The Guardian casually distorts the lower level of homicide against women in Scotland

In the above Guardian piece today, 3 (33%) of the 9 murders described took place in Scotland.

The authors chose these 9 examples from 174 murders of women in England & Wales last year.

Read the above, on its own, and Scotland looks a more dangerous place for women, by some way. That’s not just untrue, it’s the reverse.

The facts:

From National Statistics for Scotland, today:

In 2022-2023, there were 13 female homicide victims in Scotland.

In England & Wales, in 2021-2022 (latest figures) there were 198 female homicide victims.

England & Wales have 11 times the population and so, all things being equal, might have been expected to have 143 cases but had 198, 38.4% more.



2 thoughts on “The Guardian casually distorts the lower level of homicide against women in Scotland

  1. Women who cohabit, the majority, do not have equal rights. They have to put in a claim within a year (1/3). It can cost £thousands. There is little legal aid. Women have to stay in unsafe, abusive situations or lose the roof over their heads. In England the law has been changed to give women legal aid so they do not lose their house or home.

    Rental agencies illegally demand 6 months up front rent + deposit. Too much. Leaving more people homeless.


  2. England pop 56million. Wales pop 3 million.

    Wales 13 women murdered 2017.

    Scotland 13 women murdered. Pop 5.4million.

    198 – 13 = 185. Divided by 11 = 17 average.

    % of men/women in pop pro rata.


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