Scottish Labour – How noble….how righteous

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“Anas Sarwar has told BBC Scotland that hating your political opponents is dangerous and claimed he doesn’t hate any of them. In 2014 Sarwar boasted that he hated the Tories and also claimed that most people in Scotland did. He won’t be called out on his lying, he never is.

How noble….how righteous….how duplicitous of him (Sarwar)…..

Labour party examples of “hating your political opponents

Emily Thornberry at a public meeting stated ” I hate the SNP…I hate the SNP”….and for emphasis she said it not just once but twice.

Angela Rayner “Tories are scum”

Baron George ‘I pee’d my pants at a Hearts football game’ Foulkes making a “hating your political opponents” type of comment in December 2023 where he tweeted this “It appears that Humza Yousaf’s policy is determined by Nadia El-Nakla” which was in reaction to a tweet questioning how the First Minister’s stance on a ceasefire in Gaza would work……BTW he, Foulkes, is “doing it deliberately too”..…as this is far from a solitary example in his usual tone, manner and overall preferred style of expressing his hostile opposition as one who clearly hates the SNP as a party in opposition to his party…….all from the noble lofty towers of the HOL where he, like other, past their sell by date Labour MP’s, now are beneficiaries of the political gravy train aka HOL’s.

Retired Labour councillor Alex Gallagher once shared a video on Twitter of the popular SNP MP Mhairi Black alongside the phrase “How many SNP MPs are just neds?”……also very much a tweet that could be defined as “hating your political opponents”…No ?

Google ‘Jackie Baillie and the Scottish Daily Express’ and see the amount of results that you get where mostly it is the epitome of a political opponent hating their opposition aka the SNP headlines…and talking of ‘Hating’ well that is something the Daily Express and their …..checks notes….Scottish edition LOL….are experts at……and they do so hate what they often love to call us i.e. “Nasty Nats”….time and time and time and time again…..big Yawn…..change the record and they really should note the quote that states ““He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”…….rephrase that quote as you will to fit them as a snooze paper…..

So really no amount of faux virtue signalling from Anas Sarwar will be convincing as he , who tries, yet fails to convince much of the public that somehow Labour are the exception to the rule as a political party who do not promote hate against their opponents…..the evidence is out there to contradict this……like for example the “Bain principle” also exemplifying this as a practice we associate with the Labour party’s dogmatic opposition against the SNP….Labour always fail to see themselves as others see them but that is what happens when you are so proficient at ‘playing politics’ as a political party……alas for them we and others see them for who they really are!

I mean no one is fooled really into believing or thinking that they, Labour, are a party for “Change” because all that they clearly now stand for is simply retaining much of what we have already seen, heard and suffered via the Tory party as the UK government…..and for Anas Sarwar to state he “does not hate” any of his political opponents when he once claimed in the past that he (and Scotland) “hated the Tories” is basically what we have come to expect time and time again from both him and them, Labour, as a party….Lies and hypocrisy.

Once Scots do wake up (fully) then and only then will parties like Labour (and the rest) and their client media no longer be able to manipulate, brainwash or take us all for fools ever again…..Vote SNP and vote for Independence…..only way to make it and them all stop! (For Scotland)…

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at:

9 thoughts on “Scottish Labour – How noble….how righteous

  1. Yes firstly let me be clear there is no question that sexism and misogyny in all its forms should be condemned however on the Scottish news tonight both STV and the BBC ensuring that their viewers shouldn’t be under any false illusion that things are better in Scotland than rUK indeed they are much much worse.

    STV opening with tales of sexism/ bullying against women is a serious issue but putting this into context of the Report 21 cricketers who responded 15 said there had been a recent improvement with just 6 saying the opposite. Of all the serious issues affecting Scots you have to ask does this merit a headline rating?

    Yes it at least follows a consistent pattern that as we all know there is absolutely no good news to report since the SNP came to power. We are all certainly doomed unless our saviour Slabour can regain their rightful position (at least in the media) as the guardians of all things Scottish and Make Scotland Great Again. 

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Anon, I’m a woman and ever since I got to a certain age I then became more aware of how I was sometimes being treated by some (not all) men that I have encountered in my life and thus I have experienced both sexism & Misogyny (and bullying)…..well may I say that I have never, not once, attributed that to my country of birth and residence as the sole source of this sexism/misogyny/bullying that I have encountered…..I attributed it only to some (not all) within the opposite sex…(and sometimes bullying also via women and also via children too when I was younger..)….who for whatever reason just did not know how to act appropriately towards women or other people…..thus their weakness resulted in them behaving very badly.

