzzling is it…… considering what we in Scotland have endured since 2014…..that include Labour’s broken assurances and promises….same Labour party that Adam Hills obviously supports……I think Adam Hills will find it is the UK that is on it’s….last Leg(s)……as will Hills snide politically biased show on Channel 4 also be for many peeps in Scotland….


      Liked by 4 people

  2. “Last night, they let Tory Baroness Davidson tell of the alleged SNP ’embezzlement’ case”…….BUT…………..

    Did anyone on either panel then tell her, Baroness Davidson, of the allegation into the Tory VIP lane that was a fast track for PPE awarded contract for millions of pounds, with one in particular that is still allegedly being investigated by the Police ,with as yet , no conclusion , which involves one of Davidson’s HOL Tory colleagues i.e. Michelle Mone…..PPE equipment that was not fit for purpose but cost millions of tax payers money to purchase/ procure which in turn saw a profit of millions for Tory peer Lady Mone and her family…..

    Mone admitted that she stands to benefit from tens of millions of pounds of profit from personal protective equipment (PPE) sold to the UK government during the pandemic by a company led by her husband, Doug Barrowman.

    Initially she, Mone, denied gaining directly from the contracts, which yielded profits of around £60m, the former Tory peer then admitted that she and her children were beneficiaries of financial trusts where the money is held.

    Mone and her husband confirmed that The National Crime agency’s investigation was for conspiracy to defraud, fraud by false representation, and bribery...they, Mone & her husband , also admitted that initially they had lied about their involvement with PPE Medpro……..

    So Tory peer Baroness Davidson can hardly speak as if she and her party have the upper hand in her being comfortable in discussing political scandals they and she say(s) are connected/linked to other parties like say the SNP…..as the SNP have huge roads to travel before they can match the scale (catch up with the Tory party) in the scandals and corruption we have witnessed connected to them, the Tories, as a UK political party and also their UK politics…..but I guess that’s what happens with an English centric satire show on a English centric TV channel i.e. the BBC ……whose own BBC HQ is aligned very much with Ruth’s Tory party……hence her allowed to display her brass neck on a public platform as if she , and the party she is a member of, can hold court as they sit on their self appointed Moral High Horse slating others for “cases” being investigated by the Police that as “cases” involves money while her own party has a score sheet of financial wrongs that levels the Kray Brothers record of crimes committed in numbers …LOL……..more appropriate that they, Tories like Ruth, sit on a NAG than a Moral High Horse….as that conveys much better as to who they are as a political party (and also who she Ruth is too)…..that is, like a NAG, they and she are old and in poor condition…politically that is…. LOL

    HIGNFY – Ruth’s other panel appearances:

    23 October 2015

    14 October 2016

    2 June 2023

    Nice little earner for Ruth…..pre and posy HOL’s….


    Liked by 1 person

    1. *pre and posy HOL’s

      pre and post HOL’s……

      Posy in slang : characteristic of or being a poser, especially in being trendy or fashionable in a superficial way……so that works too in relation to the Baroness as in “being a poser” and especially in being superficial“….LOL



  3. I also noted Davidson raising this, it struck me as set-up to breathe life back into this failing propaganda game, which Hyslop rather nicely skewered…


  4. No Rwanda flights before GE says Sunak.

    Reported £370m spent so far on this…..for what ?…..well if Tories lose GE it will have been money spent on NOTHING.

    Yet Dross has the sheer audacity to Q the SNP on Michael Mathieson & the £11,000 roaming charge which he, Mr Mathieson, paid back and also explained was incurred via his son watching football…..compare and contrast with but ONE of MANY monies wasted via Dross’s HQ TORY party………but who is it…in which parliament….who has been subjected to a punishment , in part as dished out by a ‘Standards’ committee that included TORIES (MSP’s)…..such as Tory MSP Annie Wells who should have removed herself from the committee due to previous comments about Mr Matheson’s conduct re this matter….thus her impartiality and her obvious prejudice in concluding, prior to this committee sitting and then coming to a final judgement, that as far as she was concerned Mr Mathieson was guilty and thus deserving of her attacks upon him at the time this matter came out and thus subsequently, as part of the Standards committee, she then decided that he deserved to be punished…….pre and post the committee sitting.

    DRoss also said that “the Conservatives would table a motion next week stating Mr Matheson should resign for misusing taxpayers money and making false statements” to the public, press and parliament“.

    Would that then be like the Tory HQ party “misusing taxpayers money” as in, so far, £370 millions pounds for a failed scheme that will not see any actual promised movement/progress pre the GE on this Tory policy…..

    So if the Tories lose the next GE then will that money then be lost so that then would surely be , via the Tories, them making a “false statement” to the “public, press and parliament ” when they assured the “public, press and parliament in the UK that this Tory policy was their guarantee that they said would successfully deal with supposed ‘illegal migrants’…..and so far , as a promise and pledge it has failed to materialise……..

    It was reported that the punishment to Mr Mathieson was according to some in the media “The toughest punishment ever handed out in the Scottish Parliament”……the fact that this, “toughest punishment”, was applied to an SNP MSP and former SNP Scottish government minister is no surprise…..meanwhile the hypocrites who form the other parties within Holyrood pretend that their own political houses are all in order…..as in that they, as parties, have never made any political mistakes , or been involved in any scandals or have any political skeletons in their (party’s) closets that are anywhere as bad as the SNP apparently…..however in the real world we currently have …..#AskAlex (Lib Dems)…..#Scandals-a-Plenty (Tories) and not forgetting the biggest hypocrites as in #LabourAreTheNewToryParty …..but in Scotland they pretend to be on the ‘LEFT‘ of the SNP…..technically if you watch events (debates) in the Scottish parliament via the TV coverage then as you look on……you will see from a camera perspective that Labour are indeed to the left of the SNP as government…..but only as in where they physically sit within the parliament next to the SNP…..LOL…..as that’s where the ‘Left’ stops with them……as they are being aligned with Labour HQ’s position as in to be more to the RIGHT politically……

    God what an absolute shower these British Nationalist truly are…..they are in dire need of seeing themselves as (many) others see them…..which would not be a pretty picture for them……..



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