Tories’ lack of Covid protection for vulnerable cost 10 000 lives

The Telegraph had the huffy prof Mark Woolhouse, claiming yesterday ‘SNP’s Covid protection for vulnerable ‘afterthought’ could have cost 1,000 lives’

Based on the facts from a prof not in the huff because the SNP preferred Prof Sridhar to him, that should be ‘saved‘ and then by the law of scaling up, ‘Tories lose ten thousand?

See from the Covid Inquiry report yesterday::

Based on the above statistical facts from a currently employed prof, my sums:

124.9 per 100k in Scotland is 20 fewer than the 145 in England.

So, 20 per 100 000 fewer deaths during the pandemic in a population of 5.44 million is more than 1 000 lives saved by Nicola Sturgeon and her team.

Or 10 000 who might have been saved if the SNP had been in power in England.

Why is Woolhouse in the huff?


The Scottish Government ignored its own scientific advice not to close schools during the second Covid wave of 2021, the UK inquiry into the pandemic has heard.  

Mark Woolhouse, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said that the decision to shut classrooms across Scotland was “not necessary” and did not contribute to halting the spread of the virus.  

Woolhouse, as far as I can see, was only one of the 20 advisors on the Scottish Government COVID-19 Advisory Group.

I’m not aware of this group advising against school closures. Prof Sridhar was in favour in January 2021.

Is Woolhouse jealous because he did not get Nicola’s personal telephone number like Devi?

What do other researchers say about school closures?

From The University of Manchester and Imperial College London – Closing schools and workplaces appear to have been the most effective strategies to mitigate deaths from Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic’s first wave, according to a study of 130 countries.

From researchers in India – School closures help reduce the spread of COVID-19.



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From researchers in London – Lockdown and school closures in Europe may have prevented 3.1m deaths

Has Woolhouse been useful in other ways? Nope. From April 2021


Prof Mark Woolhouse speaks in Edinburgh to warn us of a third wave which might cause the ‘NHS to buckle’ and that the first lockdown ‘in Scotland’ failed to protect the most vulnerable.

First, parts of NHS England did buckle under the strain of rampant infection. Many Covid-19 patients had to be transferred as far as from London to Northumbria. Nothing like that happened here. Indeed, across the country capacity was always well above demand with the overflow facilities unused.

Over the period of the pandemic, the infection level was only just over half per head of population of that in England and the death rate was around 40% lower. This situation, as Professor Bauld has pointed out, derives in the main from consistent messaging by the Scottish Government, leading to greater trust and presumably greater compliance with pandemic control measures.

Further NHS Scotland has far fewer problems with staffing and retention. Scotland has 20% more consultants, 25% more GPs and 50% more nurses per head of population.

Despite this, the Scottish Government clearly does not need Woolhouse to be helicoptered in to save us. The Scottish Government has just announced a ‘transformational increase in funding’, £2.5 billion to to help recovery from the pandemic.

As for the deaths of the vulnerable in care homes, Woolhouse makes the case for independence. Though research from Stirling University revealed such deaths were lower in Scotland, the UK Government’s advisors failed to warn the 4 nations of the risk and indeed misled them with herd immunity nonsense until it was too late. Freed of the shackle to the Eton schoolboy regime in London, Scotland has vaccinated 100% of the residents and staff in care homes and achieved a death rate less than half of that in English care homes.

Mark? Thanks for coming. Thanks for thinking of us. When’s your train?


2 thoughts on “Tories’ lack of Covid protection for vulnerable cost 10 000 lives

  1. Woolhouse is not a fool, but he has become the useful idiot for the “in hindsight” UK’s propaganda machine and will have enjoyed the positive exposure, with no need of legal threats when he and his family decamped to Lismore – To be perfectly clear I don’t blame him bar his bullshit defending it..

    No single specialist in a committee can dictate the outcome where so many variables are being juggled from an array of experts over a novel virus, the consensus carries, government executes, hindsight is never available at the time, unless you have access to James Cook’s Tardis…

    The Telegraph is not what might remotely be described as a non-partisan publication any more than Scotland’s HMS James Cook – Woolhouse may be correct in hindsight, yet surely the question must be asked why England’s Covid task-force did not recommend differently at the time since it was so blindingly obvious ?

    The focus on Scotland is yet another “Look, a squirrel” event in the media circus which now appears to include KCs…

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