ASLEF don’t have a problem in Scotland

SNP Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop

By Professor John Robertson

Thanks to Jimmock for alerting me to this.

Justin of Radio 4’s Today programme just before 8am:

Putting money to one side what more are these strikes about? What is it that is not happening that you say should be happening?

Mick Whelan of ASLEF:

Well basically nobody talking to us at all in any way shape or form. We haven’t seen the Transport Minister since 2022. We haven’t seen the Railways Minister since January of 2023. We haven’t seen the employers since April of last year, some twelve months ago. When people say ‘Why aren’t you resolving this?’ if nobody’s going to talk to us we feel rather lonely. We can’t resolve it but ultimately this has been about people trying to rip up all our terms and conditions for a less than RPI pay rise …….we don’t have a problem in Scotland.

Is this just another example of SNP ministers getting on with their day jobs? As with the successful negotiations they had with nurses, doctors, junior doctors, ambulance staff, physios, radiographers, teachers and others I can’t recall?

16 thoughts on “ASLEF don’t have a problem in Scotland

  1. ‘We feel rather lonely’, oh dear, and no wonder in England’s green and stinky land. Why would a Tory disaster capitalist aided by their pals Labour want to be friends with a workers union, in England.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. No John, it’s simply a case of some Unions recognise SG are doing their best with what they’re permitted to spend, as opposed to Smith, Kennedy etc who rely on public ignorance of it and their POV being inflated by Scotland’s media……

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Very briefly it must be gratifying to know that the new Hate Crime law is sound when all the English RW media, JKR and Ally McCoist are denouncing it.

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  4. O/T

    The Free Speech Union have set up a Hotline in response to what they say is to “all concerned at the threat to free speech posed by the country’s ‘draconian’ new Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act”.

    They have also “put an arrangement in place with Levy & McRea, a top firm of criminal lawyers in Scotland, so if any of our members are arrested or interviewed under caution for something speech-related we can come to their aid”.

    “FSU General Secretary Toby Young said: “We felt we needed to put a hotline in place in case any of them get into trouble with the police about something they’ve said. If they’re arrested or interviewed under caution for something speech-related, we will do our best to get them a lawyer.”

    “The FSU is already supporting the Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser, who is considering a legal challenge against Police Scotland, which he claims has breached human rights laws, data protection laws and equality laws over its recording of a complaint against him as a hate incident”

    “The firm last year represented Joanna Cherry, the SNP MP, who was cancelled from performing at The Stand comedy club during the Edinburgh Fringe over her gender-critical views. The venue later apologised and reinstated her show”

    Coincidently one of their, Levy & McRae, lawyers led the legal teams for Alex Salmond in his successful judicial review against the Scottish government and he also advises many of the major media companies in the UK, in print, broadcast and online.

    The irony is that in Scotland for years our rights to ‘Free speech’ in respect to many in Scotland stating that we are within our right to demand another justified independence referendum (based on events since 2014 not being what we, in 2014, were told would be the case….namely that we would be Better together as part of their UK)…. has, as ‘Free Speech’, been shut down and condemned by people like Murdo Fraser and too via some of those involved with the Free Speech Union and too the political elite within the UK who say we are not “allowed” another referendum or even the freedom to campaign for one….

    In 2015 Toby Young stated that “an independent Scotland could easily have been the next Greece” in relation to the financial woes experienced by Greece and he was also reported as saying in 2020 that “‘ungrateful’ devolved nations have turned him into an English nationalist”…..yes it is so wonderful to have ‘Free speech’ is it not then one can say anything that offends a whole nation and label it an impoverished nation that should be grateful to be a part of a UK that people like Toby Young sees as the generous benefactor to our country….though his, Young’s, statements sometimes do not relate to the UK but instead refer to him being an “English Nationalist” when faced with “ungrateful devolved nations” ‘grievances’ ?….thus the real inference is that tis England , as the dominant nation within the UK, who carries other nations economically…..that is supports and benefits the “ungrateful devolved nations”….to quote Mr Young.

