6% Missing council tax payments? Is that a lot? Yeh, but don’t mention it costs less here, OK?

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at  https://www.broadcastingscotland.scot/donate/ or take out a subscription to my favourite, nearly 100 year-old, paper-based, to your door, Scots Independent newspaper, at: https://scotsindependent.scot/FWShop/product-category/subscriptions/

tax payment last year – that’s according to Citizen’s Advice. A survey by the charity suggests around 6% of people missed a payment at least once in 2023.

Reporting Scotland’s opening story, first thing to today, to get you off to a bad start in Scotland.

Reporting Scotland editor:

270 000? Nice big number but don’t mention the percentage. Wait, they did. Who put that in? It’s too wee! FFS! Haven’t I told you before? That Robertson guy will do the percentage but it’ll be too late then. OK but make sure they don’t hear about the level in Scotland in later reports, OK? Are you listening?

What level?

This but ssshhh!

Whilst the average amount of council tax in Scotland has decreased by -7.1% (around £101) in real terms since the SNP came to power, in Labour run-Wales it has increased in real terms by 31.6% (around £445). In England under successive Tory and Labour governments, it has slightly increased.

Council tax is also cheaper in every Band (A-H) in Scotland, when compared with England and Wales, and will likely remain so given the Council Tax freeze the SNP Scottish Government has recently announced, which has not been replicated elsewhere in the UK.

Average current tax rates by band for England, Scotland and Wales are shown in the table below. Note that in all three countries, rates for all other bands are set as a ratio relative to band D. All of the figures below were therefore estimated by applying the appropriate ratio to the band D average for each country (by StatsWales for the Wales figures, and by the Library for England and Scotland). We also provide the average tax payable per dwelling, which takes into account the distribution of dwellings into the various bands.

Talking-up Scotland costs nothing so donate to our friends at  https://www.broadcastingscotland.scot/donate/ or take out a subscription to my favourite, nearly 100 year-old, paper-based, to your door, Scots Independent newspaper, at: https://scotsindependent.scot/FWShop/product-category/subscriptions/

9 thoughts on “6% Missing council tax payments? Is that a lot? Yeh, but don’t mention it costs less here, OK?

  1. 250,000 missing a payment isn’t really the story, the fact that councils have written to the odious Gove to stop the SG freeze on council tax increases despite 250,000 people being unable to meet their legal obligation to pay their council tax, is.

    Of course there are lots of reasons why people couldn’t make those payments, most if not all can be laid at the English Tory government at Westminster which would make another informative article.


    Liked by 5 people

  2. 6% ??? What percentage of Scots have REFUSED to pay the BBC TAX ? My guess is that it will be far higher than 6% – so is that not a story ? Wonder why ?

    Liked by 4 people

  3. MSM Monitor Twitter account tweeted yesterday that on BBC Radio Scotland’s ‘The Sunday show’ this happened:

    “Fiona Stalker has just claimed that the Scottish Govt’s offer to fund a council tax freeze has caused “controversy” and has prompted Michael Gove to offer to meet Scottish councils. Stalker concealed the fact that Gove was responding to a letter from two Labour councils demanding the Tory Govt bypass the Scottish parliament”

    Now that is some concealment….is Fiona Stalker not the wife of a Labour ‘candidate’ Leah Stalker ?

    So no (personal) conflict of interest there then….in omitting key information which totally changes the whole story….from “Michael Gove responding to a letter from two Labour councils to bypass Scottish parliament” to then morphing into BBC’s Journo’s (Mis)interpretation “Michael Gove offering to meet Scottish councils”….who does that protect then….as in her concealing who prompted this ‘meeting’…..

