12 thoughts on “Early prisoner release scare stories – Factcheck

  1. As far as the media are concerned every prisoner is a violent rapist/ murderer/terrorist etc and once released will immediately start raping, murdering and terrorising.

    The great majority of prisoners are pretty inadequate people, with many having learning difficulties, having experience abuse as children, having addiction problems, having few family ties and most are not a great threat to the public. Overcrowding of prisons and inadequate staffing levels mean that rehabilitation services are limited.

    The majority of prisoners ought to be released but adequate supervision and support services need to be provided to enable them to live independently and earn a living and develop a supportive circle of friends and family.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. According to the daily BritNat states’ propaganda front pages galore yesterday, Scotland is going to be overrun with violent criminals so don’t vote SNP to save your life! It’s effective though, for those who don’t bother reading the facts. I presume the BBC and STV etc are all on the same page with this as well. Just hope that more people see through the lies and bull that the BritNat state deploys against the people of Scotland. :-/

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Can’t remember which news Channel reported it or whether I saw it on Titter but the early release plans in Scotland will only apply to prisoners serving a sentence of less than 4 years and who are within 180days of their release. Prisoners serving sentences for abuse eg of the domestic variety or violence no matter if their sentence is 4yrs or less will not be considered for early release.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Note James Cook pleading innocence to his earlier involvement in this concocted ‘row’ by merely reporting this morning on the website with ” Scotland’s papers: Early prisoner release row and nuclear ‘secret’, now transformed to ” Scotland’s papers: Rent cap and teacher funding warnings” 6 hours ago… – Anyone else detect a whiff of ‘Eau de Latrine’, made in London ?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. O/T
    John there is a film at NLS moving image archive titled, Ferry war on the clyde’, ref/T2346. Not available to watch for free it seems, but can be purchased I think.


  4. Scottish Government website: ‘Tackling unprecedented prison population ‘(16 May 2024) – https://www.gov.scot/news/tackling-unprecedented-prison-population/

    From the statement (with my emphasis):

    • ‘Emergency release of short-term prisoners is being proposed to address the impacts of an unprecedented rise in the prison population’
    • ‘The Justice Secretary has proposed taking urgent action, including the proposed emergency release of short-term prisoners who were due to be released within the next short while. This will only be done with Parliament’s agreement in this instance, and public safety will remain a priority.’
    • ‘If agreed, an early release scheme, which would have safeguards built in, would mean:
      • only prisoners serving short sentences of under four years who have 180 days or less left to serve will be considered for release
      • prisoners such as those given a life sentence, or serving a sentence for sexual offences or domestic abuse, will be automatically excluded
      • prison governors will have the power to veto the release of any prisoner they deem an immediate risk to a specific individual or group’
    • Ms Constance underlined the importance of public safety:
      • “Protecting the public remains an absolute priority and the bedrock of every decision that we take. I have consistently said that I would only use emergency early release if it was absolutely necessary, so this is not a decision that I take lightly – and I appreciate the concerns it will raise.
      • “Scotland is not alone in managing a high prison population. England and Wales are also experiencing similar issues and are operating a rolling early release process to manage prison overcrowding, which they introduced in October 2023, and have recently extended.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Away and bile yer heid ya troll and do something more constructive like voting for Scottish Independence and stop “spamming” this site…..bet you don’t even live in Scotland!!!


      Liked by 1 person

      1. and you wonder why Scotland doesn’t want to leave the UK; you hate Scotland for not wanting what you want


  5. Too many people in prison. Uk highest prison population in Europe. Half should be in proper rehab. Too many people on the spectrum. Undiagnosed with not enough support. 7500 males. 270 female. Most crime is committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Reduce alcohol consumption and increase more places in proper rehabs.

    Knife crime in London S/E increased 200 deaths because of austerity. 500 homicides to 700. Now reducing.


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