Massive disruption to ferries by strikes is ‘rien’ to do with French government

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In The Connexion yesterday:

Workers in ports across France start a strike today (March 11) that may last until the end of the week, impacting more than a dozen major entry and exit points. 

An inter-union call for a strike over job precarity, high turnover, and increased workload in the profession was filed by the CGT, CFDT, and UNSA unions.

Ports affected include: Dunkirk, Le Havre, Rouen, Caen, Lorient, Bastia, Nice, Port la Nouvelle, Boulogne, Saint-Malo, Les Sables-d’Olonne, Cherbourg, Guyane Port, Toulon, Ajaccio and Sète. 

In the coverage, no politicians are blamed for any aspect of this disruption.

The last CalMac strike, only threatened then called off after intervention by Transport Minister, Derek Mackay (SNP), was 9 years ago.

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at:

One thought on “Massive disruption to ferries by strikes is ‘rien’ to do with French government

  1. What we have is a relatively small clique of less than 100 people in the Scottish media and a few unionist politicians who are deciding what the ‘news where we are is’.

    Alasdair Macdonald.

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