    That of course is the problem some have with ‘Free speech’ in that for those who advocate it to be a right tis then for some simply a licence to be deliberately offensive and dismissive of others…..and of course in order to gain support for one’s ‘Free Speech’ as part of the Free Speech Union one must pay a monthly fee or donation to them… that part is not ‘Free’ then.

    Only in Scotland is there always such a huge backlash upon everything and anything done by our government….or rather a combined Pro UK opposition via those, who see the SNP as a political party, as being ones who threaten the UK remaining a sustained state…..

    The Free Speech Union Scotland office Advisory councils members includes : Joanna Cherry, Murdo Fraser, Jim Sillars, Iain MacWhirter, Prof Lindsay Paterson and Adam Tomkins……the Director of Case Management & FSU Scotland Fraser Hudghton in December 2021 was reported as nominating Nicola Sturgeon as “Britain’s greatest Foe to Freedom of Expression”…..ironic when one considers that in England the Tory party , a British political party, have now implemented a “public order bill and the anti-protest bill, is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which gave law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom greater powers to prevent protest tactics deemed “disruptive” such as those used by climate protestors”. ….aye NS is the problem in his Britain ….NOT.

    Friends of the Scottish government ?….well do some research and one will find many a #SNPBAD being vocalised via some within the Advisory council members of the Free Speech Union both in and out of Scotland…and as they advocate Free speech in their UK then I must then assume this comment by me will not then be categorised or condemned by any of them as me communicating my fundamental Human right as one of their (current) ‘UK’ citizen’s to express my opinion without anyone from their organisation challenging or condemning it as inappropriate or abusive…surely.

    Free Speech….well it seems for some there is no barrier to expressing it for some…..but for others (in Scotland) well their Free Speech is filed under….Shut up and eat your porridge…LOL


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I see blue Labour have been absent in voicing there support for the very bill they voted in…….no surprises there then!!!


  5. If memory serves me correctl;y I seem to recall Fraser was caught on camera some years ago singing vile sectarian songs so I have no doubt a GB News/Sky news camerman/reporter will be at Ibrox to catch wee Ally and & co doing their best to show ‘solidarity’ in their perceived moment of ‘triumph’. 

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  6. O/T Don’t often watch the BBC News channel on TV but did tonight (6 April) at c. 2130hrs. It had a preview of an upcoming BBC programme which used the phrase (as best as I can recall):


    As someone familiar with BBC Scotland, my glass of red wine was almost ‘discarded’!

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  7. Lindsay Paterson would be better getting on with the day job. Putting in place teacher training modules for additional needs knowledge. ADHD, autism and dyslexia. Freedom of speech for many more. Those who have no voice or are ignored.

    The Hate Bill will do nothing for diversity. A conflict of interests for those on the spectrum without proper support. The Parliament needs to be more diverse for diversity. Impossible to enforce. A waste of time and monies. The Courts are backed up. Too many innocent people on remand, losing their jobs etc.

    There are too many people in prison on the spectrum. With no filter. More likely to get anxious and afraid. Have meltdowns and call people names. Or have anxiety meltdowns and swear etc. Picking on the vulnerable in society without support. Or a diagnosis. A total dsgrace.

    Alcohol and drugs lead to abusive behaviour. Swearing and calling people names. People should be in proper total abstinence rehab facilities. Instead of prison. Drinks in the wits oot. Links to crime. Crime is a gender issue. Male.

    Women who cohabit, the majority, do not have equal rights. They have to put in a claim within a year 1/3. There is little legal aid. It can cost £thousands and take years. Women have to stay in abusive, unsafe places. Or lose the roof over their head.

    Letting agencies, illegally demand six months + deposit upfront rent. Even from people with good credit.


