Labour’s Gordon Brown thinktank aims to increase anti-poverty spending by piddling 0.038%

Labour keep doing this, offering a few millions for something that already has a budget in billions.

Either they’re thick (possible) or they think you’re thick (not me pal).

Yesterday, we read:

SCOTLAND’S former chief constable Iain Livingstone has been appointed to head up a drive to deliver donations of millions of pounds worth of household goods to Scottish families in need. Livingstone will act as chair of the Multibank project, which has set an ambitious target to provide £25 million worth of goods to households struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. He will be joined by new chief executive Kirsty Thomson, who is leaving her current role as chief executive officer of Dundee and Glasgow-based social enterprise The Circle. The leadership team hope to deliver £2.5m worth of goods a year to people facing hardship across the country over the next decade.

Leaving aside, for the moment, the above Livingstone’s astonishing lack of gratitude, on retirement, toward the government that gave him the best-staffed force in the UK and oh-so-unsurprising fact of his place in the Broon circle, see that £2.5 million every year bit?

The Scottish Government is investing a record £6.3 billion in social security benefits in 2024-25 to support the most vulnerable in our society. This spending provides an important financial safety net to those most in need.

£2.5 million is only 0.038% of the current budget which covers the revolutionary, world-leading child payment that Broon dare not mention.

12 thoughts on “Labour’s Gordon Brown thinktank aims to increase anti-poverty spending by piddling 0.038%

  1. Labour always telling others to do what they did not do. Hypocrites. A bit of cheap publicity. Illegal wars, financial fraud, tax evasion. Brexit costing £Billions. Pathetic. People are sick of it. Westminster wasting £Billions of Scottish revenues.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. it looks like a front set up for publicity that will fade away to nothing like other similar enterprises the unionists have started , short lived , scotsman herald , labour / tory politician , a few months down the road some unforseen difficulty pre planned will be announced and gone will be this publicity stunt along with its 25 million over ten years ( 2.5 million a year ? As i say a few months down the road it will be gone and replaced by their next trick ) The real business of giving people extra money to live on will be left to the SNP Scottish government who have to find ways to scrimp and save from their ever reducing budget allocation from england our roads and council services stagger along whilst england steals our electricity oil gas whisky and food then they have the audacity to sell it back to us at higher prices than the english pay

    Liked by 2 people

  3. O/T It’s always ‘interesting’ to observe how the BBC’s news editors handle references to Scotland.

    There is a ‘worrying’ headline on the BBC News website this morning (22 May) that refers to children ‘Children detained under little-known order speak out after turning 18’. The opening paragraph has this: ‘At the age of 14, Katy Baxter was detained alone under a court order, far from her Bournemouth home, supervised by two workers 24 hours a day, going for long periods without any contact with her family.’

    And adds: ‘Katy, now 18, is one of thousands of children in England and Wales – at least one as young as seven – to have been placed under what are known as Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) orders.’ (my emphasis)

    The link to the article is displayed on the BBC News website’s UK page and it is tucked way down under ‘Features and Analysis’ on its England page. Despite its reference to Wales, I can see no mention of this story on the Wales part of the BBC’s website. However, the most prominent placement of this story is on the main Scotland page of the website. (One wonders how long it will remain so!)

    So what within this article about children in England and Wales held under Deprivation of Liberty Orders merits more prominence on the Scotland page of the BBC News website than has been given anywhere else on the site? Reading through what is a long piece, one eventually finds this: 

    ‘Zarha Codsi from east London was placed under a DoL order when she was 13’ and then. ‘The DoL order was only imposed for a week, but Zarha was then placed in secure accommodation in Glasgow for three years, 400 miles away from her London home.’

    Much later, very briefly we get some context: ‘Scotland operates a different system to restrict the liberty of vulnerable children, and the use of restraint and seclusion is only allowed under very specific, regulated circumstances.’  

    One has to read a lengthy, detailed account of what’s happened to multiple children in England before finding anything about Scotland, anything which conceivably could account for the article’s presence on the BBC News website’s Scotland page. And even with these relatively minor references, the articles prominence in the Scotland section and contrastingly lower and zero profile in its England and Wales sections respectively remains a puzzle!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Let’s hope that ex-Chief Constable livingstone can deliver the ”aid” to poor families a little quicker than his Police Force could deliver a case on the SNP funding inquiry !

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That would be a more pertinent question to ask for sure…as well as the fact that Labour’s legacy is atrocious one of neglect, massive debt forced onto Scotalnd and Scot councils as well as sending £BILLIONS BACK TO WESTMINSTER saying ‘nothing to spend it on in Scotland’…when many many people were forced into POVERTY IN SCOTLAND by the ENGLISH parties poerating in Scotland.




    1. Why bring up the Brit states’ dirty tactics & their made up ‘SNP funding enquiry’…plenty stuff to point out like Westminster PPE corruption amounting to £BILLIONS++++ and faux LabCONS in Scotland some who are most certainly NOT squeaky clean to say the very least, that not of interest to you at all??? Hmm…


  5. From the Thin Blue Line comedy…….

    ”This is a very important operation. Now it’s my arse, and if you stuff it I’m going to end up very red in the face.”

    ”I haven’t got time, Raymond! I am involved in serious police work. If you get in the way, I’m responsible. Your cock up, my arse.”

    ”Raymond, do not interfere with my decisions. I, and me alone, am responsible for the operational fitness of my officers. It is my arse and I will not have you sticking your nose in and sniffing about.”



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