The comedy time lag on Scotland’s violent past

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at:

Here’s an English comedian recently working the hard Scots stereotype. Comedians, Scottish ones too, have lived of this trope for decades.

As recently as 2005, not quite 20 years ago, it was based on a degree of reality:

In 2005, a United Nations report named Scotland as the most violent country in the developed world. You were 3x more likely to be a victim of assault in Glasgow than you were in America. Glasgow was dubbed the “Murder Capital of Europe” with a murder rate higher than Romania and Albania. Scotland’s rate of Deaths by Violence was almost double that of our neighbouring countries in the United Kingdom.,countries%20in%20the%20United%20Kingdom.

Homicide is not the only evidence:

Violent crime in Scotland falls from 92 266 cases when the SNP came to power in 2007, to 71 000 in 2022/2023.

In England & Wales, it climbs 20% from 2020, to 2.1 million cases.

All things being equal, the level in England & Wales might be expected to be around 920 000 but was thus at 2.1 million, more than twice as high.


In Scotland, according to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, 30 319 cases of domestic violence were reported in 2022/2023, down significantly from 36 552, ten years earlier and crucially revealing a clear downward trend based on 5-year averages, from 33 750 to 31 222.

In England and Wales, in 2022/2023, all things being equal, with eleven times the population, we might expect there to have been eleven times the cases, 333 509.

According to the ONS, in England & Wales, excluding Devon & Cornwall, there were 889 918 cases, approaching THREE times as many and dramatically up from 410 572 seven years before.

Click to access domestic-abuse-publication-2022-23-final-1.pdf

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at:

5 thoughts on “The comedy time lag on Scotland’s violent past

  1. See you , Jimmy –

    we’ll make you the butt of our jokes , insult your MPs , ridicule your diet , condemn your drug deaths , lie about your NHS , strip your country of its assets to keep Westminster afloat – but don’t you dare think about breaking up The Union !

    WHY would you want to do that ???

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This stemmed from the work of Strathclyde Police’s Violence Reduction Unit, which was incorporated into Police Scotland and extended to the other cities in Scotland.

    A couple of friends and I were bike ride leaders on sponsored annual rides which Medics Against Violence and the VRU organised to raise funds, particularly for the Navigator Programme. The rides went from Glasgow Royal Infirmary via the Forth and Clyde Canal and Union Canal to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

    The participants included, in addition to medical personnel, police officers, lawyers, victims of violence and, importantly, people who had been convicted of violent crimes and were seeking to rehabilitate themselves.

    Despite its importance and its positive impact on public safety in Scotland, it avoided involvement of the Scottish media.

    PS On one of the rides, I was speaking to a medic. That year, Rangers had returned to the Premier League after their demotion. For the previous four years there had been no Old Firm matches. The medic mentioned that during these four years the data indicated that there were fewer deaths by violence associated with the fixture. The statistical data over several years, including Rangers period in ‘the wilderness’, indicated that each Old Firm match was associated with one additional violent death.

    Alasdair Macdonald.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Banning old firm matches permanently would stop violence and cut fraud. Illegal payments and corruption. Fraudulent behaviour.


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