Reported domestic abuse in England & Wales climbing steadily to THREE times the rate in Scotland where it is also falling steadily

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BBC Reporting Scotland today is headlining the stories of 7 abused women whose cases, often several years old, have again become ‘the news‘ as they form the basis for another of their Disclosure series.

Once more there is no context.

Have these crimes become more or less common? Are they more common in Scotland than elsewhere?

These are questions we’d get the answers to if they were about drug deaths or any rare phenomenon where things are actually worse here than they are in England, after 12 years of Conservative policies.

It’s easy done.

In Scotland, according to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, 30 319 cases of domestic violence were reported in 2022/2023, down significantly from 36 552, ten years earlier and crucially revealing a clear downward trend based on 5-year averages, from 33 750 to 31 222.

In England and Wales, in 2022/2023, all things being equal, with eleven times the population, we might expect there to have been eleven times the cases, 333 509.

According to the ONS, in England & Wales, excluding Devon & Cornwall, there were 889 918 cases, approaching THREE times as many and dramatically up from 410 572 seven years before.


Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at:

One thought on “Reported domestic abuse in England & Wales climbing steadily to THREE times the rate in Scotland where it is also falling steadily

  1. Women who cohabit, the majority, do not have equal rights. That leads to abuse. Women have to stay in abusive, unsafe places.


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