Scottish media fail to inform terminally ill of highest benefit fast-tracked within only 7 days because it’s another SNP thing

The above worthy petition, currently attracting a pathetic level of interest, applies only in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Several, often highly informed, friends have asked me to sign it, unaware of this:

Social Security Scotland fast-track applications from people with a terminal illness and aim to make payment within  seven working days. Individuals who are terminally ill automatically receive the highest rates of assistance they are entitled to and there are no award reviews.,there%20are%20no%20award%20reviews.

The reason is simple. As with so many other positive announcements by the SNP Government, ‘our’ media have learned to look the other way.

Try searching for media coverage, in the last 12 months, of this important provision – ‘Scotland terminally ill benefits‘ – and you’ll find nothing other than this from the Daily Record on 11 November: People on PIP moving to new Adult Disability Payment could see other benefits stop:

In the above piece search for ‘terminal‘ and you’ll find only this:

The devolved benefits will provide financial support for young children and those between 16 and State Pension age, who are disabled, have a long-term health condition or a terminal illness.

They haven’t read the announcement in full.

When I asked TuS followers, 72% had not heard of this.

4 thoughts on “Scottish media fail to inform terminally ill of highest benefit fast-tracked within only 7 days because it’s another SNP thing

  1. Thanks for the interesting link 👍

    I notice in the previous paragraph it says –

    “Special rules apply to Child Disability Payment, Adult Disability Payment and, WHEN IT IS INTRODUCED, PENSION AGE DISABILITY PAYMENT.”

    That payment is being piloted in Autumn 2024, before a national roll-out in early 2025. It will replace Attendance Allowance.

    With the devolution of the DWP’s disability benefits for all ages due to be completed in the not to distant future, Universal Credit could be next.

    I know linking to a Gordon Brown think tank, ‘Our Scottish Future’ report is reputationally risky 😉 but should Labour win the next GE the likelihood of his ideas happening go up several notches.

    “The wide-ranging report also recommended the creation of so-called “S level” technical qualifications, the devolution of the Job Centre Plus network to Scotland which would offer support to those unable to work because of poor mental health, high childcare costs or who are entering the labour market.

    The think tank also calls for the creation of a Scottish Careers Service and a “fundamental review” of the universal credit and child tax credit

    ps Hope the Scottish government does not have to wait much longer for the assigning 50% of VAT revenues raised in Scotland. When that happens Scotland would be very close to raising 50% of its own revenues.

    Liked by 3 people

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