NHS Scotland – the best performing A&E service measured by waiting times of any in the UK

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at  https://www.broadcastingscotland.scot/donate/ or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at: https://scotsindependent.scot/FWShop/product-category/subscriptions/

By stewartb

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEM) website has a section entitled ‘Devolved Performance Figures’ where it provides comparable A&E waiting times data for the NHS in the four UK nations. Presently these enables direct comparisons for the month of January 2024.

Under a Tory government with all the powers of a nation-state:

NHS England: ‘In January 2024, 177,805 patients waited 12 hours or more from their time of arrival. The MOST AMOUNT FOR ANY JANUARY SINCE RECORDS BEGAN AND the second most for any month. 

’13.2% OF ALL TYPE 1 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT ATTENDANCES WAITED 12 HOURS OR MORE IN JANUARY, the second largest proportion of patients since records began.’

And under a Labour government with limited, devolved powers –

NHS Wales: In January 2024: ’24% of major ED attendances waited more than eight hours (15,228 patients).’


And in Scotland where opposition politicians and oppositional news media berate the Scottish Government for NHS Scotland’s performance endlessly, to degree unknown elsewhere in the UK:

NHS Scotland: In January 2024: ’17,077 (16%) of patients waited eight hours or more in Emergency Departments’.


So on the longest times spent in A&E i.e. 12 hours or more, the equivalent percentages during January 2024 are: England = 13.2%; Wales = 15.5%; Scotland = 8%.

On more than 8 hour waits, the equivalent percentages during January 2024 are: Wales = 24%; Scotland = 16%. (NHS England doesn’t publish monthly 8 hour performance data.)

These are substantial differences. They confirm that NHS Scotland, notwithstanding its shortcomings, provides by some margin the best performing A&E service measured by waiting times of any in the UK.

This is the important perspective that BBC Scotland and the mainstream media that supposedly serves Scotland will ensure the wider electorate in Scotland is never given!

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at  https://www.broadcastingscotland.scot/donate/ or take out a subscription to the Scots Independent newspaper in which I have a column, at: https://scotsindependent.scot/FWShop/product-category/subscriptions/

5 thoughts on “NHS Scotland – the best performing A&E service measured by waiting times of any in the UK

    1. Well doesn’t that sound familiar…………being lied to by Wasteminster……….surely not!!! And the added bonus for Scotland is that Starwar, British Labour’s branch office spin doctor loves us all!!!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. ” This is the important perspective that BBC Scotland and the mainstream media that supposedly serves Scotland will ensure the wider electorate in Scotland is never given! ” – You might add England’s media and the occupants of the Commons and Lords to that endeavour….

    Even were the RCEM figures discussed in the media, such is the toxicity of UK politics that an ” Ah… but.. ” would soon be highlighted with regard to Scotland – It’s a knee jerk reaction, much as Jeremy Clarkson’s grimaces ” Ah… the Belgians…” or ” Ah… the Welsh… ” to demonstrate some god given superiority.

    Take as example the C4 segment of 5th March ” How has Scotland’s NHS performed under the SNP? ” by Ciaran Jenkins to a UK audience – The title implies a question, linked to politics ( par for the course except in England ), but the question is already answered in the descriptive text to the piece, ” Channel 4 News’s Fact Check team can reveal how NHS waiting times have worsened over the past decade in SNP-run Scotland “, before the viewer allows Ciaran to flash the first of many graphics on screen to ‘prove’ the conclusion.

    ” Ah…. the Scots… “

    Liked by 3 people

  2. If you want anyone to help and promote/inform others of the misreporting then please give a link to the research. Otherwise it will have little impact!


    1. You write: ‘please give a link to the research;

      From the post: ‘The Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEM) website has a section entitled ‘Devolved Performance Figures’ where it provides comparable A&E waiting times data for the NHS in the four UK nations. Presently these enables (sic) direct comparisons for the month of January 2024.’

      This may assist further: https://rcem.ac.uk/data-statistics/

      Liked by 2 people

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