      Indeed , sexism and misogyny, has been a reality for me and other women since I have been ‘knee high to a grasshopper’. Indeed this type of attitude and behaviour has existed …in the world …….pre and since some women started burning their bras in protest ……and most women in Scotland know it and most women also know this is not a result of bad government or policies introduced by the SNP or it being unique to Scotland alone……so if any try to politicise this “Hot topic” that has existed everywhere for what seems like an infinite time on Earth then they will have a misfire if that is indeed their true target and intention… part of their ,Scottish (INO) media, ongoing mission to link all things bad to the SNP and also to Scotland and the ‘type’ of people, via their nationality alone, who live here…..

      As to bullying well I have been there also….as a victim not a perpetrator I hasten to add….via both men and women (and also via girls/boys when I was once at school) and that too is a behaviour worldwide…..and not just somehow unique to a Scottish person……so what is their, STV’s, point really….perhaps if the individuals who did this could address their own bad behaviour….and too Employers , Schools and workplaces, parents even etc then some people would not have to suffer at the hands of those who for whatever reason are behaving in this very unsociable and unacceptable way… some cases sociopathic even.

      Perhaps what you viewed tonight on telly was them introducing yet another of their favourite obsessions…which is either #SNPBAD or #ScotlandIsSh*te…….I mean personally I can this of some other political parties that are really really very #BAD and too some other countries that are really really very sh*te (not all of the people in these other countries but the politicians and media who themselves are no strangers to sexism, misogyny and bullying).

      It leaves one asking what the H are they, Scottish (INO) media, going to try to inflame as a supposed ‘Scottish’ problem next to incite feelings of hopelessness and misery within us……is it not enough for them that we in Scotland still have to live in a flawed, corrupt and failed state aka the UK…..they really do need to start giving us a break in Scotland from all of the gloom and doom that they associate with and attribute to Scotland alone……and start looking at the bigger picture (the worst one)…..i.e. the UK as a state ( a right state too in more ways than one)……..and as they also often refer to our mental health problems increasing perhaps they need to take some of the blame in both how they present news and what they decide to present as news where we are……to quote a Dad’s Army character (the Scots one obvs)…..” We’re doomed, doomed”…well we are if we keep watching, reading and listening to the news where we are….for sure….indeed I would be at the point of being totally ‘mental mental chicken oriental’ if I listened to and believed half of the stories (propaganda) in the news where we (supposedly) are….but fortunately I neither listen to not believe much of what they promote….hence my sanity is still intact…..just…..LOL

      Have a nice evening Anonymous



      Liked by 3 people

      1. @Me fourth paragraph….wot…another typo…yep !

        *.I mean personally I can this of some other political parties 

        .I mean personally I can think of some other political parties 

        I need to really really start bullying myself into editing wot i write on here…..LOL


        Liked by 2 people

      2. I salute you. As a now ageing male I have long since regarded the female gender to be the stronger and wiser. If I inferred otherwise then I apologise. It was certainly not my intention in my earlier ‘rant’ to belittle the huge challenges that still exist for women and as such are not newsworthy in themselves but more in frustration that the ‘tyranny’ of broadcasting in Scotland is intent on demeaning the general populace so that we can no longer believe we can be much better than the status quo as an Independent nation.

        Enjoy your evening.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi Anonymous, no apology required by you….you most certainly did not offend me in any way as I totally understood your well made point…as yes in the grand scheme of all things #UKBAD that are currently going down down down….we often see that the other BIGGER fish that they, the media, should be frying, are instead, at times, left largely untouched….so to speak….we women just have to keep on keeping on and fight the good fight….against those (few) who try to keep and put us down….down down down… wonder some people prefer animals…..myself included BTW….LOL



          Liked by 2 people

      3. I can completely identify with your writing about personal treatment by mainly males, some in hindsight who should have been prosecuted.
        I saw that the The National rag last week, had a full on front page piece about Scotland apparently potentially having a huge problem in how women are negatively treated. They were very specific re Scotland, which angered me I have to say. The misogyny and sexism, and indeed assault, that I faced as a young woman in NE England, was disgusting. It was almost normal though, you just did not go out alone at night. I was a fast runner, and just as well.
        In the case of some women, they tend to be just nasty and bullies towards each other, and very competitive, so glad I don’t put up with any cr*p from folks these days.

        Everyone should be taught self defense from a young age, I cannot fathom why that isn’t taught in schools and updated frequently into adulthood.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The Labour Party lies repeatedly. Liars always get found out. The Labour Party despise the majority of the electorate. Or they would not lie constantly. Illegal wars, tax evasion and financial fraud. Killing people.

    Liked by 2 people

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