    This is what we are up against….time and time again…..where and how is the BBC Verify Unit’s remit being adhered to here ?….The BBC Verify Unit who apparently came about to ensure that in the news output there would be “fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analysing data and – crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth“…..indeed tis suppose to challenge and address fake news !….never mind Houston we have a problem…it’s BBC Scotland that we have a problem with….LOL

    The BBC also said that via BBC Verify their purpose and work was because apparently “Consumers tell us they can no longer trust that the video in their news feeds is real which is why we at the BBC must urgently begin to show and share the work we do behind the scenes, to check and verify information and video content before it appears on our platforms“…..is that except the platform of BBC Scotland then both their telly version and also their radio version outputs…….or is omission of pertinent information allowed if and when it negatively impacts a specific political party while protecting (shielding) another one. (My emphasis in bold)

    So BBC Scotland TV and Radio output where truth dies (or is spun) and BBC Verify look the other way (oblivious to…. as is only colony news)…..and via the MSM Monitor above tweet he , I and others can VERIFY that as a fact and NOT fake news !

    I feel a correction and clarification coming up on their website….another one !


    Liked by 5 people

  4. BBC Scotland Labour Mafia intertwined with unionists. 94% never missed a council tax payment because it is kept lower by the Scottish Gov. increasing tax bands instead of council tax. A more equitable way. Unionist councils trying to make trouble. What’s it got to do with Gove. Westminster wasting public monies like there is no tomorrow. Gove is not voted for in Scotland. Or the Tories.

    Unionist councils wasting monies building shops and empty offices, instead of affordable houses and schools.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Ah, BBC Scotland go deep mining in an undoubtedly larger body of work to unearth this one propaganda nugget to support the Council Tax rumpus, but consider what AT LEAST ONCE means in ” A survey by the charity suggests around 6% of people missed a payment at least once in 2023 ” – There are string of reasons someone might miss a payment, forgetfulness, on holiday, in hospital, deid, etc., before even contemplating the worst cost of living crisis and highest energy bills in recent memory…

    Liked by 5 people

  6. O/T apologies

    More from wonderful MSM Monitor Twitter account:

    “The UK Govt made face masks compulsory in public places in England on July 24th 2020, fourteen days after the Scottish Govt made them compulsory in Scotland. Wales should have copied Scotland, just as England did” as Welsh Chief Medical Officer admits they, Wales, should have made face coverings mandatory in public places….instead they made masks compulsory on 20 July 2020 on public transport but waited until September 2020 for them, Masks, to be compulsory in shops (England made them compulsory in shops in July).

    Also via MSM Monitor Twitter account:

    “The Chief Medical Officer for Labour run Wales has said that discharging untested patients into care homes was the best option as there was no alternative. Remember this when Anas Sarwar repeats his false claim that Labour was against this practice“.

    Then finally he tweeted:

    “On April 8th 2020 the Welsh Labour Govt issued guidance to care homes requiring them to accept untested hospital patients despite those patients showing symptoms of Covid. This blows apart Anas Sarwar’s claim that Labour opposed untested discharges into care homes. Labour supported the policy both sides of the border in the early days of the pandemic” (Info via these tweets were sourced from Welsh Inquiry)…..

    We now go LIVE to Ian Murray ….who said…” Ah but…but…but….SNPBaaaaaaaD”

    Meanwhile Anas Sarwar is awaiting instructions from HQ as to what his response should be (if this info actually gets out in Scotland….highly unlikely via media)…so why he is wasting his time in doing this I do not know….after all it’s not as if his PR team at BBC Scotland will bring it up….is it ??? (and the Daily Record have bigger (political) fish to (try and) fry (SNP)….and where Labour in Scotland need not ‘Fish for compliments’ as their political Editor is giving them (free compliments) away (only to the Labour party though….as part of their, Labour’s, client media)

    This was more examples for Labour’s (not so) secret slogan “Do as I say not as I do” (also same slogan adopted by Tory party & Lib Dems….alas the SNP are not allowed to use or deploy this slogan….as only perfection permitted from them but even perfection will be subject to criticism……after all this is Scottish politics…..which is infested with all opponents of the SNP indulging themselves in ‘playing politics’ and also them (opponents) being given a free ride from the media as far as scrutiny or criticism of them would ever becomes the norm (as if)….as that is reserved only for the SNP….obvs.


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