Lessons from Birmingham – What can a massive Labour majority do for you if you give them 40 years?

Today from BBC News (UK), the shocking news of a 21% increase in council tax.

In Scotland, that’s 0%.

I know, Fiona Bruce, ‘whataboutery’, unless we’re talking drug deaths or something where it’s worse in Scotland.

Hosting asylum seekers? Nope, Cleverly was faking that one.

Anyhow back to the council tax in Birmingham City, who’s to blame?

That’d be Labour, Labour, Labour……

Ah, but was someone else to blame for mismanaging council funds in the past?

There you are. The Tories left a mess in finances, only 40 years ago.

What’s the current Labour catchword? Change? No, that won’t do.

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7 thoughts on “Lessons from Birmingham – What can a massive Labour majority do for you if you give them 40 years?

  1. I googled ‘Birmingham council’

    BBC headline “‘Bankrupt’ Birmingham reveals 21% council tax rise”

    Another BBC Headline refers to “Birmingham council”

    Only the headline via the Torygraph had “Labour council raises tax”

    The Financial Times headline that came up was “Bankrupt Birmingham council”

    One would think to look at the BBC and Financial Times headlines that no one party was in control of that council…..

    Here’s hoping both the BBC and too the Financial Times can be as diplomatic when headlining any news re council’s in Scotland that are run by the SNP…..I jest of course. (and when any other party runs the Scottish council it is then also #SNPBAD via the Scottish government…..thems the rules apparently…..as dictated by…Them !

    Usual routine is that if anything connected to the SNP is presented as BAD (by their opponents both political & media) then the headline will always note in that headline that tis #SNPBAD


    Liked by 8 people

    1. Birmingham council are about to axe 600 jobs as well…I wonder what the newly unemployed will be told to do, or starve, by the job centres…care work? Picking fruit? Army?


      1. I am afraid that it needs further research to provide all the details, which I don’t have time to do and report.

        it’s being reported on in professional food inspectorate forums however so it is known about by many in the food industry.

        Liked by 3 people

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