    1. There is a separate bill for women soon, one that will give more power to women than had it just been “chucked in to this one”……….support women…support Scotland!!! Vote for Independence and we will be an equal modern nation for everyone….vote SNP……don’t dilute your vote!!!


  8. With Independence the trains will run in time. People will be getting on with the job. Even better. Devolution shows how things can be handled better. More diverse and sensible. Independence will be even better for a cohesive more prosperous and happy society.


  9. O/T

    We are currently witnessing a contrast and compare event in the treatment some within the Tory party are bestowing, as a reaction, upon the scandal involving one of their own , as in Tory MP William Wragg, to the treatment that they reserve for the SNP against our FM’s (past and present) and too against them, the SNP, as a political party….and as the Scottish government.

    Wragg, believe or not , is a member of the Tory ‘Common sense Group’ which then exposes that, as a group, it was obviously set up only for others to use this practical form of judgement….as clearly Wragg’s actions were folly….though in Tory world I am sure his actions would be deemed as ‘Common sense’ in trying to ‘cover up’ and ‘selfishly trying to save himself’ while throwing others to the proverbial Wolves….or ‘Wolf’ in this case.

    Jeremy Hunt called him “courageous”…..meanwhile I am sure MI5 etc would see him as a ‘security risk’ , not only in his actions but in involving others in him giving their details to this Random person….why ?….well obviously to ‘save his own skin’.

    It was reported that he only fessed up after he saw an article in politico which related his story without naming him specifically….thus he obviously calculated it was only a matter of time before he was named and shamed….which as an action the UK Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer , Jeremy Hunt, described his confession as an act that was “Courageous”….while others used their common sense and knew it to be an act of cowardice.

    Another day…another Tory scandal….and via another Tory scandal… another Tory is absolved in keeping the Tory whip…..though he is standing down as an MP this year as he will not seek to be re-elected in the next GE (a decision he took last year so not prompted by this scandal being publicly outed and thus connected to him).

    Meanwhile the Tory branch office…..whose favourite reaction to any within the SNP is one where they demand someone should “Resign”….would they, as branch office Tories, see this type of action aka scandal by Wragg, if committed by an SNP politician, as “Courageous” if the SNP politician fessed up to being the person involved in this scandal…..would they accept the same excuse via an SNP politician as Wragg offered as in stating that this Random person was “compromising him”…..but really who was it who put himself in a ‘Compromising position’ in exchanging intimate pictures ?…….Tory MP Bob Seely said he had “great sympathy” for Mr Wragg…….of course he does as Wragg is one of his own….but his, Seely’s, “sympathy” does not extend towards others outwith his party as he has been very vocal against Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP & Prince Harry also………Oh and he also backed Liz Truss in the Tory leadership contest arguing that she was the “candidate best able to deal with ” the major issues facing the country, particularly on the economy and foreign affairs”….so another one with no “common sense” then……as what did she do to the UK economy …..LOL.

    We are witnessing the hypocrisy of many within the Tory party who are willing to be sympathetic, understanding and tolerant when a scandal involves one of their own yet they are also automatically quick to react mercilessly when tis anything promoted by them and the media as negative and connected to the SNP…..and also towards other parties too…..I think perhaps the Tory branch office should seek to ‘Get their own HQ house in order’ before casting aspersions and judgement upon the SNP and the Scottish government….because to not do so is then us all witnessing them ‘Playing politics’ … per their instructions from Tory HQ…LOL

    Next we will have Wragg in the Honours list LOL….Lindsay Hoyle asking MP’s to applaud him for ‘Bravery’ when they, MP’s, come back from recess LOL…..such is the way things play out via WM politics…..that is where some are treated very very differently depending only on their position upon the UK being sustained as a state.

