£1.4 million of public funds and 32 000 staff hours used to meet Freedom of Information requests such as those by BBC Scotland, Labour, Cons and Lib Dems trawling for SNP-bad news

A Freedom of Information costs regular consumer, Liam McArthur of the Lib Dems

By Professor John Robertson

From a Freedom of Information request published today by the Scottish Government, we can see a major, 42%, surge in the number of such requests responded to:

2020 – 3121
2021 – 4160
2022 – 4131
2023 – 4454

How much do these cost on average?

From University College, London, in 2010:

I’m not clear, nor are the authors, as to why the estimates vary so dramatically, especially when the average cost in time is estimated at 7hrs 22min, but let’s accept the Scottish figure.

Adjusted for inflation, the Scottish figure for 2023 is £328.86.

So, in 2023, £1.4 million of public funds and 32 514 hours of staff time (20 FT staff?) were used to meet these requests, up from £1 million in 2020.

Who is making these requests? I can find no data on this and previous attempts by me to find out have come up against data protection laws. However, judging by their appearance in the MSM, the opposition parties and BBC Scotland are making regular trawling requests in the hope of bad news for the Scottish Government.




5 thoughts on “£1.4 million of public funds and 32 000 staff hours used to meet Freedom of Information requests such as those by BBC Scotland, Labour, Cons and Lib Dems trawling for SNP-bad news

  1. Totally OT, but since when did C4 allow such moronic titles as Kathryn Samson’s ” Glen Rosa Ferry: 3,000 ton ship finally takes off six years behind schedule “.

    Mind you, the 3,000 tonne Glen Rosa has a better chance of taking off than Kathryn’s pretence of journalist’s integrity…

    She does look sleek though….the ship…

    Liked by 1 person


    surely Scottish GOV have clever lawyers who can dance around these fraudster

    this is nothing more that political gamesmanshit

    Liked by 1 person

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