    Post 2014 I think we all know who within the UK is ‘leading’ and who is considered by them, Tories, as unworthy to ‘Lead’ indeed who, as a nation, is considered by some as ‘secondary’ thus some perhaps within Scotland should have used their ‘Common sense’ and not for one minute believed David Cameron when he declared to Scotland ” Lead don’t Leave”…..the same David Cameron who announced “EVEL” the morning after the NO result came in via the Independence Referendum……..seems when he, Cameron, (falsely) pleaded with us to stay in his UK with promises and assurances that our position would be elevated within his UK…..was, as a false truth, one that has now been seen to have been flushed down the LavaTORY ……but let’s also not forget that in 2014 Labour were also LABorious in this deceit also…..

    A parcel of rogues both IN and OUT of a Nation…..that is those against Scotland….as in both the political and media HQ’s and the Branch offices…..make it all stop by voting for the SNP in the next GE and then supporting , campaigning for and then voting for Scottish Independence….now that would be really using “Common sense”……


    Liked by 1 person

  10. O/T…..sorry.

    Jack McConnell has written in the Sunday Mail….via his column where according to him “Good legislation should build consensus but the Hate Crime law seems unworkable

    “Build consensus”….from where ?….from whom ?

    Politicians like McConnell (and those in his party) are often the first ones ,when tis a “law”, “legislation”, “initiative or suggestion, that is connected in any way to the SNP, always automatically shout ‘Foul’ or rather #SNPBAD…..not because they oppose it but because it offers their party another opportunity to try and gain an undeserved advantage over the SNP……so has he, McConnell, spoken to Anas Sarwar about this “unworkable” law and asked him why Labour voted for it in 2021…..Hmm.

    For him, McConnell, to even think that we would ever believe that he and others like him would even consider praising and supporting anything, like say a “Legislation”, that was connected in any way to the the past and current (SNP) Scottish government is frankly for the birds !

    This Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill is, by some, being attributed as solely the result of it being passed by the SNP ….does McConnell not know that in Scotland, politically this “law” did have political “consensus” from members of both his party in the branch office and too the Lib Dem branch office……or is that not enough “consensus” for him and others like him…. must it then be subjected to more scrutiny (opposition) from those who sit, as (unelected) political representatives, elsewhere….like say in the HOL in another country….in what many see as existing, as a second chamber aka HOL , as a situation that is actually “unworkable” as far as democracy is concerned….why is their, unelected Peers, input in UK politics validated by some as more worthy of support and publicity while our own government in Scotland is considered to be somehow invalid and unworthy of both support and positive publicity ?

    McConnell also forgets that all and every piece of “legislation” and ‘Initiative’ that stems from the Scottish parliament is always deemed and promoted as “unworkable” and without “Consensus” by people just like him.….e.g. Baby boxes, increase in minimum pricing of alcohol, Gender Bill, Bottle Return scheme and indeed for some of these examples quoted it seems that the main objection was the rogue excuse that it did not comply with the rogue UK Internal market (uber highlighted post their UK instigated and implemented Brexit)……which I am sure is something that McConnell both supports and endorses as both being “workable” and too among he and his Pro UK colleagues has a “consensus” in it being one way to keep Scotland under the thumb of his UK…..and also subjected to overrule by those at WM….both in the HOC and HOL (pot) chambers.

    Perhaps McConnell should understand that his plans for Scotland are ones that do not have a “consensus” for many within Scotland and also for Scotland we hear his and their Pro UK plans , as plans that are, for Scotland, considered by many as definitely “unworkable”.……as far as them benefitting us as a nation…..also when he and others, as in unelected Labour Peers, constantly assume they can try to ‘Lord it over’ a whole nation, Scotland, within his beloved UK and try to overrule our elected Scottish government…..then perhaps he should know that many in Scotland see his uber #SNPBAD opposition and constant carping from the sidelines against the SNP as derived solely via what is a testimony of a “Hate Act” that stems from those staunchly against Scottish independence ever happening !

    Breaking News: Jack McConnell….thinks…says….#SNPBAD…..more like the usual #SNPBAD news from him… try to prevent his precious UK from “Breaking” up…not “News” just the same old same old…..from a political Dinosaur…..who is one that did not escape unscathed from both controversy and scandal when he was a politician in Scotland.

    #AccountsScandal and #LyingAboutExtraMaritalAffair and too appointing Donald Trump as #AmbassadorForScotland as a #GlobalScot but when he, Trump, was elected as the American President in 2016 he, Trump, promoted a “America First” position and too a very much “Scotland not so much” position but “UK ripe for the picking post Brexit” position LOL……but hey now he, McConnel, is a Lord we are supposed to all bow down to his wisdom and sense of morality ……only in and FOR his UK (and too his own political party that is the New New Labour party aka new version of the Tory party ……but not ,nay never, a Corbyn Labour party)….and also not, nay never ever ever ever, just FOR Scotland obvs



  11. Trump stops wars. Saves £Trillions and saves lives. The US military munitions industry. $760Billion spent on the military. 1/3 of the world spend. Redundant weaponry. Trident goes quint. A damp squib.

    In the UK 180,000 military personnel. 10,000 based in Scotland. No navy to patrol the shores. Westminster Gv spending £13Billion a year on decommissioning. £130Billion over ten years. Costs ever increasing. Biden senile. Biden, Polosi, and their families, making $Billions laundering taxpayers monies. Illegal weapons and Oil deals fuelling the flames of deaths. Multimillionaires getting richer at taxpayers expense.

    Labour illegal wars, tax evasion and financial frauds have killed and maimed millions and cost £trillions. Brexit, tax evasion, UK Gov financial fraud has cost £Billions. Scotland has lost £Billions because of Westminster poor, bad decisions.

    Voting SNP and Independence stops wars and brings peace and prosperity. Stop Trident, illegal wars. Increase renewables, open EU markets and movement. EU shared defence costs, CAP payments, nearer largest markets, cheaper exports and imports. EU formed after WW2 to stop war and starvation in Europe. Shared negotiated business contracts. More prosperity and growth.


  12. O/T I know but isn’t Scotlands NHS doing pretty well despite the MSM and DaDame!!! 

    Two NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Hospitals Recognised In UK Top 100 Hospitals

    The Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals have once again solidified their position as leading healthcare sites after being recognised in the UKs top 100 hospitals by Newsweek.
    Building on last year’s success, the Glasgow Royal Infirmary has risen to 18th position, eight places higher than the previous rankings at 26th, with the QEUH sitting just outside the top 40 in 43rd.
    Newsweek’s top 100 hospitals recognises the best hospitals on a global scale across 28 different countries and focuses on several factors including patient outcomes, quality of care and access to health services. Now in its sixth year, Newsweek’s 2024 research analysed more than 2,300 hospitals which includes speciality hospitals and also compares contenders across research, innovation and consistency.
    The rankings serve as a testament to the ongoing commitment of staff across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to ensure the highest standard of patient centred care.
    Glasgow Royal Infirmary Director, Neil McCallum, shared his appreciation and delight at the latest rankings. He said:  “I am delighted to see that the Glasgow Royal infirmary continues to be recognised as one of the top 100 hospitals in the UK, and even more so that we now sit within the top 20.
    “This recognition amplifies the work and dedication of our staff across the site to ensure our patients are receiving the best possible treatment while in our care.
    “We continue to work extremely hard, and I would like to thank each and every staff member for their commitment in making the Glasgow Royal Infirmary a great place to work.”
    Despite challenges across the whole of NHSGGC, the rankings highlight the continued excellence in delivering healthcare for the people of Glasgow and Clyde.
    Arwel Williams, Director of NHSGGC’s South Sector which includes the QEUH, said: “Being recognised as one of the best hospitals in the UK is an exceptional achievement. Our staff continue to go over and above for our patients and I can’t thank them enough for everything they do.
    “We continually strive to be better, but the latest rankings show the work that is being done across our site is with the highest standards of medical expertise and compassionate care.”


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